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CLI Command Reference

You can get a complete list of all the commands, sub-commands, arguments and flags by using the help command within CLI itself.


Create and update resources in a DataOS cluster through running apply command. A resource in DataOS can mean a policy or depot or workflow/service/etc. This command manages applications through .yaml files defining DataOS resources.

You can use apply to recursively create and update DataOS objects as needed.

  dataos-ctl apply [flags]

  -d, --de-ref                  De-reference the files, do not apply
      --disable-interpolation   Disable interpolation, do not interpolate $ENV|${ENV}
      --disable-resolve-stack   Disable resolve stack
  -h, --help                    help for apply
  -l, --lint                    Lint the files, do not apply
  -f, --manifestFile string     Manifest file location
  -r, --re-run                  Re-run resource after apply
  -R, --recursive               Get manifest files recursively from the provided directory
      --tls-allow-insecure      Allow insecure TLS connections
  -w, --workspace string        Workspace to target resource (default "public")


Interact with the Collation Service in the DataOS®

  dataos-ctl collation [command]

Available Commands:
  content     Interact with content items in the DataOS® Collation Service
  metadata    Interact with metadata in the DataOS® Collation Service
  resource    Interact with resources in the DataOS® Collation Service

  -h, --help   help for collation

Global Flags:
      --tls-allow-insecure   Allow insecure TLS connections

Use "dataos-ctl collation [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to Collation Command Group.


This mode places you in an interactive mode with auto-completion for the given shell (zsh or bash). To setup autocomplete in current bash shell, bash-completion package should be installed first.

option 1 (speedy prompt startup time):
    $ dataos-ctl completion zsh > ~/.dataos/.dataos-ctl-completion   # for zsh users
    $ source ~/.dataos/.dataos-ctl-completion
option 2 (always gets current commands):
    $ source <(dataos-ctl completion zsh)  # for zsh users

This depends on the bash-completion binary.  Example installation instructions:
    $ brew install bash-completion
    $ source $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion
    $ dataos-ctl completion bash > ~/.dataos/.dataos-ctl-completion  # for bash users
    $ source ~/.dataos/.dataos-ctl-completion
    $ apt-get install bash-completion
    $ source /etc/bash-completion
    $ source <(dataos-ctl completion bash)

Additionally, you may want to output the completion to a file and source in your .bashrc 
or .zshrc

dataos-ctl completion SHELL [flags]

-h, --help   help for completion


Manage DataOS Contexts. A context represents the connection to a DataOS instance/environment and can be used to create depots, jobs, queries etc on that context.

dataos-ctl context [command]

Available Commands:
  delete      Delete DataOS® Context
  list        List DataOS® contexts
  product     Manage products and releases for the current DataOS® context
  select      Select DataOS® Context

-h, --help   help for context

Use "dataos-ctl context [command] --help" for more information about a command.

To learn more, refer to Context Command Group.


Apply toolkit commands in the DataOS®.

  dataos-ctl dataset [command]

Available Commands:
  add-field         Add Field
  add-properties    Add Properties
  create            Create
  drop              Drop
  drop-field        Drop Field
  get               Get
  list              List Datasets
  metadata          Get Metadata
  properties        Get Properties
  remove-properties Remove Properties
  rename-field      Rename Field
  rollback          Rollback
  set-metadata      Set Metadata
  set-nullable      Set Nullable
  set-snapshot      Set Snapshot
  snapshots         List Snapshots
  update-field      Update Field
  update-partition  Update Partition

  -h, --help   help for dataset

Use "dataos-ctl dataset [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to Dataset Command Group.


