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Integration with GraphQL

In this module, you’ll learn how to consume the Data Product through GraphQL, after ensuring that the “Product Affinity” Data Product is completely solving the use case. Follow a step-by-step approach to integrate it seamlessly into your application.

Steps to Get Started

here are the steps to access and use the Data Product via GraphQL.

Consuming the Data Product via GraphQL

  1. Open the Access Options Tab

    Go to the Access Options tab on your Data Product’s details page. Locate the GraphQL section to begin.


  2. Explore in the GraphQL Playground

    Click on the Try it out link which will redirect you to the GraphQL playground.


  3. Run Queries and Integrate with Your Application

    In the Playground, enter your query and hit the Play button to run it. Copy the endpoint URL and authentication details, and input them into your application’s settings to establish a connection. You’re now ready to integrate the data into your application!


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