Observe and monitor a semantic model and Lens¶
The Lens and its semantic model can be observed and monitored at the following three levels:
Metric monitoring of the Lens¶
Metric monitoring in Lens is done by Monitor and Pager Resource focuses on tracking the performance and health of the Lens Resources. It helps in measuring key indicators that define the state of the system. A Lens Resource can be monitored using Monitor and Pager Resources. Two types of Monitors can be applied to observe the state of the deployed Lens and the matrix of the semantic model.
Equation Monitor¶
Equation Monitor observes the Lens and it's semantic model's smetrics to generate the incidents when the condition meets.
Create Equation Monitor¶
The following configuration sets up a monitor that runs every 2 minutes to evaluate whether the total number of customers of the productaffinity
semantic model is less than 50
. It retrieves this value from the total_customers
column in the customer
table and checks if it meets the condition defined by the equation monitor. If the condition is met, an informational-level incident (lens-customer-analysis
) is triggered.
name: monitor-lens-metric-testing
version: v1alpha
type: monitor
runAsUser: iamgroot
schedule: '*/2 * * * *'
type: equation_monitor
queryCoefficient: 1
queryConstant: 0
type: lens
name: productaffinity
workspace: public
sslmode: 'disable'
ql: SELECT total_customers FROM customer where total_customers is not null and total_customers != 0
comparisonColumn: {
name: total_customers,
dataType: int64
queryCoefficient: 0
queryConstant: 50
operator: not_equals
type: business-metric
name: lens-customer-analysis
category: equation
severity: info
Deploy the Equation Monitor¶
Deploy the Equation Monitor using the following apply
Validate the created Equation Monitor¶
Validate the creation of Equation monitor and check status using the get
Get the runtime of the Equation Monitor¶
Get the runtime of the Equation Monitor using the get runtime
Equation Monitor Pager¶
The following configuration defines a Pager Resource named lens-equation-monitoring-pager
used for sending alerts to a Microsoft Teams channel when specific conditions related to a Lens Resource are met. The conditions are defined in the above Equation Monitor manifest file. The pager monitors the lens-customer-analysis
incident, and when it is triggered, the configured alert is sent.
Create the Equation Monitor Pager¶
Configure the Pager for the above Monitor manifest file:
name: lens-equation-monitoring-pager
version: v1alpha
type: pager
- dataos:type:resource
- service-failed-pager
description: This is for sending Alerts on Microsoft Teams Channel.
workspace: public
- valueJqFilter: .properties.name
operator: equals
value: lens-customer-analysis
url: "https://rubikdatasolutions.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/09239cd8-92a8-4d59-9621-9217305bf6ed@2e22bdde-3ec2-43f5-bf92-78e9f35a44fb/IncomingWebhook/0df05b99cc6300c898613/83e4eb41-6095-44d5-b0ba-8da9829e9cff/V2vWPDZYPw0zH-96mHWOn--hQyWI7h41"
verb: post
'content-type': 'application/json'
bodyTemplate: |
"@type": "MessageCard",
"summary": "Total customers are low.",
"themeColor": "0076D7",
"sections": [
"activityTitle": "Dear Team",
"activitySubtitle": "Our system detected that the total customer of a high demand product is low-replenish-rate."
Apply the Equation Monitor Pager¶
Deploy the Pager using the following apply
Validate the creation of Equation Monitor Pager¶
Check the MS Teams for incident¶
The above pager raised the incident as shown in the below image:
Report Monitor¶
The Report Monitor is designed to monitor and match string values, such as the status or runtime of a DataOS resource. It leverages the DataOS API to retrieve real-time data, providing visibility into the operational state and performance of resources. This tool is handy for tracking the ongoing status of resources and ensuring they operate as expected within the system.
The following section outlines the steps to create a Report Monitor Resource that triggers an incident when the state of a Lens changes from 'active' to 'deleted'. Before proceeding, ensure you have the necessary permissions to create a Monitor Resource.
Create a Report Monitor to observe the semantic model¶
Begin by creating a manifest file of Monitor Resource as shown in the template below. Copy the template and replace the Lens name with the actual Lens name.