Delete resources in the DataOS.

dataos-ctl delete [flags]

      --force                 Force delete even though dependencies are not allowing it
  -h, --help                  help for delete
      --id string             Resource ID, like: TYPE:VERSION:NAME:WORKSPACE(optional), depot:v1:icebase or service:v1:ping:sandbox
  -i, --identifier string     Identifier of resource, like: NAME:VERSION:TYPE
  -f, --manifestFile string   Manifest file location
  -n, --name string           Name of resource
      --tls-allow-insecure    Allow Insecure TLS connections
  -t, --type string           The resource type to delete. Workspace resources: workflow,service,worker,secret,database,cluster,volume,resource,monitor,pager,lakehouse. Instance resources: policy,depot,compute,dataplane,stack,operator,bundle,instance-secret,grant.
  -v, --version string        Version of resource (default "v1")
  -w, --workspace string      Workspace to target resource (default "public")

DataOS checks resource dependability while deleting resources.



With this command, manage DataOS Development. You can test the changes on the local machine before directly applying on the server.

Manage DataOS® Development

  dataos-ctl develop [command]

Available Commands:
  generate    Generate example manifests
  get         Get development containers
  schema      JSON Schema visibility for DataOS® resource types and apis
  stack       Stack specific commands
  start       Start development container
  stop        Stop development containers
  types       DataOS® resource types specific commands

  -h, --help   help for develop

Use "dataos-ctl develop [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to Develop Command Group.


Generate markdown documentation for every command

  dataos-ctl doc [flags]

  -h, --help   help for doc

Global Flags:
      --tls-allow-insecure   Allow insecure TLS connections


Manage domains in the DataOS®

  dataos-ctl domain [command]

Available Commands:
  apply       Apply DataOS® Domains
  delete      Delete DataOS® Domains
  get         Get DataOS® Domains

  -h, --help   help for domain

Global Flags:
      --tls-allow-insecure   Allow insecure TLS connections

Use "dataos-ctl domain [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to Domain Command Group.


Interact with the FastBase Depot in the DataOS®

  dataos-ctl fastbase [command]

Available Commands:
  namespace   Interact with namespaces in the DataOS® FastBase
  tenant      Interact with tenants in the DataOS® FastBase
  topic       Interact with topics in the DataOS® FastBase

  -h, --help   help for fastbase

Global Flags:
      --tls-allow-insecure   Allow insecure TLS connections

Use "dataos-ctl fastbase [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to Fastbase Command Group.


Use get to pull a list of resources you have currently on your DataOS cluster. The types of resources you can get include-depot, function, job, policy, service, secret.

  dataos-ctl get [flags]
  dataos-ctl get [command]

Available Commands:
  runtime     Get DataOS® Runtime Details

  -a, --all                   Get resources for all owners
  -d, --details               Set to true to include details in the result
  -h, --help                  help for get
      --id string             Resource ID, like: TYPE:VERSION:NAME:WORKSPACE(optional), depot:v1:icebase or service:v1:ping:sandbox
  -i, --identifier string     Identifier of resource, like: NAME:VERSION:TYPE
  -f, --manifestFile string   Manifest File location
  -n, --name string           Name to query
  -o, --owner string          Get resources for a specific owner id, defaults to your id.
  -r, --refresh               Auto refresh the results
      --refreshRate int       Refresh rate in seconds (default 5)
      --tags                  Set to true to include tags in the result
      --tls-allow-insecure    Allow insecure TLS connections
  -t, --type string           The resource type to get. Workspace resources: workflow,service,worker,secret,database,cluster,volume,resource,monitor,pager,lakehouse. Instance resources: policy,depot,compute,dataplane,stack,operator,bundle,instance-secret,grant.
      --unSanitize            Get the resources un-sanitized, this includes sensitive fields.
  -v, --version string        Version to query (default "v1")
  -w, --workspace string      Workspace to query

Use "dataos-ctl get [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Examples: All four syntaxes of the command are valid.

dataos-ctl get -t workflow -w public -n quality-checks-test-cases
dataos-ctl -t workflow -w public -n quality-checks-test-cases   get
dataos-ctl -i "quality-checks-test-cases | v1beta1 | workflow | public"   get
dataos-ctl get -i "quality-checks-test-cases | v1beta1 | workflow | public"


INFO[0000] 🔍 workflow...                                
INFO[0002] 🔍 workflow...complete                        

            NAME            | VERSION |   TYPE   | WORKSPACE |   STATUS   |  RUNTIME  |       OWNER         
  quality-checks-test-cases | v1beta1 | workflow |  public   |   active   | succeeded | rakeshvishvakarma21  

To learn more, refer to Get Command Group.


