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Functions and Operators

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Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description
abs bigint bigint scalar 1 Absolute value
decimal(p,s) decimal(p,s)
double double
integer integer
real real
smallint smallint
tinyint tinyint
acos double double scalar 1 Arc cosine
all_match boolean array(t), function(t,boolean) scalar 1 Returns true if all elements of the array match the given predicate
any_match boolean array(t), function(t,boolean) scalar 1 Returns true if the array contains one or more elements that match the given predicate
approx_distinct bigint boolean aggregate 1
bigint boolean, double aggregate 1
bigint t aggregate 1
bigint t, double aggregate 1
bigint unknown aggregate 1
bigint unknown, double aggregate 1
approx_most_frequent map(bigint,bigint) bigint, bigint, bigint aggregate 1
map(varchar,bigint) bigint, varchar, bigint aggregate 1
approx_percentile array(bigint) bigint, array(double) aggregate 1
array(bigint) bigint, double, array(double) aggregate 1
array(double) double, array(double) aggregate 1
array(double) double, double, array(double) aggregate 1
array(real) real, array(double) aggregate 1
array(real) real, double, array(double) aggregate 1
bigint bigint, double aggregate 1
bigint bigint, double, double aggregate 1
bigint bigint, double, double, double aggregate 1
double double, double aggregate 1
double double, double, double aggregate 1
double double, double, double, double aggregate 1
real real, double aggregate 1
real real, double, double aggregate 1
real real, double, double, double aggregate 1
approx_set hyperloglog bigint aggregate 1
hyperloglog double aggregate 1
hyperloglog varchar(x) aggregate 1
arbitrary T T aggregate 1 Return an arbitrary non-null input value
array_agg array(T) T aggregate 1 return an array of values
array_distinct array(e) array(e) scalar 1 Remove duplicate values from the given array
array_except array(e) array(e), array(e) scalar 1 Returns an array of elements that are in the first array but not the second, without duplicates
array_intersect array(e) array(e), array(e) scalar 1 Intersects elements of the two given arrays
array_join varchar array(T), varchar scalar 1 Concatenates the elements of the given array using a delimiter and an optional string to replace nulls
varchar array(T), varchar, varchar scalar 1 Concatenates the elements of the given array using a delimiter and an optional string to replace nulls
array_max t array(t) scalar 1 Get maximum value of array
array_min t array(t) scalar 1 Get minimum value of array
array_position bigint array(t), t scalar 1 Returns the position of the first occurrence of the given value in array (or 0 if not found)
array_remove array(e) array(e), e scalar 1 Remove specified values from the given array
array_sort array(e) array(e) scalar 1 Sorts the given array in ascending order according to the natural ordering of its elements.
array(t) array(t), function(t,t,integer) scalar 1 Sorts the given array with a lambda comparator.
array_union array(e) array(e), array(e) scalar 1 Union elements of the two given arrays
arrays_overlap boolean array(e), array(e) scalar 1 Returns true if arrays have common elements
asin double double scalar 1 Arc sine
at_timezone timestamp(p) with time zone timestamp(p) with time zone, varchar(x) scalar 1
atan double double scalar 1 Arc tangent
atan2 double double, double scalar 1 Arc tangent of given fraction
avg decimal(p,s) decimal(p,s) aggregate 1 Calculates the average value
double bigint


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
bar varchar double, bigint scalar 1
bar varchar double, bigint, color, color scalar 1
beta_cdf double double, double, double scalar 1 Beta cdf given the a, b parameters and value
bin varchar bigint scalar 1 Converts decimal number to binary
bing_tile bingtile integer, integer, integer scalar 1 Creates a Bing tile from XY coordinates and zoom level
bing_tile bingtile varchar scalar 1 Creates a Bing tile from a QuadKey
bing_tile_at bingtile double, double, integer scalar 1 Given a (latitude, longitude) point, returns the containing Bing tile at the specified zoom level
bing_tile_coordinates row(“x” integer,“y” integer) bingtile scalar 1 Given a Bing tile, returns XY coordinates of the tile
bing_tile_polygon geometry bingtile scalar 1 Given a Bing tile, returns the polygon representation of the tile
bing_tile_quadkey varchar bingtile scalar 1 Given a Bing tile, returns its QuadKey
bing_tile_zoom_level tinyint bingtile scalar 1 Given a Bing tile, returns zoom level of the tile
bing_tiles_around array(bingtile) double, double, integer scalar 1 Given a (longitude, latitude) point, returns the surrounding Bing tiles at the specified zoom level
bing_tiles_around array(bingtile) double, double, integer, double scalar 1 Given a (latitude, longitude) point, a radius in kilometers and a zoom level, returns a minimum set of Bing tiles at specified zoom level that cover a circle of specified radius around the specified point.
bit_count bigint bigint, bigint scalar 1 Count number of set bits in 2’s complement representation
bitwise_and bigint bigint, bigint scalar 1 Bitwise AND in 2’s complement arithmetic
bitwise_and_agg bigint bigint aggregate 1
bitwise_left_shift bigint bigint, integer scalar 1 bitwise left shift
bitwise_left_shift integer integer, integer scalar 1 bitwise left shift
bitwise_left_shift smallint smallint, integer scalar 1 bitwise left shift
bitwise_left_shift tinyint tinyint, integer scalar 1 bitwise left shift
bitwise_not bigint bigint scalar 1 Bitwise NOT in 2’s complement arithmetic
bitwise_or bigint bigint, bigint scalar 1 Bitwise OR in 2’s complement arithmetic
bitwise_or_agg bigint bigint aggregate 1
bitwise_right_shift bigint bigint, integer scalar 1 bitwise logical right shift
bitwise_right_shift integer integer, integer scalar 1 bitwise logical right shift
bitwise_right_shift smallint smallint, integer scalar 1 bitwise logical right shift
bitwise_right_shift tinyint tinyint, integer scalar 1 bitwise logical right shift
bitwise_right_shift_arithmetic bigint bigint, integer scalar 1 bitwise arithmetic right shift
bitwise_right_shift_arithmetic integer integer, integer scalar 1 bitwise arithmetic right shift
bitwise_right_shift_arithmetic smallint smallint, integer scalar 1 bitwise arithmetic right shift
bitwise_right_shift_arithmetic tinyint tinyint, integer scalar 1 bitwise arithmetic right shift
bitwise_xor bigint bigint, bigint scalar 1 Bitwise XOR in 2’s complement arithmetic
bool_and boolean boolean aggregate 1
bool_or boolean boolean aggregate 1


