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Setting up Talos for Redshift

This section will guide you in setting up the Redshift Database and exposing the data through APIs.

Setting Up Tickit Database on AWS Redshift

The Tickit, an online ticket sales company wants to generate comprehensive reports on event sales, user preferences, and venue performance to enhance business strategies and customer experiences.


  • AWS Account
  • AWS CLI installed and configured
  • SQL client tool (e.g., SQL Workbench/J)

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Create a Redshift Cluster:
    • Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
    • Navigate to Amazon Redshift.
    • Click Create cluster and configure the cluster settings:
      • Cluster identifier: tickit-cluster
      • Node type: dc2.large (or your choice)
      • Number of nodes: 2 (or your choice)
      • Database name: tickit
      • Master username: your-username
      • Master user password: your-password
    • Click Create cluster and wait for the cluster to become available.
  2. Configure Security Group:
    • Navigate to VPC > Security Groups.
    • Select the security group associated with your Redshift cluster.
    • Add an inbound rule to allow traffic on port 5439 (default Redshift port) from your IP address.
  3. Connect to the Redshift Cluster:
    • Use a SQL client tool to connect to the Redshift cluster:
      • Host: <your-cluster-endpoint>
      • Port: 5439
      • Database: tickit
      • Username: your-username
      • Password: your-password
  4. Create Tickit Schema and Tables:
    • Download the Tickit dataset from the AWS documentation Tickit Database Script.
    • Execute the downloaded SQL script to create the schema and tables in your Redshift database.
  5. Load Sample Data:

    • Ensure your data files (e.g., allevents_pipe.txt) are stored in an S3 bucket.
    • Use the COPY command to load data into the tables:

      COPY public.event FROM 's3://your-bucket-name/allevents_pipe.txt'
      CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY;aws_secret_access_key=YOUR_SECRET_KEY'
      DELIMITER '|'
      TIMEFORMAT 'auto'
      REGION 'your-region';
  6. Verify Data Loading:

    • Run SQL queries to verify the data has been loaded correctly:

      SELECT * FROM public.event LIMIT 10;

Following these steps, you will have the Tickit database set up on AWS Redshift, ready for querying and reporting through the Talos API framework.

Setting Up Talos

In this section, we’ll set up Talos to expose category popularity data through the API.


  • Redshift Database set up
  • Docker initialization

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Create a working repository for Talos, inside this repository, create a config.yaml file with the following code to define the base configuration for Talos by updating the name, description, version, DataOS context, and connection details :

    name: tickit
    description: A talos-redshift app
    version: 0.1.6
    logLevel: 'DEBUG'
    cache: tmp
      - name: redshift # profile name
        type: redshift
          host: "host"
          port: 5439
          user: "user"
          password: "password"
          database: "database"
            s3BucketPath: "s3://bucket/path"
            accessKeyId: "keyid"
            secretAccessKey: "secretAccessKey"
            region: "region"
  2. Create a folder named apis inside the same repository, then create categorypopularity.sql and categorypopularity.yaml files as shown below:

    SQL Query (categorypopularity.sql)

    SELECT category.catname, SUM(qtysold) AS total_tickets
    FROM category
    JOIN event ON category.catid = event.catid
    JOIN sales ON event.eventid = sales.eventid
    GROUP BY category.catname;

    YAML Configuration (categorypopularity.yaml)

    urlPath: /categories/popularity
    description: Retrieve popularity metrics for event categories including total tickets sold per category.
    source: redshift
  3. In the same repository, create docker-compose.yaml manifest file, copy the below-provided code, and update the volumes path /home/Desktop/talos/depot-postgres with the actual path of your repository, add your dataos username and dataos API key in DATAOS_RUN_AS_USER and DATAOS_RUN_AS_APIKEY respectively.

    version: "2.2"
        image: rubiklabs/talos:0.1.6
          - "3000:3000"
          - /home/iamgroot/Desktop/talos-examples/redshift/:/etc/dataos/work
          DATAOS_RUN_AS_USER: iamgroot
          DATAOS_RUN_AS_APIKEY: dG9rZW5fYWRtaXR8ujkk98erdtR1cmFsbHlfZW5hYmxpbmdfb3J5eC5lODg2MjIyZC05NDMwLTQ4MWEtYjU3MC01YTJiZWY5MjI5OGE=
        tty: true
  4. Create a new file Makefile in the same repository, and copy the below code.

        docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d
        docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml down -v
  5. Run docker-compose up on the terminal. The output should look similar to the following:

