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Beacon Stack

Beacon is a standalone HTTP server designed to facilitate the exposure of data objects and tables contained within PostgreSQL databases. The server offers a beacon+rest Stack, which exposes entities within a PostgreSQL database through a RESTful API, enabling simple CRUD Operations such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.

Beacon Service

The Beacon Stack provides a robust solution for exposing a Postgres API endpoint to the external world. However, ensuring secure access, scalability, and seamless integration with other internal and external applications can be complex. This is where the Service Resource becomes a critical factor.

By utilizing the Service Resource, you can ensure governed access to the endpoint, enable scalability in proportion to data growth and facilitate seamless access to all internal and external components and applications within DataOS. You can further enforce governance Policies to ensure secure access to PostgreSQL data, all in a declarative YAMLish manner within DataOS.


Beacon Service in DataOS

In summary, a Beacon Service enables you to expose an API endpoint for a specific table in a PostgreSQL database, allowing you to send data to be stored and interact with the data in the table by sending HTTP requests to the endpoint. With a Beacon Service, your web and other data-driven applications in DataOS can perform CRUD operations on data assets stored in Postgres.

Structure of a Beacon YAML

Beacon YAML Configuration Syntax

Structure of a Beacon YAML configuration

Create a Beacon Service

Creating a Beacon Service is a straightforward process that is accomplished within the DataOS platform using a simple declarative YAMLish syntax. While you need to have a basic understanding of Postgres to define migrations, the rest of the process is declarative and straightforward.


Apply the Adequate Access Policy or Assign the Use Case

Make sure you have an adequate tag or use case to create a Service. If you have have one, refer to the section below.

Required Database exists

Make sure that you have an active Database within DataOS, as per the schema you require. If you have one, navigate to the next step.

Create a YAML file

Configure the Service Resource Section

At the core of any Beacon Service lies the Service Resource section, which is responsible for defining a Service Resource through a set of YAML attributes. A Service is a persistent process that either receives or delivers API requests. The Beacon Stack is then invoked within the Service to effectuate the exposition of Postgres API.The YAML syntax for the same is provided below.

name: ${{stores-db}}
version: v1 
type: service 
  - ${{syndicate}}
  - ${{service}}
  replicas: ${{2}} 
    enabled: ${{true}} 
    stripPath: ${{true}} 
    path: ${{/stores/api/v1}} 
    noAuthentication: ${{true}} 
  stack: beacon+rest 
    PGRST_OPENAPI_SERVER_PROXY_URI: https://${{dataos-context}}${{database-path}} # e.g.

For a deeper understanding of Service Resource and its YAML attributes, please refer to the Attributes of Service Resource YAML page.

Configure Beacon Stack-specific Section

The Beacon Stack-specific section, comprises attributes within the YAML configuration file. The YAML configuration is given below:

    type: database 
    name: storesdb 
    workspace: public
    - name: database
      type: input 
      doc: stores database connection 
    - name: rest-api
      type: output
      doc: serves up the stores database as a RESTful API
        - database # Topology step 2 is dependent on step 1

The table below summarizes the various attributes within the Beacon Stack-specific Section.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Possible Value Requirement
source mapping none none mandatory
type string none database mandatory
name string none any string mandatory
workspace string public any valid workspace name mandatory
topology list of mapping none none mandatory
name string none any string mandatory
type string none input/output mandatory
doc string none any string optional
dependencies list of strings none any valid dependent topology name mandatory

Each of the attributes in this section has been elaborated in detail on the Attribute of Beacon Stack page.

Apply the YAML file

You can apply the YAML file to create a Beacon Service within the DataOS environment using the command given below:

dataos-ctl apply -f ${{path-of-the-config-file}} -w ${{workspace}}

Check Run time

dataos-ctl -t service -w ${{workspace}} -n ${{service-name}}  get runtime -r
# Sample
dataos-ctl -t service -w public -n pulsar-random  get runtime -r

Case Scenarios