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description
cardinality bigint array(e) scalar 1 Returns the cardinality (length) of the array
cardinality bigint hyperloglog scalar 1 Compute the cardinality of a HyperLogLog instance
cardinality bigint map(k,v) scalar 1 Returns the cardinality (the number of key-value pairs) of the map
cardinality bigint setdigest scalar 1
cbrt double double scalar 1 Cube root
ceil bigint bigint scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceil decimal(rp,0) decimal(p,s) scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceil double double scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceil integer integer scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceil real real scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceil smallint smallint scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceil tinyint tinyint scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceiling bigint bigint scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceiling decimal(rp,0) decimal(p,s) scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceiling double double scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceiling integer integer scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceiling real real scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceiling smallint smallint scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
ceiling tinyint tinyint scalar 1 Round up to nearest integer
char2hexint varchar varchar scalar 1 Returns the hexadecimal representation of the UTF-16BE encoding of the argument
checksum varbinary T aggregate 1 Checksum of the given values
chr varchar(1) bigint scalar 1 Convert Unicode code point to a string
classify bigint map(bigint,double), classifier(bigint) scalar 1
classify varchar map(bigint,double), classifier(varchar) scalar 1
codepoint integer varchar(1) scalar 1 Returns Unicode code point of a single character string
color color double, color, color scalar 1
color color double, double, double, color, color scalar 1
color color varchar(x) scalar 1
combinations array(array(t)) array(t), integer scalar 1 Return n-element subsets from array
concat array(E) E, array(E) scalar 1 Concatenates an element to an array
concat array(E) array(E) scalar 1 Concatenates given arrays
concat array(E) array(E), E scalar 1 Concatenates an array to an element
concat char(u) char(x), char(y) scalar 1 Concatenates given character strings
concat varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Concatenates given varbinary values
concat varchar varchar scalar 1 Concatenates given strings
concat_ws varchar varchar, array(varchar) scalar 1
concat_ws varchar varchar, varchar scalar 1 Concatenates elements using separator
contains boolean array(t), t scalar 1 Determines whether given value exists in the array
contains boolean varchar, ipaddress scalar 1 Determines whether given IP address exists in the CIDR
contains_sequence boolean array(t), array(t) scalar 1 Determines whether an array contains a sequence, with the values in the exact order
convex_hull_agg geometry geometry aggregate 1 Returns a geometry that is the convex hull of all the geometries in the set
corr double double, double aggregate 1
corr real real, real aggregate 1
cos double double scalar 1 Cosine
cosh double double scalar 1 Hyperbolic cosine
cosine_similarity double map(varchar,double), map(varchar,double) scalar 1 Cosine similarity between the given sparse vectors
count bigint aggregate 1
count bigint T aggregate 1 Counts the non-null values
count_if bigint boolean aggregate 1
covar_pop double double, double aggregate 1
covar_pop real real, real aggregate 1
covar_samp double double, double aggregate 1
covar_samp real real, real aggregate 1
crc32 bigint varbinary scalar 1 Compute CRC-32
cume_dist double window 1
current_date date scalar 1 Current date
current_groups array(varchar) scalar 1 Current groups of current user
current_timezone varchar scalar 1 Current time zone


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
date date timestamp(p) scalar 1
date date timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1
date date varchar(x) scalar 1
date_add date varchar(x), bigint, date scalar 1 Add the specified amount of date to the given date
date_add time(p) varchar(x), bigint, time(p) scalar 1 Add the specified amount of time to the given time
date_add time(p) with time zone varchar(x), bigint, time(p) with time zone scalar 1 Add the specified amount of time to the given time
date_add timestamp(p) varchar(x), bigint, timestamp(p) scalar 1 Add the specified amount of time to the given timestamp
date_add timestamp(p) with time zone varchar(x), bigint, timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Add the specified amount of time to the given timestamp
date_add varchar date, bigint scalar 1 Add number of days to the given date
date_add varchar varchar, bigint scalar 1 Add number of days to the given string date
date_diff bigint varchar(x), date, date scalar 1 Difference of the given dates in the given unit
date_diff bigint varchar(x), time(p) with time zone, time(p) with time zone scalar 1 Difference of the given times in the given unit
date_diff bigint varchar(x), time(p), time(p) scalar 1 Difference of the given times in the given unit
date_diff bigint varchar(x), timestamp(p) with time zone, timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Difference of the given times in the given unit
date_diff bigint varchar(x), timestamp(p), timestamp(p) scalar 1 Difference of the given times in the given unit
date_format varchar timestamp(p) with time zone, varchar(x) scalar 1 Formats the given timestamp by the given format
date_format varchar timestamp(p), varchar(x) scalar 1 Formats the given timestamp by the given format
date_parse timestamp(3) varchar(x), varchar(y) scalar 1
date_sub varchar date, bigint scalar 1 Subtract number of days to the given date
date_sub varchar varchar, bigint scalar 1 Subtract number of days to the given string date
date_trunc date varchar(x), date scalar 1 Truncate to the specified precision in the session timezone
date_trunc time(p) varchar(x), time(p) scalar 1 Truncate to the specified precision
date_trunc time(p) with time zone varchar(x), time(p) with time zone scalar 1 Truncate to the specified precision
date_trunc timestamp(p) varchar(x), timestamp(p) scalar 1 Truncate to the specified precision in the session timezone
date_trunc timestamp(p) with time zone varchar(x), timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Truncate to the specified precision
datediff bigint date, date scalar 1 difference of the given dates in days
datediff bigint timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone scalar 1 difference of the given dates (Timestamps) in days
datediff bigint timestamp, timestamp scalar 1 difference of the given dates (Timestamps) in days
datediff bigint varchar, varchar scalar 1 difference of the given dates (String) in days
day bigint date scalar 1 Day of the month of the given date
day bigint interval day to second scalar 1 Day of the month of the given interval
day bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Day of the month of the given timestamp
day bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Day of the month of the given timestamp
day bigint varchar scalar 1 day of the year of the given string timestamp
day_of_month bigint date scalar 1 Day of the month of the given date
day_of_month bigint interval day to second scalar 1 Day of the month of the given interval
day_of_month bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Day of the month of the given timestamp
day_of_month bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Day of the month of the given timestamp
day_of_week bigint date scalar 1 Day of the week of the given date
day_of_week bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Day of the week of the given timestamp
day_of_week bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Day of the week of the given timestamp
day_of_year bigint date scalar 1 Day of the year of the given date
day_of_year bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Day of the year of the given timestamp
day_of_year bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Day of the year of the given timestamp
dayofmonth bigint varchar scalar 1 day of the year of the given string timestamp
degrees double double scalar 1 Converts an angle in radians to degrees
dense_rank bigint window 1
dow bigint date scalar 1 Day of the week of the given date
dow bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Day of the week of the given timestamp
dow bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Day of the week of the given timestamp
doy bigint date scalar 1 Day of the year of the given date
doy bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Day of the year of the given timestamp
doy bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Day of the year of the given timestamp