Get health of DataOS CLI, DataOS resources and services. It checks if server is reachable and helps in troubleshooting.

dataos-ctl health [flags]

-h, --help   help for health

Here is the expected output of this command:

% dataos-ctl health
INFO[0000] 🏥...                                         
INFO[0000] DataOS® CLI...OK                             
INFO[0005] DataOS® CK...OK                              
INFO[0005] 🏥...complete                                 
INFO[0005] 🔗...   
INFO[0005] ⛅️...gcp


Get help for any command in the application.

dataos-ctl help [command] [flags]

-h, --help   help for help


Initialize the DataOS environment.

dataos-ctl init [flags]

-h, --help   help for init
-n, --oldInitFlow   Use the old initialization flow


JSON filter a manifest using a jq filter

  dataos-ctl jq [flags]

      --filter string         jq filter
  -h, --help                  help for jq
  -f, --manifestFile string   Manifest file location


Get the logs for a resource in the DataOS®

  dataos-ctl log [flags]

  log, logs

  -c, --container string    Container name to filter logs
  -f, --follow              Follow the logs
  -h, --help                help for log
  -i, --identifier string   Identifier of resource, like: NAME:VERSION:TYPE
  -r, --includeRunnable     Include runnable system pods and logs
  -n, --name string         Name to query
      --node string         Node name to filter logs
  -l, --tailLines int       Number of tail lines to retrieve, use -1 to get all logs (default 300)
  -t, --type string         The resource type to get, possible values: service, workflow, cluster, depot
  -v, --version string      Version to query (default "v1")
  -w, --workspace string    Workspace to query (default "public")

Examples: The log command has been updated to pass a "node" as well as to support getting logs for "cluster" and "depot" types that have runtimes. If you don't pass a "node" to the logs command it will try to display all the "main" logs for all nodes.

dataos-ctl log -w public -t workflow -n cnt-city-demo-01 --node city-execute
dataos-ctl log -w system -t cluster -n minervab --node minervab-ss-0

You can also pass the "-i" command with the string to get the logs.

dataos-ctl -i "quality-checks-test-cases | v1beta1 | workflow | public" --node quality
-checks-summary-bviw-driver log


INFO[0000] 📃 log(public)...                             
INFO[0003] 📃 log(public)...complete                     

              NODE NAME              |     CONTAINER NAME      | ERROR  
  quality-checks-summary-bviw-driver | spark-kubernetes-driver |        

2021-11-01 08:32:06,938 INFO  [task-result-getter-1] o.a.s.s.TaskSetManager: Finished task 54.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 69) in 17 ms on (executor 1) (67/200)
2021-11-01 08:32:06,954 INFO  [dispatcher-CoarseGrainedScheduler] o.a.s.s.TaskSetManager: Starting task 57.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 71) (, executor 1, partition 57, PROCESS_LOCAL, 4472 bytes) taskResourceAssignments Map()
2021-11-01 08:32:06,954 INFO  [task-result-getter-2] o.a.s.s.TaskSetManager: Finished task 56.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 70) in 17 ms on (executor 1) (68/200)


Log in to DataOS®

dataos-ctl login [flags]

-h, --help      help for login


Maintenance of the DataOS®

  dataos-ctl maintenance [command]

Available Commands:
  collect-garbage      Collect Garbage on the DataOS®
  create-docker-secret Creates a Docker Secret for K8S

  -h, --help   help for maintenance
To learn more, refer to Maintenance Command Group.