# Resource meta section
name: lens-status-monitor
version: v1alpha
type: monitor
- dataos:type:resource
- dataos:layer:user
description: Attention! Lens is deleted
layer: user
# Monitor-specific section
schedule: '*/2 * * * *'
name: lens
severity: high
incidentType: lens
type: report_monitor
# Report Monitor specification
path: /collated/api/v1/reports/resources/status?id=lens:v1alpha:<LENS_NAME>
- valueComparison:
observationType: state
valueJqFilter: '.value'
operator: equals
value: deleted
Validate the DataOS instance API path¶
Before applying the Monitor Resource file, it is recommended to verify the response of the API endpoint using an API testing application like Postman. Add the following URL with GET
request to test.
Make sure to replace the <LENS_NAME>
placeholders with the name of the workspace and Lens.
A status code of 200 indicates that you can proceed further.
Apply the Monitor manifest file¶
After validating the API endpoint, the next step is to apply the Monitor manifest file by executing the code below.
Validate the Monitor¶
Validate or check the runtime of the Monitor by executing the below command.
dataos-ctl get runtime -t monitor -w curriculum -n s-monitor1 -r
INFO[0000] 🔍 monitor...
INFO[0000] 🔍 monitor...complete
runtime-monitor1 | v1alpha | monitor | curriculum | iamgroot
runtime-monitor1 | v1alpha | monitor | curriculum | iamgroot
active | next:2025-01-28T18:38:00+05:30
ebctzh4krmro | 2025-01-28T18:30:00+05:30 | 2025-01-28T18:30:00+05:30 | completed | 🟧 monitor condition not met for monitor: 'lens_monitor_curriculum'
ebctt1wkmsxv | 2025-01-28T18:28:00+05:30 | 2025-01-28T18:28:00+05:30 | completed | 🟧 monitor condition not met for monitor: 'lens_monitor_curriculum' s
ebctmmokhz42 | 2025-01-28T18:26:00+05:30 | 2025-01-28T18:26:00+05:30 | completed | 🟧 monitor condition not met for monitor: 'lens_monitor_curriculum'
ebcuiqs8omis | 2025-01-28T18:36:00+05:30 | 2025-01-28T18:36:00+05:30 | completed | 🟩 monitor condition met for monitor: 'lens_monitor_curriculum', 'lens:v1:productaffinity', created incident id 'abuird1u680'
Report Pager Resource¶
Create a Report Page Resource to get notified when the status of Lens changes from active to delete
This section outlines the steps to create a Pager Resource. While we are using Microsoft Teams for notifications in this guide, you can configure other supported platforms based on your requirements.
Create a Pager manifest file¶
Begin by creating a manifest file that defines the Pager configurations, as shown in the template below. Replace the provided values with your actual values and modify the notification template as needed.
name: lensmonitoringpager
version: v1alpha
type: pager
- dataos:type:resource
- service-failed-pager
description: This is for sending Alerts on Microsoft Teams Channel.
workspace: public
- valueJqFilter: .properties.name
operator: equals
value: lensmonitoring
url: https://rubikdatasolutions.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/e6b48e18-bdb1-4ffc-98d5-cf4a3890lkh4@2e22bdde-3ec2-43f5-bf92-78e9f35a44fb/IncomingWebhook/d23792bec444445gg8bb7193145dfae985/631bd149-c89d-4d3b-8979-8e364f62b419/V2ZJfUrl5d8I5xPhM80JyeE9LqKHU53gPsJQX9H8I2fOs1
verb: post
'content-type': 'application/json'
bodyTemplate: |
"@type": "MessageCard",
"summary": "Lens is active",
"themeColor": "0076D7",
"sections": [
"activityTitle": "Dear Team,",
"activitySubtitle": "Lens is active",
"activityImage": "https://adaptivecards.io/content/cats/3.png",
"facts": [
"name": "Following Lens is active",
"value": "{{ index (splitn ":" 4 .ReportContext.ResourceId) "_2" }}"
"name": "Failure Time:",
"value": "{{ .CreateTime }}"
"name": "Severity:",
"value": "{{ .Properties.severity }}"
"name": "Run Details:",
"value": "<a href=\"https://${dataos-fqdn}/operations/user-space/resources/resource-runtime?name={{ index (splitn ":" 4 .ReportContext.ResourceId) "_2" }}&type=lens&workspace=public\Operation</a>"
"name": "Logs:",
"value": "<a href=\"https://${dataos-fqdn}/metis/resources/lens/dataos.public.{{ index (splitn ":" 4 .ReportContext.ResourceId) "_2" }}/run_history\Metis</a>"
"title": "Disclaimer",
"text": "{{ .Monitor.Description }}"
Apply the manifest file¶
Apply the manifest file for Pager Resource using following command in your terminal:
Operational monitoring of the Lens¶
Operational monitoring of the Lens and its semantic model can be done through the Operations App and CLI, providing visibility into the state and behavior of Lens Resources, enabling workload performance tracking, historical runtime analysis, and troubleshooting.