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
e double scalar 1 Euler’s number
element_at V map(K,V), K scalar 1 Get value for the given key, or null if it does not exist
element_at e array(e), bigint scalar 1 Get element of array at given index
empty_approx_set hyperloglog scalar 1 An empty HyperLogLog instance
evaluate_classifier_predictions varchar bigint, bigint aggregate 1
evaluate_classifier_predictions varchar varchar(x), varchar(y) aggregate 1
every boolean boolean aggregate 1
exp double double scalar 1 Euler’s number raised to the given power


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
features map(bigint,double) double scalar 1
features map(bigint,double) double, double scalar 1
features map(bigint,double) double, double, double scalar 1
features map(bigint,double) double, double, double, double scalar 1
features map(bigint,double) double, double, double, double, double scalar 1
features map(bigint,double) double, double, double, double, double, double scalar 1
features map(bigint,double) double, double, double, double, double, double, double scalar 1
features map(bigint,double) double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double scalar 1
features map(bigint,double) double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double scalar 1
features map(bigint,double) double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double scalar 1
filter array(t) array(t), function(t,boolean) scalar 0 Return array containing elements that match the given predicate
find_in_set bigint varchar, varchar scalar 1 Returns the first occurance of string in string list (inputStrList) where string list (inputStrList) is a comma-delimited string.
first_value t t window 1
flatten array(E) array(array(E)) scalar 1 Flattens the given array
floor bigint bigint scalar 1 Round down to nearest integer
floor decimal(rp,0) decimal(p,s) scalar 1 Round down to nearest integer
floor double double scalar 1 Round down to nearest integer
floor integer integer scalar 1 Round down to nearest integer
floor real real scalar 1 Round down to nearest integer
floor smallint smallint scalar 1 Round down to nearest integer
floor tinyint tinyint scalar 1 Round down to nearest integer
format_datetime varchar timestamp(p) with time zone, varchar(x) scalar 1 Formats the given time by the given format
format_datetime varchar timestamp(p), varchar(x) scalar 1 Formats the given time by the given format
format_number varchar bigint scalar 1 Formats large number using a unit symbol
format_number varchar double scalar 1 Formats large number using a unit symbol
format_unixtimestamp varchar bigint scalar 1 Converts the number of seconds from unix epoch to a string representing the timestamp
format_unixtimestamp varchar bigint, varchar scalar 1 Converts the number of seconds from unix epoch to a string representing the timestamp according to the given format
from_base bigint varchar(x), bigint scalar 1 Convert a string in the given base to a number
from_base64 varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Decode base64 encoded binary data
from_base64 varbinary varchar(x) scalar 1 Decode base64 encoded binary data
from_base64url varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Decode URL safe base64 encoded binary data
from_base64url varbinary varchar(x) scalar 1 Decode URL safe base64 encoded binary data
from_big_endian_32 integer varbinary scalar 1 Decode bigint value from a 32-bit 2’s complement big endian varbinary
from_big_endian_64 bigint varbinary scalar 1 Decode bigint value from a 64-bit 2’s complement big endian varbinary
from_datasize double varchar, varchar scalar 1 Converts a string representing data size in airlift’s DataSize format to a double representing size in the specified size unit
from_duration double varchar, varchar scalar 1 Converts a string representing time duration in airlift’s Duration format to a double representing time in the specified time unit
from_encoded_polyline geometry varchar scalar 1 Decodes a polyline to a linestring
from_geojson_geometry sphericalgeography varchar scalar 1 Returns a spherical geography from a GeoJSON string
from_hex varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Decode hex encoded binary data
from_hex varbinary varchar(x) scalar 1 Decode hex encoded binary data
from_ieee754_32 real varbinary scalar 1 Decode the 32-bit big-endian binary in IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point format
from_ieee754_64 double varbinary scalar 1 Decode the 64-bit big-endian binary in IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point format
from_iso8601_date date varchar(x) scalar 1
from_iso8601_timestamp timestamp(3) with time zone varchar(x) scalar 1
from_iso8601_timestamp_nanos timestamp(9) with time zone varchar(x) scalar 1
from_unixtime timestamp(3) with time zone double scalar 1
from_unixtime timestamp(3) with time zone double, bigint, bigint scalar 1
from_unixtime timestamp(3) with time zone double, varchar(x) scalar 1
from_unixtime_nanos timestamp(9) with time zone bigint scalar 1
from_unixtime_nanos timestamp(9) with time zone decimal(p,s) scalar 1
from_utc_timestamp timestamp timestamp, varchar scalar 1 given timestamp in UTC and converts to given timezone
from_utc_timestamp timestamp varchar, varchar scalar 1 given timestamp (in varchar) in UTC and converts to given timezone
from_utf8 varchar varbinary scalar 1 Decodes the UTF-8 encoded string
from_utf8 varchar varbinary, bigint scalar 1 Decodes the UTF-8 encoded string
from_utf8 varchar varbinary, varchar(x) scalar 1 Decodes the UTF-8 encoded string


