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Getting started: Volume

Create a Volume

A Volume Resource instance can be deployed by applying the manifest file. But before creating a Volume Resource, ensure you have the following:

Appropriate Access Permission Use Case

In DataOS, different actions require specific use cases that grant the necessary permissions to execute a task. You can grant these use cases directly to a user or group them under a tag, which is then assigned to the user. The following table outlines various actions related to Volume Resources and the corresponding use cases required:

Action Required Use Cases
Get Read Workspaces, Read Resources in User Specified Workspace / Read Resources in User Workspaces (for public and sandbox workspaces)
Create Create and Update Resources in User Workspace
Apply Create and Update Resources in User Workspace
Delete Delete Resources in User Workspace
Log Read Resource Logs in User Workspace

To assign use cases, you can either contact the DataOS Operator or create a Grant Request by creating a Grant Resource. The request will be validated by the DataOS Operator.

Create a manifest file

To create a Volume Resource, data developers can define a set of attributes in a manifest file, typically in YAML format, and deploy it using the DataOS Command Line Interface (CLI) or API. Below is a sample manifest file for a Volume Resource:

Sample Volume manifest
# volumetest:v1beta:volume
version: v1beta
name: volumetest
type: volume
  - example
  - manifest
description: example resource manifest
owner: iamgroot
layer: user


   size: 1Gi  #100Gi, 50Mi, 10Ti, 500Mi
   accessMode: ReadWriteMany #ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany 
   type: temp

The manifest file for a Volume Resource consists of three main sections, each requiring specific configuration:

Configuring the Resource meta section

In DataOS, a Volume is categorized as a Resource type. The YAML configuration file for a Volume Resource includes a Resource meta section, which contains attributes shared among all Resource types.

The following YAML excerpt illustrates the attributes specified within this section:

name: ${{resource_name}} # Name of the Resource (mandatory)
version: v1beta # Manifest version of the Resource (mandatory)
type: volume # Type of Resource (mandatory)
tags: # Tags for categorizing the Resource (optional)
  - ${{tag_example_1}}
  - ${{tag_example_2}}
description: ${{resource_description}} # Description (optional)
owner: ${{resource_owner}} # Owner of the Resource (optional, default to user-id of user deploying the resource)
layer: ${{resource_layer}} # DataOS Layer 
name: my-first-volume # Name of the Resource
version: v1beta # Manifest version of the Resource
type: volume # Type of Resource
tags: # Tags for categorizing the Resource
  - dataos:volume # Tags 
  - volume # Additional tags
description: Common attributes applicable to all DataOS Resources
owner: iamgroot
layer: user

To configure a volume Resource, replace the values of name, layer, tags, description, and owner with appropriate values. For additional configuration information about the attributes of the Resource meta section, refer to the link: Attributes of Resource meta section.

Configuring the Volume-specific section

The Volume-specific section of a manifest file encompasses attributes specific to the Volume Resource.

  size: ${{size}}  #100Gi, 50Mi, 10Ti, 500Mi
  accessMode: ${{access_mode}}  #ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany.
  type: ${{type}}
  size: 1Gi  #100Gi, 50Mi, 10Ti, 500Mi
  accessMode: ReadWriteMany  #ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany.
  type: temp

Apply the Volume manifest

After creating the Volume manifest file, it's time to apply it to instantiate the Resource-instance in the DataOS environment. To apply the manifest file, utilize the  apply  command.

dataos-ctl resource apply -f ${{yaml config file path}} -w ${{workspace}}

# Sample
dataos-ctl resource apply -f /home/Desktop/my-volume.yaml -w curriculum

Verify Volume Creation

To ensure that your Volume has been successfully created, you can verify it in two ways:

Check the name of the newly created Volume in the list of volumes created by you in a specific Workspace:

dataos-ctl get -t volume -w ${{workspace}}

Alternatively, retrieve the list of all volumes created in your organization:

dataos-ctl get -t volume -w ${{workspace}} -a

You can also access the details of any created Volume through the DataOS GUI in the Operations App.

Deleting Volumes

Use the delete command to remove the specific Volume Resource-instance from the DataOS environment:

dataos-ctl delete -t volume -n ${{name of Volume}}
# Sample
dataos-ctl delete -t volume -n my-volume

dataos-ctl delete -i "${{identifier string for a resource}}"
# Sample 
dataos-ctl delete -i "my-volume | v1beta | volume | curriculum "