When Lens Resource status is pending, it’s essential to check the services running behind it, such as the API or worker services. These services typically show as successful when the resource is in a running:1
state. However, if the resource is stuck in a pending state, you can easily troubleshoot by clicking on the specific service to view its error logs. This enables quick identification of any issues preventing the resource from transitioning into a running state.
To observe and monitor the Lens error logs using the Operations app follow the below steps:
Navigate to DataOS¶
Navigate to the DataOS home page. Click on the 'Operations' app.
Search Lens¶
When you click on the Operations app, it launches with the User Space displayed by default. The Resources tab in the User Space contains the log level information of the resources that DataOS users can create and manage within the platform.
Here, search the name of your Lens the search result will have Lens Resource and it's behind the scenes running services. For instance, the name.
Click on the Lens services such as API, Worker, Router etc.¶
Click on any of the Service with 'pending' state to troubleshoot it. For instance, here we click on the 'productaffinity-api' Service to troubleshoot it. As clicked on the productaffinity-api
Service a dialog box appears as shown below
Here one can observe the status, runtime status, building stage etc. From here click on the Resource Runtime tab.
Navigate to the 'Resource Runtime' tab¶
In the productaffinity-api
dialog box navigate to the 'Resource Runtime' tab. On Resource Runtime tab click on the productaffinity-api
node in the Runtime Node section of the page.
Navigate to the Runtime Node Logs tab¶
As you navigate to the productaffinity-api
runtime node the runtime node dialog box opens. It gives the details on the following:
Runtime Node Details: Under Runtime Nodes, click on a node to get the runtime YAML, Logs, and Runtime Node Usage. Here you will get the container details, their state, and pod lifecycle conditions(Ready, PodScheduled…) with a status (True, False or Unknown) that make up the ‘computed state’ of a pod at any time.
Runtime Node Logs:Runtime Node Logs provide a near real-time view. These logs provide insights into the current health of the node environment and can be helpful for debugging issues.
Runtime Node YAML: Inspect the
Runtime Node Usage Check how much memory and CPU is utilized by a Node.
Observe and Monitor Query Statistics across data sources¶
To observe and monitor the source query statistics and to find out which tables in the database are most heavily used, i.e. the number of users queried the table, the number of times it was queried, etc., Navigate to the respective query monitoring tools for each source. These tools provide insights into query execution, performance metrics, and resource utilization, enabling efficient analysis and optimization. For Minerva and Themis Clusters, this can be managed directly within the Operations App.
Check Query Stats for Minerva¶
To check the query statistics, please follow the steps below:
Open the Operations app¶
By default, the User Space tab is displayed upon accessing the Operations app. In User Space click on the 'Minerva Queries' tab to view query execution details.
Set the following filters:
Optionally, refine your results by filtering based on Cluster, Username, or other available criteria as needed.
Select the query id¶
Identify and choose the Query ID of interest from the Minerva Queries tab. Once selected, the system will display detailed execution statistics, providing insights into performance, execution time, and resource utilization.
Check query statistics for AWSRedshift¶
Log in to AWS Console¶
Login to the AWS Console and search for ‘Redshift’ in the AWS Console search bar to access the Redshift.
Select Redshift Cluster¶
Navigate to the Amazon Redshift service from the search results. The Redshift dashboard will be displayed. Select the appropriate region and choose the desired cluster from the available list.s
Access Query Monitoring¶
Select the desired cluster to monitor. Navigate to the 'Query monitoring' tab to view query statistics.
View running and completed queries¶
Under the 'Query monitoring' tab, a list of running and completed queries will be displayed.
Monitor specific query¶
Select the query of interest to monitor. The query statistics will be displayed, as shown in the example below.