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
geometric_mean double bigint aggregate 1
geometric_mean double double aggregate 1
geometric_mean real real aggregate 1
geometry_from_hadoop_shape geometry varbinary scalar 1 Returns a Geometry type object from Spatial Framework for Hadoop representation
geometry_invalid_reason varchar geometry scalar 1 Returns the reason for why the input geometry is not valid. Returns null if the input is valid.
geometry_nearest_points row(geometry,geometry) geometry, geometry scalar 1 Return the closest points on the two geometries
geometry_to_bing_tiles array(bingtile) geometry, integer scalar 1 Given a geometry and a zoom level, returns the minimum set of Bing tiles that fully covers that geometry
geometry_union geometry array(geometry) scalar 1 Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the input geometries.
geometry_union_agg geometry geometry aggregate 1 Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the input geometries.
great_circle_distance double double, double, double, double scalar 1 Calculates the great-circle distance between two points on the Earth’s surface in kilometers
greatest E E scalar 1 Get the largest of the given values


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
hamming_distance bigint varchar(x), varchar(y) scalar 1 Computes Hamming distance between two strings
hash_counts map(bigint,smallint) setdigest scalar 1
hex varchar bigint scalar 1 Converts integer number to hex value
hex varchar varbinary scalar 1 Converts binary to hex value
hex varchar varchar scalar 1 Converts string number to hex value
histogram map(K,bigint) K aggregate 1 Count the number of times each value occurs
hmac_md5 varbinary varbinary, varbinary scalar 1 Compute HMAC with MD5
hmac_sha1 varbinary varbinary, varbinary scalar 1 Compute HMAC with SHA1
hmac_sha256 varbinary varbinary, varbinary scalar 1 Compute HMAC with SHA256
hmac_sha512 varbinary varbinary, varbinary scalar 1 Compute HMAC with SHA512
hour bigint interval day to second scalar 1 Hour of the day of the given interval
hour bigint time(p) scalar 1 Hour of the day of the given time
hour bigint time(p) with time zone scalar 1 Hour of the day of the given time
hour bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Hour of the day of the given timestamp
hour bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Hour of the day of the given timestamp
hour bigint varchar scalar 1 day of the year of the given string timestamp
human_readable_seconds varchar double scalar 1


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
index bigint varchar, varchar scalar 1 Returns index of first occurrence of a substring (or 0 if not found)
infinity double scalar 1 Infinity
instr bigint varchar, varchar scalar 1 returns index of first occurrence of a substring (or 0 if not found) in string
intersection_cardinality bigint setdigest, setdigest scalar 1
inverse_beta_cdf double double, double, double scalar 1 Inverse of Beta cdf given a, b parameters and probability
inverse_normal_cdf double double, double, double scalar 1 Inverse of normal cdf given a mean, std, and probability
is_finite boolean double scalar 1 Test if value is finite
is_infinite boolean double scalar 1 Test if value is infinite
is_json_scalar boolean json scalar 1
is_json_scalar boolean varchar(x) scalar 1
is_nan boolean double scalar 1 Test if value is not-a-number


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
jaccard_index double setdigest, setdigest scalar 1
json_array_contains boolean json, bigint scalar 1
json_array_contains boolean json, boolean scalar 1
json_array_contains boolean json, double scalar 1
json_array_contains boolean json, varchar(x) scalar 1
json_array_contains boolean varchar(x), bigint scalar 1
json_array_contains boolean varchar(x), boolean scalar 1
json_array_contains boolean varchar(x), double scalar 1
json_array_contains boolean varchar(x), varchar(y) scalar 1
json_array_get json json, bigint scalar 1
json_array_get json varchar(x), bigint scalar 1
json_array_length bigint json scalar 1
json_array_length bigint varchar(x) scalar 1
json_extract json json, jsonpath scalar 1
json_extract json varchar(x), jsonpath scalar 1
json_extract_scalar varchar json, jsonpath scalar 1
json_extract_scalar varchar(x) varchar(x), jsonpath scalar 1
json_format varchar json scalar 1
json_parse json varchar(x) scalar 1
json_size bigint json, jsonpath scalar 1
json_size bigint varchar(x), jsonpath scalar 1


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
kurtosis double bigint aggregate 1 Returns the (excess) kurtosis of the argument
kurtosis double double aggregate 1 Returns the (excess) kurtosis of the argument