Operate the DataOS®

  dataos-ctl operate [command]

Available Commands:
  chart-export   Exports a Helm Chart from a Chart Registry
  exec-stream    Execute-stream a command on a specific target
  get-dataplanes Get the dataplanes
  get-secret     Gets a secret from Heimdall
  log-stream     Stream the logs on a specific target
  pulsar         Pulsar management
  tcp-stream     Tcp-stream a specific address

  -h, --help   help for operate

Global Flags:
      --tls-allow-insecure   Allow insecure TLS connections

Use "dataos-ctl operate [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Manage products in the DataOS®

  dataos-ctl product [command]

Available Commands:
  apply       Apply DataOS® Products
  delete      Delete DataOS® Products
  get         Get DataOS® Products

  -h, --help   help for product

Global Flags:
      --tls-allow-insecure   Allow insecure TLS connections

Use "dataos-ctl product [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to Product Command Group.


Interact with the Query Gateway in the DataOS®

  dataos-ctl query-gateway [command]

Available Commands:
  connect     Connect to the DataOS® Query Gateway

  -h, --help   help for query-gateway

Global Flags:
      --tls-allow-insecure   Allow insecure TLS connections

Use "dataos-ctl query-gateway [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to Query-gateway Command Group.


Manage resources in the DataOS®

  dataos-ctl resource [command]

Available Commands:
  apply       Apply DataOS® Resources
  create      Create DataOS® Resources
  delete      Delete DataOS® Resources
  get         Get DataOS® Resources
  log         Get DataOS® Resource Logs
  run         Run DataOS® Resource
  runtime     DataOS® runtime management commands
  tcp-stream  Open a tcp stream for DataOS® Resources
  update      Update DataOS® Resources

  -h, --help   help for resource

Global Flags:
      --tls-allow-insecure   Allow insecure TLS connections

Use "dataos-ctl resource [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to Resource Command Group.


Manage DataOS® Roles

  dataos-ctl role [command]

  role, roles

Available Commands:
  changes     View a DataOS® Role changes
  get         Get DataOS® Roles

  -h, --help   help for role

Global Flags:
      --tls-allow-insecure   Allow insecure TLS connections

Use "dataos-ctl role [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to Role Command Group.


DataOS® runtime management commands

  dataos-ctl runtime [command]

Available Commands:
  get         Get DataOS® Runnable Resources
  pause       Pause DataOS® Runnable Resources
  re-run      Re-run DataOS® Runnable Resources
  resume      Resume DataOS® Runnable Resources
  run         Run DataOS® Runnable Resources
  stop        Stop DataOS® Runnable Resources

  -h, --help   help for runtime

Global Flags:
      --tls-allow-insecure   Allow insecure TLS connections

Use "dataos-ctl runtime [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to Runtime Command Group.

Examples: The "runtime run" sub-command initiates a directive to the Poros operator, instructing it to execute a workflow immediately. This functionality is applicable to both scheduled and one-time workflows. In the case of scheduled workflows, it triggers an immediate run, while for one-time workflows, it behaves same as 're-run' operation.

~ dataos-ctl get -w system -a
INFO[0000] 🔍 get...                                     
INFO[0004] 🔍 get...complete                             

