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Do's and Dont's

This documentation provides guidelines for using Lens functionalities, including when to create views and best practices to avoid errors.


Data modelling

Calling a Measure to create another Measure in the same Table

When creating a measure that references another measure within the same table, use curly braces {}.

- name: current_month_sum
  sql: sellingprice
  type: sum
    - sql: month({invoice_date}) = 5

- name: previous_month_sum
  sql: sellingprice
  type: sum
    - sql: month({invoice_date}) = 4

- name: month_over_month_ratio
  sql: "{current_month_sum} / {previous_month_sum}"
  type: number

Proxy Dimension: Referencing Dimensions from another Table

To reference a dimension from one while creating a measure in another, use the curly braces {}. Specify the dimension using {.column} if it is from another table, or {column name} if it is within the same table.

- name: ref_dimension_cust
  sql: "{account.state}"
  type: string

  - name: ref_measure
    sql: case when {sales.ref_dimension} like '%w%' then **{ext_net}** end
    type: sum

Calling a Measure from another Table

When referencing a measure from another table, set sub_query to true.

- name: subq_rev
  sql: "{sales.total_revenue}"
  sub_query: true
  type: number

Transforming Dimension and calling it in a Measure

Use curly braces {} when calling a transformed dimension within measures.

  - name: quarter
    sql: quarter(invoice_date)
    type: number

  - name: total_quantities
    type: sum
    sql: qty_dec_equ
      - sql: year({quarter}) = 1

Working with window function

To correctly aggregate a measure within a window, use the rolling_window parameter when defining the measure. This ensures that any filters applied to the measure are correctly placed in the WHERE clause, which is essential for accurate results. Without rolling_window, filters might go into the HAVING clause, leading to incorrect calculations.

# This calculates the rolling sum of inventory sold for the previous 30 days
  - name: monthly_inventory_sold
    description: sum of total inventory sold up to the start of the month
    type: sum
    sql: "{TABLE.inventory}"
      trailing: 1 month
      offset: start

Use Cases for rolling windows:

  • Running totals or moving averages.
  • Ranking and percentile analysis (e.g., top performers).
  • Time series analysis (e.g., tracking month-over-month growth).
  • Comparative analysis (e.g., previous/next values or differences between rows).


  1. Purpose: Create views to provide a limited part of your data model to the consumer layer, such as any BI tool. Views are useful for defining metrics, managing governance and data access, and controlling ambiguous join paths.
  2. Members: Views do not have their own members. Instead, use the table or includes parameters to incorporate measures and dimensions from other tables into the view.
  3. Refresh key: Use a refresh key if the underlying data is refreshed on a regular cadence.

Example: revenue_view

In the following example, we create a view called revenue_view, which includes selected members from the sales, product, and account tables:

  - name: revenue_view
    description: View containing sales 360 degree information
    public: true
      export_to_iris: true
        timeseries: sales.invoice_date
         - sales.source
         - sales.invoice_date
          every: 24h

      - join_path: sales
        prefix: false
          - revenue
          - invoice_date
          - ext_net
          - source

      - join_path: product
        prefix: true   # product_category
          - category
          - brand
          - class

      - join_path: account
        prefix: false
          - site_name
          - state

Jinja macros

Lens data models support Jinja macros, allowing you to define reusable snippets of code. This feature helps in creating dynamic data models and SQL properties efficiently.

Dynamic data models

In the example below, we define a macro called dimension() which generates a dimension. This macro is then invoked multiple times to generate various dimensions.