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
lag t t window 1
lag t t, bigint window 1
lag t t, bigint, t window 1
last_day_of_month date date scalar 1 Last day of the month of the given date
last_day_of_month date timestamp(p) scalar 1 Last day of the month of the given timestamp
last_day_of_month date timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Last day of the month of the given timestamp
last_value t t window 1
lead t t window 1
lead t t, bigint window 1
lead t t, bigint, t window 1
learn_classifier classifier(bigint) bigint, map(bigint,double) aggregate 1
learn_classifier classifier(bigint) double, map(bigint,double) aggregate 1
learn_classifier classifier(varchar) varchar, map(bigint,double) aggregate 1
learn_libsvm_classifier classifier(bigint) bigint, map(bigint,double), varchar(x) aggregate 1
learn_libsvm_classifier classifier(bigint) double, map(bigint,double), varchar aggregate 1
learn_libsvm_classifier classifier(varchar) varchar, map(bigint,double), varchar aggregate 1
learn_libsvm_regressor regressor bigint, map(bigint,double), varchar aggregate 1
learn_libsvm_regressor regressor double, map(bigint,double), varchar aggregate 1
learn_regressor regressor bigint, map(bigint,double) aggregate 1
learn_regressor regressor double, map(bigint,double) aggregate 1
least E E scalar 1 Get the smallest of the given values
length bigint char(x) scalar 1 Count of code points of the given string
length bigint varbinary scalar 1 Length of the given binary
length bigint varchar(x) scalar 1 Count of code points of the given string
levenshtein_distance bigint varchar(x), varchar(y) scalar 1 Computes Levenshtein distance between two strings
line_interpolate_point geometry geometry, double scalar 1 Returns a Point interpolated along a LineString at the fraction given.
line_interpolate_points array(geometry) geometry, double scalar 1 Returns an array of Points interpolated along a LineString.
line_locate_point double geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns a float between 0 and 1 representing the location of the closest point on the LineString to the given Point, as a fraction of total 2d line length.
listagg varchar varchar(v), varchar(d), boolean, varchar(f), boolean aggregate 1 concatenates the input values with the specified separator
ln double double scalar 1 Natural logarithm
locate bigint varchar, varchar scalar 1 returns index of first occurrence of a substring (or 0 if not found)
locate bigint varchar, varchar, bigint scalar 1 Returns the position of the first occurrence of substring in str after position pos
log double double, double scalar 1 Logarithm to given base
log10 double double scalar 1 Logarithm to base 10
log2 double double scalar 1 Logarithm to base 2
lower char(x) char(x) scalar 1 Converts the string to lower case
lower varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Converts the string to lower case
lpad varbinary varbinary, bigint, varbinary scalar 1 Pads a varbinary on the left
lpad varchar varchar(x), bigint, varchar(y) scalar 1 Pads a string on the left
ltrim char(x) char(x) scalar 1 Removes whitespace from the beginning of a string
ltrim char(x) char(x), codepoints scalar 1 Remove the longest string containing only given characters from the beginning of a string
ltrim varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Removes whitespace from the beginning of a string
ltrim varchar(x) varchar(x), codepoints scalar 1 Remove the longest string containing only given characters from the beginning of a string
luhn_check boolean varchar scalar 1 Checks that a string of digits is valid according to the Luhn algorithm


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
make_set_digest setdigest t aggregate 1
map map(K,V) array(K), array(V) scalar 1 Constructs a map from the given key/value arrays
map map(unknown,unknown) scalar 1 Creates an empty map
map_agg map(K,V) K, V aggregate 1 Aggregates all the rows (key/value pairs) into a single map
map_concat map(K,V) map(K,V) scalar 1 Concatenates given maps
map_entries array(row(k,v)) map(k,v) scalar 1 Construct an array of entries from a given map
map_filter map(K,V) map(K,V), function(K,V,boolean) scalar 0 return map containing entries that match the given predicate
map_from_entries map(k,v) array(row(k,v)) scalar 1 Construct a map from an array of entries
map_keys array(k) map(k,v) scalar 1 Returns the keys of the given map(K,V) as an array
map_union map(K,V) map(K,V) aggregate 1 Aggregate all the maps into a single map
map_values array(v) map(k,v) scalar 1 Returns the values of the given map(K,V) as an array
map_zip_with map(K,V3) map(K,V1), map(K,V2), function(K,V1,V2,V3) scalar 0 Merge two maps into a single map by applying the lambda function to the pair of values with the same key
max E E aggregate 1 Returns the maximum value of the argument
max array(E) E, bigint aggregate 1 Returns the maximum values of the argument
max_by V V, K aggregate 1 Returns the value of the first argument, associated with the maximum value of the second argument
max_by array(V) V, K, bigint aggregate 1 Returns the values of the first argument associated with the maximum values of the second argument
md5 varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Compute md5 hash
md5 varchar varchar scalar 1 md5 hash
merge hyperloglog hyperloglog aggregate 1
merge qdigest(T) qdigest(T) aggregate 1 Merges the input quantile digests into a single quantile digest
merge tdigest tdigest aggregate 1
merge_set_digest setdigest setdigest aggregate 1
millisecond bigint interval day to second scalar 1 Millisecond of the second of the given interval
millisecond bigint time(p) scalar 1 Millisecond of the second of the given time
millisecond bigint time(p) with time zone scalar 1 Millisecond of the second of the given time
millisecond bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Millisecond of the second of the given timestamp
millisecond bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Millisecond of the second of the given timestamp
min E E aggregate 1 Returns the minimum value of the argument
min array(E) E, bigint aggregate 1 Returns the minimum values of the argument
min_by V V, K aggregate 1 Returns the value of the first argument, associated with the minimum value of the second argument
min_by array(V) V, K, bigint aggregate 1 Returns the values of the first argument associated with the minimum values of the second argument
minute bigint interval day to second scalar 1 Minute of the hour of the given interval
minute bigint time(p) scalar 1 Minute of the hour of the given time
minute bigint time(p) with time zone scalar 1 Minute of the hour of the given time
minute bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Minute of the hour of the given timestamp
minute bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Minute of the hour of the given timestamp
minute bigint varchar scalar 1 day of the year of the given string timestamp
mod bigint bigint, bigint scalar 1 Remainder of given quotient
mod decimal(r_precision,r_scale) decimal(a_precision,a_scale), decimal(b_precision,b_scale) scalar 1
mod double double, double scalar 1 Remainder of given quotient
mod integer integer, integer scalar 1 Remainder of given quotient
mod real real, real scalar 1 Remainder of given quotient
mod smallint smallint, smallint scalar 1 Remainder of given quotient
mod tinyint tinyint, tinyint scalar 1 Remainder of given quotient
month bigint date scalar 1 Month of the year of the given date
month bigint interval year to month scalar 1 Month of the year of the given interval
month bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Month of the year of the given timestamp
month bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Month of the year of the given timestamp
month bigint varchar scalar 1 month of the year of the given string timestamp
multimap_agg map(K,array(V)) K, V aggregate 1 Aggregates all the rows (key/value pairs) into a single multimap
multimap_from_entries map(k,array(v)) array(row(k,v)) scalar 1 Construct a multimap from an array of entries
murmur3 varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Compute murmur3 hash