               NAME              | VERSION |   TYPE   | WORKSPACE | STATUS |            RUNTIME             |         OWNER          
  miniature                      | v1      | cluster  | system    | active | running:1                      | dataos-manager         
  system                         | v1      | cluster  | system    | active | running:1                      | dataos-manager         
  prime-cloud-r-sa               | v1      | secret   | system    | active |                                | dataos-manager         
  prime-cloud-rw-sa              | v1      | secret   | system    | active |                                | dataos-manager         
  system-container-registry      | v1      | secret   | system    | active |                                | dataos-manager         
  system-dataops-storage         | v1      | secret   | system    | active |                                | dataos-manager         
  gateway-audit-receiver         | v1      | service  | system    | active | running:1                      | aashishverma           
  gateway-audit-receiver-01      | v1      | service  | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  minerva-audit-receiver-01      | v1      | service  | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  query-audit-service            | v1      | service  | system    | active | running:1                      | mohammadnabeelqureshi  
  stores-api                     | v1      | service  | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  dataset-profiling-indexer      | v1beta  | worker   | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  dataset-quality-checks-indexer | v1beta  | worker   | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  poros-indexer                  | v1beta  | worker   | system    | active | running:2                      | metis                  
  query-usage-indexer            | v1beta  | worker   | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  soda-quality-checks-indexer    | v1beta  | worker   | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  data-insights-sync             | v1      | workflow | system    | active | next:2024-01-23T15:30:00+05:30 | metis                  
  data-product-sync              | v1      | workflow | system    | active | next:2024-01-23T14:30:00+05:30 | metis                  
  heimdall-users-sync            | v1      | workflow | system    | active | running                        | metis                  
  system-metadata-sync           | v1      | workflow | system    | active | next:2024-01-23T14:00:00+05:30 | metis                  

  ~ dataos-ctl -i 'data-product-sync              | v1      | workflow | system' runtime run
INFO[0000] 💨 runtime run...                             
INFO[0002] 💨 runtime run...complete                     
  ~ dataos-ctl get -w system -a                                                             
INFO[0000] 🔍 get...                                     
INFO[0000] 🔍 get...complete                             

               NAME              | VERSION |   TYPE   | WORKSPACE | STATUS |            RUNTIME             |         OWNER          
  miniature                      | v1      | cluster  | system    | active | running:1                      | dataos-manager         
  system                         | v1      | cluster  | system    | active | running:1                      | dataos-manager         
  prime-cloud-r-sa               | v1      | secret   | system    | active |                                | dataos-manager         
  prime-cloud-rw-sa              | v1      | secret   | system    | active |                                | dataos-manager         
  system-container-registry      | v1      | secret   | system    | active |                                | dataos-manager         
  system-dataops-storage         | v1      | secret   | system    | active |                                | dataos-manager         
  gateway-audit-receiver         | v1      | service  | system    | active | running:1                      | aashishverma           
  gateway-audit-receiver-01      | v1      | service  | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  minerva-audit-receiver-01      | v1      | service  | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  query-audit-service            | v1      | service  | system    | active | running:1                      | mohammadnabeelqureshi  
  stores-api                     | v1      | service  | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  dataset-profiling-indexer      | v1beta  | worker   | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  dataset-quality-checks-indexer | v1beta  | worker   | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  poros-indexer                  | v1beta  | worker   | system    | active | running:2                      | metis                  
  query-usage-indexer            | v1beta  | worker   | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  soda-quality-checks-indexer    | v1beta  | worker   | system    | active | running:1                      | metis                  
  data-insights-sync             | v1      | workflow | system    | active | next:2024-01-23T15:30:00+05:30 | metis                  
  data-product-sync              | v1      | workflow | system    | active | running                        | metis                  
  heimdall-users-sync            | v1      | workflow | system    | active | next:2024-01-23T13:50:00+05:30 | metis                  
  system-metadata-sync           | v1      | workflow | system    | active | next:2024-01-23T14:00:00+05:30 | metis       


Open a tcp stream for resources in the DataOS®

Open a tcp stream for resources in the DataOS®

  dataos-ctl tcp-stream [flags]

      --dataplane string       Dataplane name; default=hub (default "hub")
  -h, --help                   help for tcp-stream
  -i, --identifier string      Identifier of resource, like: NAME:VERSION:TYPE
      --listenPort int         Port the local client will listen on to tcp stream (default 14040)
  -n, --name string            Name of resource
      --node string            Node name to open tcp stream in resource runtime
      --servicePort int        Service port to be forwarded (default 4040)
      --serviceSuffix string   Suffix to override default service suffix: ui-svc (default "ui-svc")
      --tls-allow-insecure     Allow Insecure TLS connections
  -t, --type string            The resource type to tcp-stream. Workspace resources: workflow,service,worker,secret,database,cluster,volume,resource,monitor,pager,lakehouse. Instance resources: policy,depot,compute,dataplane,stack,operator,bundle,instance-secret,grant.
  -w, --workspace string       Workspace to target resource (default "public")


Terminal UI of the DataOS® Dataos-ctl TUI is a Terminal User Interface for DataOS®. It shows all the key resources deployed on the server. You can click on the resource menu to see the corresponding details in the Resource Summary section. You can view artefacts and Run time services/resources and their YAML. You can also view logs for runtime.


dataos-ctl tui [flags]

-h, --help                help for tui
-w, --workspaces string   list of workspaces to include, comma separated


Update resources in the DataOS®

  dataos-ctl update [flags]

      --disable-interpolation   Disable interpolation, do not interpolate $ENV|${ENV}
      --disable-resolve-stack   Disable resolve stack
  -h, --help                    help for update
  -f, --manifestFile string     Manifest file location
  -R, --recursive               Get manifest files recursively from the provided directory
      --tls-allow-insecure      Allow insecure TLS connections
  -w, --workspace string        Workspace to target resource (default "public")


Manage DataOS® Users

  dataos-ctl user [command]

  user, users

Available Commands:
  apikey      Manage a DataOS® User apikey
  changes     View a DataOS® User changes
  create      Create a DataOS® User
  delete      Delete a DataOS® User
  get         Get DataOS® Users
  tag         Manage DataOS® User's tags

  -h, --help   help for user

Global Flags:
      --tls-allow-insecure   Allow insecure TLS connections

Use "dataos-ctl user [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to User Command Group.


usql, the universal command-line interface for SQL databases

  usql [OPTIONS]... [DSN]

  DSN                            database url

  -c, --command=COMMAND ...    run only single command (SQL or internal) and exit
  -f, --file=FILE ...          execute commands from file and exit
  -w, --no-password            never prompt for password
  -X, --no-rc                  do not read start up file
  -o, --out=OUT                output file
  -W, --password               force password prompt (should happen automatically)
  -1, --single-transaction     execute as a single transaction (if non-interactive)
  -v, --set=, --variable=NAME=VALUE ...  
                               set variable NAME to VALUE
  -P, --pset=VAR[=ARG] ...     set printing option VAR to ARG (see \pset command)
  -F, --field-separator=FIELD-SEPARATOR ...  
                               field separator for unaligned and CSV output (default "|" and ",")
  -R, --record-separator=RECORD-SEPARATOR ...  
                               record separator for unaligned and CSV output (default \n)
  -T, --table-attr=TABLE-ATTR ...  
                               set HTML table tag attributes (e.g., width, border)
  -A, --no-align               unaligned table output mode
  -H, --html                   HTML table output mode
  -t, --tuples-only            print rows only
  -x, --expanded               turn on expanded table output
  -z, --field-separator-zero   set field separator for unaligned and CSV output to zero byte
  -0, --record-separator-zero  set record separator for unaligned and CSV output to zero byte
  -J, --json                   JSON output mode
  -C, --csv                    CSV output mode
  -G, --vertical               vertical output mode
  -q, --quiet                  run quietly (no messages, only query output)
      --version                display version and exit


Print the version number of DataOS.

dataos-ctl version [flags]

-h, --help   help for version


Use this command to open GUI applications from the terminal.

dataos-ctl view [flags]

-a, --application string   The application to view in your default browser: apps, datanet, workbench, atlas
-h, --help                 help for view


dataos-ctl view -a workbench
#this command will directly take you to the Workbench app in a new tab of the web browser 


Manage DataOS workspaces.

dataos-ctl workspace [command]

Available Commands:
create      Create workspace
delete      Delete workspaces
get         Get workspaces

-h, --help   help for workspace

Use "dataos-ctl workspace [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To learn more, refer to Workspace Command Group.