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DataOS Notebook interface is based on Jupyter Notebook which is a popular open-source web-based application that allows users to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualisations, and narrative text. It provides a user-friendly interface for interactive computing, data analysis, and data visualisation in several programming languages, including Python, and Scala.

In a Notebook, you can write and execute code in cells, which are units of code that can be run independently or in a specific order. You can also include text, images, videos, and equations in markdown cells to explain your code and provide context. Notebooks are especially useful for "showing the work" that your data team has done through a combination of code, markdown, links, and images.

Features of Notebook on DataOS

DataOS is configured to take advantage of the Jupyter ecosystem's open-source tooling. When using Notebook on DataOS, there are several advantages and features that make it a valuable tool for data science projects:

  • Secure Environments: Jupyter kernels on DataOS come with pre-installed libraries essential for data science projects. These environments are secure and isolated, ensuring that your model pipelines and data remain protected.
  • Depot Connectivity: The PyFlare SDK provides seamless connectivity to your existing depots within the Jupyter environment. This enables easy access to data stored in depots.
  • Multi-Language Support: Jupyter Notebooks offer support for multiple programming languages, including Python, R, Julia, and Scala. This versatility allows you to choose the language that best suits your needs and work with a wide range of data analysis and machine learning tools.
  • Apache Toree: DataOS supports Apache Toree, a Scala-based Jupyter Kernel. This kernel enables Jupyter Notebooks to execute Scala code and seamlessly connect to Apache Spark. With Apache Toree, you can build interactive applications, leverage the power of Spark for big data processing, and perform advanced analytics within your Jupyter environment.

Use Case- Writing Data To Icebase

This use case demonstrates how to write a test dataset to DataOS Icebase using PyFlare on Jupyter Notebook. We achieve the objective with help of PyFlare and PySpark on Notebook hosted on DataOS.


  • DataOS credentials and access to Icebase depot.
  • Hosted Jupyter Notebook on DataOS.

Launch Notebook from DataOS Home and navigate to persistent-systems directory.

  1. Install PyFlare on Jupyter
  2. Input credentials and connect to Icebase with a spark session
  3. Read and save data to icebase using PyFlare


Use the following command to install PyFlare on the hosted Jupyter environment. It will enable Spark capabilities in your Jupyter Notebook environment.

pip install pyflare

# Import necessary libraries
from pyflare import session, logger, sdk

Connection to Spark

Connect to Icebase with a Spark session. Enter your tokens and table address, we are writing a test dataset on vehicle collision to Icebase.

Define Datasets to be Read

Define the datasets to be read, including the dataset path.

log = logger.get(__name__, "info")

inputs = {
    'collision': " "   ##leave blank if data in same directory     
        }                   # else path

Output Table address

Specify the output table address in Icebase where you want to write the data. c181 is the name of the view.

outputs = {
    "c181": "dataos://icebase:<schema>/vehiclecollision"   ##address of table

Specific spark conf for Icebase

Set up the necessary Spark configurations that would be needed for Icebase depot.

sparkConf = [
    ("", "Dataos Sdk Spark App"),
    ("spark.master", "local[*]"),
    ("spark.jars.packages", "org.apache.iceberg:iceberg-spark3:0.13.2,org.apache.spark:spark-sql_2.12:3.3.0,"

DataOS FQDN and DataOS API Token

Provide the DataOS Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and your DataOS API token.


token = "<api token>"

Create Spark Session to Connect with ICEBASE

Create a Spark session to connect with Icebase using the provided credentials and configurations.

spark = session(api_key=token, dataos_url=DATAOS_FQDN, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs,

Read and Save Data to Icebase

Read your dataset using the Spark object created in the previous step. Supported data formats include CSV, JDBC, JSON, ORC, Parquet, Table, and Text. Create a temporary view with a name of your choice for further processing.

df ="Motor_Vehicle_Collisions_-_Crashes.csv",header=True)
### temporary view

Configurations for Output Dataset

Configure the output dataset options, such as compression and file format, for the data to be saved in Icebase. Use the PyFlare SDK to save the dataset to Icebase with the specified options.

write_options = {
    "compression": "gzip",
    "write.format.default": "parquet",
    "iceberg": {
        "partition": [
                "type": "identity",
                "column": "state_code",

dataset = = "c181",format = "iceberg", mode='overwrite', options=write_options)

Set Metadata

To show the dataset on the workbench and start querying, run set-metadata command on DataOS CLI.

dataos-ctl dataset set-metadata -a dataos://icebase:shopper_360/model_prediction -v latest

Example Code

log = logger.get(__name__, "info")
# Define the datasets to be read
inputs = {
    'collision': ""  # Leave blank if the data is in the same directory, otherwise provide the path

# Specify the output table address in Icebase
outputs = {
    "c181": "dataos://icebase:<schema>/vehiclecollision"  # Address of the table

# Specify the Spark configurations for Icebase
sparkConf = [
    ("", "Dataos Sdk Spark App"),
    ("spark.master", "local[*]"),
    ("spark.jars.packages", "org.apache.iceberg:iceberg-spark3:0.13.2,org.apache.spark:spark-sql_2.12:3.3.0,"

# Provide the DataOS FQDN and API token
token = "<api token>"

# Create a Spark session to connect with Icebase
spark = session(api_key=token, dataos_url=DATAOS_FQDN, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs,

# Read your dataset and create a temporary view
df ="Motor_Vehicle_Collisions_-_Crashes.csv", header=True)

# Configure the output dataset options
write_options = {
    "compression": "gzip",
    "write.format.default": "parquet"

# Save the dataset to Icebase using PyFlare SDK
dataset ="c181", format="iceberg", mode='overwrite', options=write_options)
Your data is successfully written in Icebase. Make sure to customize the database name, table name, and any additional options based on your specific use case.