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
nan double scalar 1 Constant representing not-a-number
ngrams array(array(t)) array(t), integer scalar 1 Return N-grams for the input
none_match boolean array(t), function(t,boolean) scalar 1 Returns true if all elements of the array don’t match the given predicate
normal_cdf double double, double, double scalar 1 Normal cdf given a mean, standard deviation, and value
normalize varchar varchar(x), varchar(y) scalar 1 Transforms the string to normalized form
now timestamp(3) with time zone scalar 1 Current timestamp with time zone
nth_value t t, bigint window 1
ntile bigint bigint window 1
numeric_histogram map(double,double) bigint, double aggregate 1
numeric_histogram map(double,double) bigint, double, double aggregate 1
numeric_histogram map(real,real) bigint, real aggregate 1
numeric_histogram map(real,real) bigint, real, double aggregate 1
nvl t t, t scalar 1 Return default value if the value is NULL else return value


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
objectid objectid scalar 1 Mongodb ObjectId
objectid objectid varchar scalar 1 Mongodb ObjectId from the given string
objectid_timestamp timestamp(3) with time zone objectid scalar 1 Timestamp from the given Mongodb ObjectId


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
parse_data_size decimal(38,0) varchar(x) scalar 1 Converts data size string to bytes
parse_datetime timestamp(3) with time zone varchar(x), varchar(y) scalar 1 Parses the specified date/time by the given format
parse_duration interval day to second varchar(x) scalar 1 Convert duration string to an interval
parse_presto_data_size decimal(38,0) varchar(x) scalar 1 Converts data size string to bytes
percent_rank double window 1
pi double scalar 1 The constant Pi
pmod bigint bigint, bigint scalar 1 Returns the positive value of a mod b.
pmod double double, double scalar 1 Returns the positive value of a mod b
pow double double, double scalar 1 Value raised to the power of exponent
power double double, double scalar 1 Value raised to the power of exponent


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
qdigest_agg qdigest(V) V aggregate 1 Returns a qdigest from the set of reals, bigints or doubles
qdigest_agg qdigest(V) V, bigint aggregate 1 Returns a qdigest from the set of reals, bigints or doubles
qdigest_agg qdigest(V) V, bigint, double aggregate 1 Returns a qdigest from the set of reals, bigints or doubles
quarter bigint date scalar 1 Quarter of the year of the given date
quarter bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Quarter of the year of the given timestamp
quarter bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Quarter of the year of the given timestamp


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
radians double double scalar 1 Converts an angle in degrees to radians
rand bigint bigint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between 0 and value (exclusive)
rand bigint bigint, bigint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between start and stop (exclusive)
rand double scalar 0 A pseudo-random value
rand integer integer scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between 0 and value (exclusive)
rand integer integer, integer scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between start and stop (exclusive)
rand smallint smallint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between 0 and value (exclusive)
rand smallint smallint, smallint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between start and stop (exclusive)
rand tinyint tinyint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between 0 and value (exclusive)
rand tinyint tinyint, tinyint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between start and stop (exclusive)
rand_cellphone varchar scalar 0 Random cell phone
rand_email varchar scalar 0 Random email address
rand_pattern varchar varchar scalar 0 Random string matching pattern (# for number and ? for letter)
rand_phone varchar scalar 0 Random phone
rand_regexify varchar varchar scalar 0 Random string matching regex pattern
rand_ssn varchar scalar 0 Random ssn
rand_timestamp timestamp(3) scalar 1
rand_timestamp_with_timezone timestamp(3) with time zone scalar 1
random bigint bigint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between 0 and value (exclusive)
random bigint bigint, bigint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between start and stop (exclusive)
random double scalar 0 A pseudo-random value
random integer integer scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between 0 and value (exclusive)
random integer integer, integer scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between start and stop (exclusive)
random smallint smallint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between 0 and value (exclusive)
random smallint smallint, smallint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between start and stop (exclusive)
random tinyint tinyint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between 0 and value (exclusive)
random tinyint tinyint, tinyint scalar 0 A pseudo-random number between start and stop (exclusive)
random_cellphone varchar scalar 0 Random cell phone
random_email varchar scalar 0 Random email address
random_pattern varchar varchar scalar 0 Random string matching pattern (# for number and ? for letter)
random_phone varchar scalar 0 Random phone
random_regexify varchar varchar scalar 0 Random string matching regex pattern
random_ssn varchar scalar 0 Random ssn
rands double bigint scalar 1 a seed pseudo-random value
rank bigint window 1
redact t t scalar 1 Return redacted value
reduce R array(T), S, function(S,T,S), function(S,R) scalar 0 Reduce elements of the array into a single value
reduce_agg S T, S, function(S,T,S), function(S,S,S) aggregate 1 Reduce input elements into a single value
regexp_count bigint varchar(x), joniregexp scalar 1 Returns the number of times that a pattern occurs in a string
regexp_extract varchar(x) varchar(x), joniregexp scalar 1 String extracted using the given pattern
regexp_extract varchar(x) varchar(x), joniregexp, bigint scalar 1 Returns regex group of extracted string with a pattern
regexp_extract_all array(varchar(x)) varchar(x), joniregexp scalar 1 String(s) extracted using the given pattern
regexp_extract_all array(varchar(x)) varchar(x), joniregexp, bigint scalar 1 Group(s) extracted using the given pattern
regexp_like boolean varchar(x), joniregexp scalar 1 Returns whether the pattern is contained within the string
regexp_position integer varchar(x), joniregexp scalar 1 Returns the index of the matched substring
regexp_position integer varchar(x), joniregexp, integer scalar 1 Returns the index of the matched substring starting from the specified position
regexp_position integer varchar(x), joniregexp, integer, integer scalar 1 Returns the index of the n-th matched substring starting from the specified position
regexp_replace varchar varchar, joniregexp, function(array(varchar),varchar(x)) scalar 1 Replaces substrings matching a regular expression using a lambda function
regexp_replace varchar(x) varchar(x), joniregexp scalar 1 Removes substrings matching a regular expression
regexp_replace varchar(z) varchar(x), joniregexp, varchar(y) scalar 1 Replaces substrings matching a regular expression by given string
regexp_split array(varchar(x)) varchar(x), joniregexp scalar 1 Returns array of strings split by pattern
regr_intercept double double, double aggregate 1
regr_intercept real real, real aggregate 1
regr_slope double double, double aggregate 1
regr_slope real real, real aggregate 1
regress double map(bigint,double), regressor scalar 1
render varchar(16) boolean scalar 1
render varchar(35) bigint, color scalar 1
render varchar(41) double, color scalar 1
render varchar(y) varchar(x), color scalar 1
repeat array(t) t, integer scalar 1 Repeat an element for a given number of times
replace varchar(u) varchar(x), varchar(y), varchar(z) scalar 1 Greedily replaces occurrences of a pattern with a string
replace varchar(x) varchar(x), varchar(y) scalar 1 Greedily removes occurrences of a pattern in a string
reverse array(e) array(e) scalar 1 Returns an array which has the reversed order of the given array.
reverse varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Reverse a given varbinary
reverse varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Reverse all code points in a given string
rgb color bigint, bigint, bigint scalar 1
round bigint bigint scalar 1 Round to nearest integer
round bigint bigint, integer scalar 1 Round to nearest integer
round decimal(rp,rs) decimal(p,s) scalar 1 Round to nearest integer
round decimal(rp,s) decimal(p,s), integer scalar 1 Round to given number of decimal places
round double double scalar 1 Round to nearest integer
round double double, integer scalar 1 Round to given number of decimal places
round integer integer scalar 1 Round to nearest integer
round integer integer, integer scalar 1 Round to nearest integer
round real real scalar 1 Round to given number of decimal places
round real real, integer scalar 1 Round to given number of decimal places
round smallint smallint scalar 1 Round to nearest integer
round smallint smallint, integer scalar 1 Round to nearest integer
round tinyint tinyint scalar 1 Round to nearest integer
round tinyint tinyint, integer scalar 1 Round to nearest integer
round_off double double scalar 1 whatever
row_number bigint window 1
rpad varbinary varbinary, bigint, varbinary scalar 1 Pads a varbinary on the right
rpad varchar varchar(x), bigint, varchar(y) scalar 1 Pads a string on the right
rtrim char(x) char(x) scalar 1 Removes whitespace from the end of a string
rtrim char(x) char(x), codepoints scalar 1 Remove the longest string containing only given characters from the end of a string
rtrim varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Removes whitespace from the end of a string
rtrim varchar(x) varchar(x), codepoints scalar 1 Remove the longest string containing only given characters from the end of a string