{# Declare the macro before using it, otherwise Jinja will throw an error. #}
{%- macro dimension(column_name, type='string', description=None, primary_key=false, public_key=false) -%}
  - name: {{ column_name }}
    sql: {{ column_name }}
    type: {{ type }}
    {% if description is not none %}
    description: {{ description }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if primary_key -%}
    primary_key: true
    {% endif %}
    {% if public_key -%}
    public_key: false
    {% endif -%}
{% endmacro -%}

  - name: account
    sql: {{ load_sql('account') }}
    description: Table containing information about account
    public: true
      export_to_board: true

      {{ dimension('customer_id', type='string', description='Customer primary key.', primary_key=true) }}
      {{ dimension('site_number', type='number', description='The site number.') }}
      {{ dimension('customer_name', description='Name of the customer.') }}
      {{ dimension('address', description='Address of the customer.') }}
      {{ dimension('city', description='City of the customer.', public_key=true) }}
      {{ dimension('county_name', description='County name of the customer.') }}

SQL property

Macros can also be used to generate SQL snippets for use in the sql property. For example, to avoid division by zero errors when creating measures, define a macro and use it in multiple measures.


{%- macro nullif_sum_cast(column_name) -%}
  cast(nullif(sum({{ column_name }}), 0) as decimal(20,5))
{%- endmacro -%}

  - name: wallet_share
    sql: >
      round((sum(ext_net) FILTER (WHERE lower({source}) = 'proof')) / {{ nullif_sum_cast('ext_net') }}, 2)
    type: number

Dynamic Segments with secure access

You can create dynamic segments with secure access using Jinja macros. This example sets up segments for different categories with user group restrictions.


{%- set categories = ["Wine", "Beer", "Spirits", "NAB"] -%}

  {% for name in categories %}
    - name: {{ "segment_" ~ name }}
      public: true
      sql: {{ "{category_name} = '" ~ name ~ "'" }}
              - {{ name }}
              - default
  {% endfor %}

User Group Configuration

  - name: Wine
      - meta
      - data
      - graphql
      # - jobs
      # - source
      - users:id:***
      - users:id:***
      - users:id:***
  - name: Beer
      - meta
      - data
      - graphql
      # - jobs
      # - source
      - users:id:***
      - users:id:***
  - name: Spirits
      - meta
      - data
      - graphql
      # - jobs
      # - source
      - users:id:***
      - users:id:***
      - users:id:***
  - name: NAB
      - meta
      - data
      - graphql
      # - jobs
      # - source
      - users:id:***
      - users:id:***
  - name: default
    includes: "*"
      - meta
      - data
      - graphql
      # - jobs
      # - source

By leveraging Jinja macros, you can create efficient, reusable, and dynamic configurations in your Lens data models.


When creating Lens, avoid the following practices to ensure functionality and maintainability:

Avoid using curly braces {} in descriptions

Since Jinja is supported, using curly braces {} in descriptions can cause issues.

  - name: sales_sk
    type: string
    column: sales_sk
    public: false
    primary_key: true
    description: It is the primary key of sales

Avoid using single quotes in Measures, Dimensions, and Segments

Using single quotes can throw errors. Instead, use double quotes.

  - name: order
    sql: {{ load_sql('order') }}
    description: Table containing information about product
    public: true
      export_to_board: false

      - name: statuses
        sql: "listagg({order.status}) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY {order.status})"
        type: string

      - name: status
        sql: "UPPER(status)"
        type: string

Avoid filtering Measures and Dimensions from the same Table with OR operator

Measures and dimensions from the same table cannot be filtered simultaneously using the 'OR' operator.

  "measures": [
  "dimensions": [
  "segments": [],
  "filters": [
      "or": [
          "member": "sales.site_number",
          "operator": "equals",
          "values": [
          "member": "sales.total_revenue",
          "operator": "gt",
          "values": [
  "timeDimensions": [],
  "limit": 10,
  "offset": 0

Avoid combining dimensions and measures in the same 'OR' condition. Use separate conditions for clarity.

  "or": [
      "member": "sales.invoice_no",
      "operator": "equals",
      "values": [
      "member": "sales.site_number",
      "operator": "equals",
      "values": [
      "member": "sales.posting_period",
      "operator": "inDateRange",
      "values": [
      "member": "sales.revenue",
      "operator": "gt",
      "values": [

By adhering to these guidelines, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure your Lens functions correctly and efficiently.