    • output

      docker-compose up
      [+] Running 1/0
        Container depot-postgres-talos-1  Created                                                                                                                                                                  0.0s 
      Attaching to depot-postgres-talos-1
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 👉 /etc/dataos/work/config.yaml => {
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   "name": "postgres_domain",
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   "description": "A talos-depot-postgres app",
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   "version": "0.1.6",
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   "auth": {
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |     "heimdallUrl": ""
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   },
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   "logLevel": "DEBUG",
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   "sources": [
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |     {
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |       "name": "postgre01",
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |       "type": "depot"
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |     }
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   ],
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   "schemaPath": "",
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   "cachePath": "tmp"
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | }
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | Get Depot Service Depot Fetch URL:
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | Get Depot Service Secrets Fetch URL:
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 sources => [
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   {
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |     "name": "postgre01",
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |     "type": "pg",
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |     "connection": {
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |       "host": "",
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |       "port": 5432,
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |       "database": "postgres",
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |       "user": "--REDACTED--",
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |       "password": "--REDACTED--"
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |     }
      depot-postgres-talos-1  |   }
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | ]
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | - Building project...
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.626  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [BUILD]
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | Initializing data source: mock
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.627  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [BUILD] Data source mock initialized
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.628  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [BUILD] Initializing data source: bq
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.628  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [BUILD] Data source bq initialized
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.629  DEBUG
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | [BUILD] Initializing data source: clickhouse
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.629  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [BUILD] Data source clickhouse initialized
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.630  DEBUG [BUILD] Initializing data source: duckdb
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.636  DEBUG
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | [CORE] Create connection for talos.cache
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.637  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Open database in automatic mode
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.650  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | [CORE] Installed httpfs extension
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.653  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: access_mode = automatic
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.653  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: allow_persistent_secrets = true
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.654  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: checkpoint_threshold = 16.0 MiB
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.654  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: debug_checkpoint_abort = none
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.654  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: storage_compatibility_version = v0.10.2
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.654  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: debug_force_external = false
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.655  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: debug_force_no_cross_product = false
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.655  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: debug_asof_iejoin = false
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.655  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: prefer_range_joins = false
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.655  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: debug_window_mode = NULL
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.656  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: default_collation =
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.656  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: default_order = asc
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.656  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: default_null_order = nulls_last
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.656  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: disabled_filesystems =
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.656  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: disabled_optimizers =  
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 2024-07-24 10:56:22.657  DEBUG [CORE] Duckdb config: enable_external_access = true
      depot-postgres-talos-1  | 
  6. Now you are ready to fetch your data using your DataOS API key on Postman or your browser copy the below link by updating the API key with your actual DataOS API key:


Similarly, for different queries, you just need to make changes in apis folder.

  • Event Details API

    YAML Configuration (eventdetails.yaml):

    urlPath: /events/:id
    description: Retrieve detailed information for a specific event.
    request :
      - fieldName: id
        fieldIn: path
    source: redshift

    SQL Query (eventdetails.sql)

    SELECT * FROM event WHERE 
    eventid = {{}} ;
  • Create All Events API

    YAML Configuration (events.yaml)

    urlPath: /events
    description: Retrieve details of all events including event ID, name, venue, category, and start time.
    source: redshift
      - cacheTableName: 'event_cache'
        sql: 'SELECT * FROM event'
        source: redshift

    SQL Query (events.sql)

    {% cache %}
    SELECT eventid, eventname, venueid, catid, dateid, starttime FROM event_cache;
    {% endcache %}
  • Create Sales by Event API

    YAML Configuration (getsalesbyevent.yaml)

    urlPath: /events/:id/sales
    description: Retrieve sales details for a specific event including ticket quantity sold, price paid, and sale time.
    request :
      - fieldName: id
        fieldIn: path
    source: redshift

    SQL Query (getsalesbyevent.sql)

    SELECT * FROM sales WHERE eventid = {{ }};
  • Create User Purchase History API

    YAML Configuration (getuserpurchasehistory.yaml)

    urlPath: /users/:bid/purchases
    description: Retrieve all purchases made by a specific user.
    request :
      - fieldName: bid
        fieldIn: path
    source: redshift
      - cacheTableName: 'sales_cache'
        sql: 'SELECT * FROM sales'
        source: redshift

    SQL Query (getuserpurchasehistory.sql)

    {% cache %}
    SELECT * FROM sales_cache WHERE buyerid = {{}};
    {% endcache %}
  • Create Venue Performance API

    YAML Configuration (venueperformance.yaml)

    urlPath: /venues/:id/performance
    description: Retrieve performance metrics for a specific venue including number of events hosted and total tickets sold.
    request :
      - fieldName: id
        fieldIn: path
    source: redshift

    SQL Query (venueperformance.sql)

    SELECT event.venueid, COUNT(event.eventid) AS total_events, SUM(sales.qtysold) AS total_tickets
    FROM public.event
    JOIN public.sales ON event.eventid = sales.eventid
    WHERE event.venueid = {{}}
    GROUP BY event.venueid;