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
second bigint interval day to second scalar 1 Second of the minute of the given interval
second bigint time(p) scalar 1 Second of the minute of the given time
second bigint time(p) with time zone scalar 1 Second of the minute of the given time
second bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Second of the minute of the given timestamp
second bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Second of the minute of the given timestamp
second bigint varchar scalar 1 day of the year of the given string timestamp
sequence array(bigint) bigint, bigint scalar 1
sequence array(bigint) bigint, bigint, bigint scalar 1 Sequence function to generate synthetic arrays
sequence array(date) date, date scalar 1
sequence array(date) date, date, interval day to second scalar 1
sequence array(date) date, date, interval year to month scalar 1
sequence array(timestamp(p)) timestamp(p), timestamp(p), interval day to second scalar 1
sequence array(timestamp(p)) timestamp(p), timestamp(p), interval year to month scalar 1
sha1 varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Compute sha1 hash
sha256 varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Compute sha256 hash
sha256 varchar varchar scalar 1 sha256 hash
sha512 varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Compute sha512 hash
shuffle array(e) array(e) scalar 0 Generates a random permutation of the given array.
sign bigint bigint scalar 1
sign decimal(1,0) decimal(p,s) scalar 1 Signum
sign double double scalar 1 Signum
sign integer integer scalar 1 Signum
sign real real scalar 1 Signum
sign smallint smallint scalar 1 Signum
sign tinyint tinyint scalar 1 Signum
simplify_geometry geometry geometry, double scalar 1 Returns a “simplified” version of the given geometry
sin double double scalar 1 Sine
skewness double bigint aggregate 1 Returns the skewness of the argument
skewness double double aggregate 1 Returns the skewness of the argument
slice array(e) array(e), bigint, bigint scalar 1 Subsets an array given an offset (1-indexed) and length
soundex varchar(4) varchar scalar 1 Encodes a string into a Soundex value
spatial_partitioning varchar geometry aggregate 1
spatial_partitions array(integer) kdbtree, geometry scalar 1 Returns an array of spatial partition IDs for a given geometry
spatial_partitions array(integer) kdbtree, geometry, double scalar 1 Returns an array of spatial partition IDs for a geometry representing a set of points within specified distance from the input geometry
split array(varchar(x)) varchar(x), varchar(y) scalar 1
split array(varchar(x)) varchar(x), varchar(y), bigint scalar 1
split_part varchar(x) varchar(x), varchar(y), bigint scalar 1 Splits a string by a delimiter and returns the specified field (counting from one)
split_to_map map(varchar,varchar) varchar, varchar, varchar scalar 1 Creates a map using entryDelimiter and keyValueDelimiter
split_to_multimap map(varchar,array(varchar)) varchar, varchar, varchar scalar 1 Creates a multimap by splitting a string into key/value pairs
spooky_hash_v2_32 varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Compute SpookyHashV2 32-bit hash
spooky_hash_v2_64 varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Compute SpookyHashV2 64-bit hash
sqrt double double scalar 1 Square root
ST_Area double geometry scalar 1 Returns the 2D Euclidean area of a geometry
ST_Area double sphericalgeography scalar 1 Returns the area of a geometry on the Earth’s surface using spherical model
ST_AsBinary varbinary geometry scalar 1 Returns the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the geometry
ST_AsText varchar geometry scalar 1 Returns the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry
ST_Boundary geometry geometry scalar 1 Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of this Geometry
ST_Buffer geometry geometry, double scalar 1 Returns the geometry that represents all points whose distance from the specified geometry is less than or equal to the specified distance
ST_Centroid geometry geometry scalar 1 Returns the Point value that is the mathematical centroid of a Geometry
ST_Contains boolean geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if and only if no points of right lie in the exterior of left, and at least one point of the interior of left lies in the interior of right
ST_ConvexHull geometry geometry scalar 1 Returns the minimum convex geometry that encloses all input geometries
ST_CoordDim tinyint geometry scalar 1 Return the coordinate dimension of the Geometry
ST_Crosses boolean geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if the supplied geometries have some, but not all, interior points in common
ST_Difference geometry geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns the Geometry value that represents the point set difference of two geometries
ST_Dimension tinyint geometry scalar 1 Returns the inherent dimension of this Geometry object, which must be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension
ST_Disjoint boolean geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if the Geometries do not spatially intersect - if they do not share any space together
ST_Distance double geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns the 2-dimensional cartesian minimum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units
ST_Distance double sphericalgeography, sphericalgeography scalar 1 Returns the great-circle distance in meters between two SphericalGeography points.
ST_EndPoint geometry geometry scalar 1 Returns the last point of a LINESTRING geometry as a Point