Check Query Stats for Themis¶
To check the query statistics, please follow the steps below:
- Access the Themis Cluster: Navigate to the Themis cluster. You should see a screen similar to the image below:
Select the Running Driver: Choose the running driver. This driver will always be the same, regardless of the user, as queries will be directed to the creator of the Themis cluster. The running driver remains consistent for all users.
View the Spark UI: Go to the terminal and use the following command to view the Spark UI:
dataos-ctl -t cluster -w public -n themislens --node themis-themislens-iamgroot-default-a650032d-ad6b-4668-b2d2-cd372579020a-driver view sparkui
dataos-ctl -t cluster -w public -n themis_cluster_name --node driver_name view sparkui
The following interface will be displayed:
Infrastructure monitoring of the Lens Services using Grafana¶
Grafana offers robust capabilities to monitor and visualize critical Lens service performance metrics such as CPU usage, memory consumption, network traffic, and more. These monitoring capabilities are especially useful for services that require constant oversight to ensure optimal performance, such as Lens services and Flash service deployments.
In a Lens deployment, three core services are typically running: API, Worker, and Router. If Flash is used as a data source, a fourth service is included. This gives a total of four services to monitor, each of which can be tracked for performance metrics like CPU usage and memory consumption.
For instance, suppose the Flash Service is scheduled to run at 12:00 PM every day. Using Grafana, a dashboard can be configured to monitor its CPU usage and memory consumption over time, providing detailed insights into resource utilization and allowing for effective monitoring.
Step-by-step process for monitoring the Flash Service of the Lens¶
Defining Resource requests and limits
When deploying the Flash service, resource requests and limits are defined in the YAML configuration file. These settings control the amount of CPU and memory allocated to the service, ensuring it operates within specified boundaries.
Here’s a simplified example of the YAML configuration:
requests: #Requests define the minimum resources required to run the service.
CPU: 1000m
memory: 2Gi
limits: #Limits specify the maximum resources that the service can consume, ensuring it does not exceed resource thresholds.
CPU: 48000m
memory: 450Gi
Create dashboard and monitor usage¶
After the Flash service is deployed, a Grafana dashboard should be created to monitor key metrics such as CPU usage and memory consumption. This dashboard will provide real-time data about how resources are being utilized over time.
After monitoring the Flash Service for a period of time, the actual resource usage can be observed on the Grafana dashboard. For example:
- CPU usage: The dashboard might show a peak of 380m CPU usage, well below the maximum limit of 48000m.
- Memory usage: The memory usage might peak between 254GB to 500GB, which is lower than the maximum limit of 450Gi.
Based on this observed data, resource requests and limits can be adjusted to optimize usage:
- CPU adjustment: If actual CPU usage peaks at
, you can reduce the requested CPU from 1000m to something more appropriate, such as500m
. - Memory adjustment: If memory usage does not exceed
regularly, you can reduce the limit from450Gi
. -
Set up alerts for usage limit exceedance Grafana allows you to set up alerts that notify you when the service exceeds predefined resource thresholds. For example:
CPU Alert: Set an alert to trigger if CPU usage exceeds 90% for 5 minutes.
- Memory Alert: Set an alert to notify when memory usage exceeds 90% of the requested limit.
These alerts can be sent via various channels like email, MS Teams, or other messaging systems to ensure immediate action can be taken if resource usage crosses critical limits.
To create dashboard using Grafana follow the below steps:
Navigate to the DataOS Home Page > Grafana.
On Grafana Home page click on the 'Dashboards' button in the side panel tab.
In the 'Dashboards' page click on the 'Filter by tag' and click on the 'Kubernetes' tag.
A list of Kubernetes dashboards will appear. To view the pod service of the Lens, check the 'Kubernetes/Views/Pods' checkbox.
After checking the Pods checkbox, the dashboard page will load. Configure the Kubernetes source and namespace settings to monitor the desired pod. The configuration should be as follows:
- Datasource: thanos
- Cluster: None
- Namespace: Enter the name of the workspace where the Lens is deployed (e.g.,
). - Pod: Search for the name of the Lens pod. Pod names start with the Lens name itself. For example, if the Lens name is
, the pod name will also begin with productaffinity. The Lens deployment includes services such as api, router, and worker. For example, to monitor the api service of the Lensproductaffinity
, selectproductaffinity-api
from the pod name search box.
With the above configuration, the setup will look like this:
After completing the configuration, the monitoring dashboard will appear as follows: