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CLI Stack

The DataOS Command-Line Interface (CLI) interface, or the dataos-ctl, can be operated as a Stack, allowing users to programmatically execute CLI commands using the YAML manifest and automate the process of command execution and Resource lifecycle management.

The dataos-ctl stack can be orchestrated using a Workflow Resource, where each job executes the command once and concludes the process upon completion. This plays a pivotal role in enabling Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) workflows that integrate multiple CLI commands, creating a cohesive and automated deployment process.

Necessity of CLI Stack

The dataos-ctl Stack significantly enhances the developer experience by simplifying resource lifecycle management. In the absence of the CLI stack, data developers faced a fragmented experience when managing resource lifecycles. Tasks such as creating a Depot involved multiple steps, including creating a YAML manifest, applying it through the DataOS CLI shell, and validating the creation with a separate get command.

With the CLI stack, data developers can now manage the entire lifecycle of resources seamlessly. By crafting a single YAML manifest for a Workflow, developers can execute the apply command using the CLI stack within a job that incorporates the specifications for the depot. Subsequently, executing the get command is seamlessly integrated into the Workflow as another job with a dependency on the initial job. This eliminates the need for manual back-and-forth transitions between the code editor and command line shell.

How to use CLI Stack?

Utilizing CLI Stack involves a series of logical steps, as outlined below:

  1. Create an Instance Secret manifest
  2. Apply the Instance Secret manifest
  3. Create a Workflow manifest
  4. Apply the Workflow manifest
  5. Verify Workflow creation
  6. Check Workflow Logs to validate execution

Create an Instance Secret manifest

To execute a resource using this stack, users need to provide their API key and User ID. This information can be supplied using the an Instance secret. First create an instance secret Resource and then refer this secret within the Workflow Resource.

To fetch the details about the User ID and User API Key token, execute the following commands after logging into DataOS:

dataos-ctl user get

# Sample Output
INFO[0000] πŸ˜ƒ user get...                                
INFO[0000] πŸ˜ƒ user get...complete                        

      NAME     β”‚     ID      β”‚  TYPE  β”‚        EMAIL         β”‚              TAGS               
  IamGroot     β”‚  **iamgroot**   β”‚ person β”‚   β”‚ roles:id:data-dev,              
               β”‚             β”‚        β”‚                      β”‚ roles:id:operator,              
               β”‚  # user_id  β”‚        β”‚                      β”‚ roles:id:system-dev,            
               β”‚             β”‚        β”‚                      β”‚ roles:id:user,                  
               β”‚             β”‚        β”‚                      β”‚ users:id:iamgroot

For User API key token, execute the commands:

# if apikey token already exists execute
dataos-ctl user apikey get

# if no apikey token exists, create a new one using
dataos-ctl user apikey create

# Sample Output

INFO[0000] πŸ”‘ user apikey get...                         
INFO[0000] πŸ”‘ user apikey get...complete                 

                   TOKEN                     β”‚  TYPE  β”‚      EXPIRATION      β”‚    NAME                   
  **abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnop** β”‚ apikey β”‚ 2023-12-29T14:00:00Z β”‚ token_abcd
                # dataos_user_apikey_token

Replace ${{dataos_user_id}} and ${{dataos_user_apikey_token}} with values obtained from the commands above in the Secret Manifest provided below:

# Resource meta section
name: ${{dataos-ctl-user-apikey}} 
version: v1
type: instance-secret
layer: user

# Instance-secret specific section
  type: key-value
  acl: rw
    USER_ID: ${{dataos_user_id}} 
    APIKEY: ${{dataos_user_apikey_token}}

Apply the Instance Secret manifest

dataos-ctl apply -f ${{instance secret yaml file path}}

# Expected Output
INFO[0000] πŸ›  apply...                                   
INFO[0000] πŸ”§ applying dataos-ctl-user-apikey:v1:instance-secret... 
INFO[0002] πŸ”§ applying dataos-ctl-user-apikey:v1:instance-secret...created 
INFO[0002] πŸ›  apply...complete

Create a Workflow manifest

The DataOS CLI Stack can be orchestrated using the Resource-type Workflow.

The Sample YAML for a Workflow that creates a Volume, checks its status, and deletes it is provided below:

# Resource meta section
name: dataos-ctl-volume-lifecycle-01
version: v1
type: workflow

# Workflow-specific section

# First Job
  - name: create-volume
      stack: dataos-ctl # dataos-ctl stack name
      compute: runnable-default

        # Referred Instance secrets 
      - name: dataos-ctl-user-apikey # Instance secret name same as declared above
        allKeys: true
        consumptionType: envVars

        # Stack-specific section
        - resource
        - apply
        - -f
        - /etc/dataos/config/manifest.yaml
        - -w

        # Manifest for the Resource against which the above command is executed
          version: v1beta
          name: "temp001"
          type: volume
            size: 1Gi
            accessMode: ReadWriteMany
            type: temp

# Second Job
  - name: get-volume
      stack: dataos-ctl
      compute: runnable-default

        # Referred Instance secrets 
      - name: dataos-ctl-user-apikey
        allKeys: true
        consumptionType: envVars

        # Stack-specific section
        - resource
        - get
        - -t
        - volume
        - -n
        - temp001
        - -w
    - create-volume # Second Job dependent on successful execution of First Job

Apply the Workflow manifest

dataos-ctl apply -f ${{workflow yaml file path}} -w ${{workspace name}}

# Sample and Expected Output
dataos-ctl apply -f workflow/volume_lifecycle.yml
INFO[0000] πŸ›  apply...                                   
INFO[0000] πŸ”§ applying(public) dataos-ctl-volume-lifecycle-01:v1:workflow... 
INFO[0005] πŸ”§ applying(public) dataos-ctl-volume-lifecycle-01:v1:workflow...created 
INFO[0005] πŸ›  apply...complete

Verify Workflow creation

dataos-ctl get -t workflow -w ${{workspace name}}

# Sample Output
INFO[0000] πŸ” get...
INFO[0001] πŸ” get...complete

  **cnt-product-demo-01 | v1      | workflow | public**    | active | running |   iamgroot

Check Workflow Logs to validate execution

Copy the name to Workspace from the output table of theΒ getΒ command and use it as a string in the delete command.

dataos-ctl -i "${{copy the name to workspace in the output table from get command}}" --node ${{failed node name from get runtime command}} log

# Sample
dataos-ctl -i "dataos-ctl-volume-lifecycle-01 | v1      | workflow | public" log                                                                                             
# Expected Output
INFO[0000] πŸ“ƒ log(public)...                             
INFO[0003] πŸ“ƒ log(public)...complete                     

        NODE NAME       β”‚ CONTAINER NAME β”‚ ERROR  
  create-volume-execute β”‚ main           β”‚        

time="2023-12-29T05:43:58Z" level=info msg="πŸ›  apply..."
time="2023-12-29T05:43:58Z" level=info msg="πŸ”§ applying(public) temp001:v1beta:volume..."
time="2023-12-29T05:43:59Z" level=info msg="πŸ”§ applying(public) temp001:v1beta:volume...created"
time="2023-12-29T05:43:59Z" level=info msg="πŸ›  apply...complete"
time="2023-12-29T05:44:00.092Z" level=info msg="sub-process exited" argo=true error="<nil>"

  get-volume-execute β”‚ main           β”‚        

time="2023-12-29T05:44:08Z" level=info msg="πŸ” get..."
time="2023-12-29T05:44:08Z" level=info msg="πŸ” get...complete"

  temp001 | v1beta  | volume | public    | active |         |  iamgroot  

time="2023-12-29T05:44:09.135Z" level=info msg="sub-process exited" argo=true error="<nil>"

Case Scenario