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Connecting to Bigquery Depot

Step 1: Create the Bigquery Depot

If the Depot is not active, you need to create one using the provided template.

name: ${{bigquerydepot}}
version: v2alpha
type: depot
  - ${{dropzone}}
  - ${{bigquery}}
owner: ${{owner-name}}
layer: user
  type: BIGQUERY                 
      description: ${{description}} # optional
  external: ${{true}}
    - name: ${{bq-instance-secret-name}}-r
      allkeys: true

    - name: ${{bq-instance-secret-name}}-rw
      allkeys: true
  bigquery:  # optional                         
    project: ${{project-name}} # optional
    params: # optional
      ${{"key1": "value1"}}
      ${{"key2": "value2"}}

Step 2: Prepare the Lens model folder

Organize the Lens model folder with the following structure to define tables, views, and governance policies:

├── sqls
│   └── sample.sql  # SQL script for table dimensions
├── tables
│   └── sample_table.yml  # Logical table definition (joins, dimensions, measures, segments)
├── views
│   └── sample_view.yml  # Logical views referencing tables
└── user_groups.yml  # User group policies for governance
  1. SQL Scripts (model/sqls)

    • Add SQL files defining table structures and transformations.

    • Ensure the SQL dialect matches BigQuery syntax. Format table names as: project_id.dataset.table

    • Use STRING for text data types instead of VARCHAR.

    • Replace generic functions with BigQuery's EXTRACT function.

  2. Tables (model/tables): Define logical tables in separate YAML files. Include dimensions, measures, segments, and joins.

  3. Views (model/views): Define views in YAML files, referencing the logical tables.

  4. User Groups (user_groups.yml): Define access control by creating user groups and assigning permissions.

Step 3: Deployment manifest file

After setting up the Lens model folder, the next step is to configure the deployment manifest. Below is the YAML template for configuring a Lens deployment.

version: v1alpha # Lens manifest version (mandatory)
name: "bigquery-lens" # Lens Resource name (mandatory)
layer: user # DataOS Layer (optional)
type: lens # Type of Resource (mandatory)
tags: # Tags (optional)
  - lens
description: bigquery depot lens deployment on lens2 # Lens Resource description (optional)

  compute: runnable-default # Compute Resource that Lens should utilize (mandatory)
  secrets: # Referred Instance-secret configuration (**mandatory for private code repository, not required for public repository)
    - name: bitbucket-cred # Referred Instance Secret name (mandatory)
      allKeys: true # All keys within the secret are required or not (optional)

  source: # Data Source configuration
    type: depot # Source type is depot here
    name: bigquerydepot # Name of the bigquery depot

  repo: # Lens model code repository configuration (mandatory)
    url: # URL of repository containing the Lens model (mandatory)
    lensBaseDir: sample/lens/source/depot/bigquery/model # Relative path of the Lens 'model' directory in the repository (mandatory)
    syncFlags: # Additional flags used during synchronization, such as specific branch.
      - --ref=lens # Repository Branch

  api: # API Instances configuration (optional)
    replicas: 1 # Number of API instance replicas (optional)
    logLevel: info  # Logging granularity (optional)
    resources: # CPU and memory configurations for API Instances (optional)
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 256Mi
        cpu: 2000m
        memory: 2048Mi

  worker: # Worker configuration (optional)
    replicas: 2 # Number of Worker replicas (optional)
    logLevel: debug # Logging level (optional)
    resources: # CPU and memory configurations for Worker (optional)
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 256Mi
        cpu: 6000m
        memory: 6048Mi

  router: # Router configuration (optional)
    logLevel: info  # Level of log detail (optional)
    resources: # CPU and memory resource specifications for the router (optional)
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 256Mi
        cpu: 6000m
        memory: 6048Mi

    logLevel: info # Level of log detail (optional)
    resources: # CPU and memory resource specifications for the iris board (optional)
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 256Mi
        cpu: 6000m
        memory: 6048Mi

  metric:    #optional
    logLevel: info

Each section of the YAML template defines key aspects of the Lens deployment. Below is a detailed explanation of its components:

  • Defining the Source:

    • Source type: The type attribute in the source section must be explicitly set to depot.

    • Source name: The name attribute in the source section should specify the name of the Bigquery Depot created.

  • Setting Up Compute and Secrets:

    • Define the compute settings, such as which engine (e.g., runnable-default) will process the data.

    • Include any necessary secrets (e.g., credentials for Bitbucket or AWS) for secure access to data and repositories.

  • Defining Repository:

    • url The url attribute in the repo section specifies the Git repository where the Lens model files are stored. For instance, if your repo name is lensTutorial then the repo url will be

    • lensBaseDir: The lensBaseDir attribute refers to the directory in the repository containing the Lens model. Example: sample/lens/source/depot/bigquery/model.

    • secretId: The secretId attribute is used to access private repositories (e.g., Bitbucket, GitHub) . It specifies the secret needed to securely authenticate and access the repository.

    • syncFlags: Specifies additional flags to control repository synchronization. Example: --ref=dev specifies that the Lens model rsides in the dev branch.

  • Configuring API, Worker and Metric Settings (Optional): Set up replicas, logging levels, and resource allocations for APIs, workers, routers, and other components.

Step 4: Apply the Lens deployment manifest file

After configuring the deployment file with the necessary settings and specifications, apply the manifest using the following command:

dataos-ctl resource apply -f ${manifest-file-path}
dataos-ctl apply -f ${manifest-file-path}
dataos-ctl apply -f /lens/lens_deployment.yml -w curriculum
# Expected output
INFO[0000] 🛠 apply...                                   
INFO[0000] 🔧 applying(curriculum) sales360:v1alpha:lens... 
INFO[0001] 🔧 applying(curriculum) sales360:v1alpha:lens...created 
INFO[0001] 🛠 apply...complete

Docker compose manifest file

Ensure that the necessary attributes are highlighted in the Docker Compose Manifest file for proper configuration during the connection setup process.

Docker compose manifest file for local testing
version: "2.2"

x-lens2-environment: &lens2-environment
  # DataOS
  # Overview
  LENS2_NAME: sales360
  LENS2_DESCRIPTION: "Ecommerce use case on Adventureworks sales data"
  LENS2_TAGS: "lens2, ecom, sales and customer insights"
  LENS2_AUTHORS: "rakeshvishvakarma, shubhanshu"
  LENS2_SCHEDULED_REFRESH_TIMEZONES: "UTC,America/Vancouver,America/Toronto"
  # Data Source
  LENS2_SOURCE_TYPE: ${depot} #source name - depot
  LENS2_SOURCE_NAME: ${bigquerydepot} #name of the bigquery depot
  # LogZjAtNDY4My05
  LENS2_LOG_LEVEL: error
  CACHE_LOG_LEVEL: "trace"
  # Operation
  LENS2_DEV_MODE: true
  CACHE_DATA_DIR: "/var/work/.store"
  NODE_ENV: production
    restart: always
    image: rubiklabs/lens2:0.35.41-05
      - 4000:4000
      - 25432:5432
      - 13306:13306
      <<: *lens2-environment   
      - ./model:/etc/dataos/work/model
      # - ./scripts/commons.js:/app/scripts/commons.js
      # - ./scripts/bootstrap.js:/app/scripts/bootstrap.js
      # - ./scripts/config.js:/app/scripts/config.js