ST_Envelope geometry geometry scalar 1 Returns the bounding rectangular polygon of a Geometry
ST_EnvelopeAsPts array(geometry) geometry scalar 1 Returns the lower left and upper right corners of bounding rectangular polygon of a Geometry
ST_Equals boolean geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if the given geometries represent the same geometry
ST_ExteriorRing geometry geometry scalar 1 Returns a line string representing the exterior ring of the POLYGON
ST_Geometries array(geometry) geometry scalar 1 Returns an array of geometries in the specified collection
ST_GeometryFromText geometry varchar scalar 1 Returns a Geometry type object from Well-Known Text representation (WKT)
ST_GeometryN geometry geometry, integer scalar 1 Returns the geometry element at the specified index (indices started with 1)
ST_GeometryType varchar geometry scalar 1 Returns the type of the geometry
ST_GeomFromBinary geometry varbinary scalar 1 Returns a Geometry type object from Well-Known Binary representation (WKB)
ST_InteriorRingN geometry geometry, integer scalar 1 Returns the interior ring element at the specified index (indices start at 1)
ST_InteriorRings array(geometry) geometry scalar 1 Returns an array of interior rings of a polygon
ST_Intersection geometry geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns the Geometry value that represents the point set intersection of two Geometries
ST_Intersects boolean geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if the Geometries spatially intersect in 2D - (share any portion of space) and FALSE if they don’t (they are Disjoint)
ST_IsClosed boolean geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if the LineString or Multi-LineString’s start and end points are coincident
ST_IsEmpty boolean geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if this Geometry is an empty geometrycollection, polygon, point etc
ST_IsRing boolean geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if and only if the line is closed and simple
ST_IsSimple boolean geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if this Geometry has no anomalous geometric points, such as self intersection or self tangency
ST_IsValid boolean geometry scalar 1 Returns true if the input geometry is well formed
ST_Length double geometry scalar 1 Returns the length of a LineString or Multi-LineString using Euclidean measurement on a 2D plane (based on spatial ref) in projected units
ST_Length double sphericalgeography scalar 1 Returns the great-circle length in meters of a linestring or multi-linestring on Earth’s surface
ST_LineFromText geometry varchar scalar 1 Returns a Geometry type LineString object from Well-Known Text representation (WKT)
ST_LineString geometry array(geometry) scalar 1 Returns a LineString from an array of points
ST_MultiPoint geometry array(geometry) scalar 1 Returns a multi-point geometry formed from input points
ST_NumGeometries integer geometry scalar 1 Returns the cardinality of the geometry collection
ST_NumInteriorRing bigint geometry scalar 1 Returns the cardinality of the collection of interior rings of a polygon
ST_NumPoints bigint geometry scalar 1 Returns the number of points in a Geometry
ST_Overlaps boolean geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if the Geometries share space, are of the same dimension, but are not completely contained by each other
ST_Point geometry double, double scalar 1 Returns a Geometry type Point object with the given coordinate values
ST_PointN geometry geometry, integer scalar 1 Returns the vertex of a linestring at the specified index (indices started with 1)
ST_Points array(geometry) geometry scalar 1 Returns an array of points in a geometry
ST_Polygon geometry varchar scalar 1 Returns a Geometry type Polygon object from Well-Known Text representation (WKT)
ST_Relate boolean geometry, geometry, varchar scalar 1 Returns TRUE if this Geometry is spatially related to another Geometry
ST_StartPoint geometry geometry scalar 1 Returns the first point of a LINESTRING geometry as a Point
ST_SymDifference geometry geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns the Geometry value that represents the point set symmetric difference of two Geometries
ST_Touches boolean geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if the geometries have at least one point in common, but their interiors do not intersect
ST_Union geometry geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the input geometries.
ST_Within boolean geometry, geometry scalar 1 Returns TRUE if the geometry A is completely inside geometry B
ST_X double geometry scalar 1 Return the X coordinate of the point
ST_XMax double geometry scalar 1 Returns X maxima of a bounding box of a Geometry
ST_XMin double geometry scalar 1 Returns X minima of a bounding box of a Geometry
ST_Y double geometry scalar 1 Return the Y coordinate of the point
ST_YMax double geometry scalar 1 Returns Y maxima of a bounding box of a Geometry
ST_YMin double geometry scalar 1 Returns Y minima of a bounding box of a Geometry
starts_with boolean varchar(x), varchar(y) scalar 1 Determine whether source starts with prefix or not
stddev double bigint aggregate 1 Returns the sample standard deviation of the argument
stddev double double aggregate 1 Returns the sample standard deviation of the argument
stddev_pop double bigint aggregate 1 Returns the population standard deviation of the argument
stddev_pop double double aggregate 1 Returns the population standard deviation of the argument
stddev_samp double bigint aggregate 1 Returns the sample standard deviation of the argument
stddev_samp double double aggregate 1 Returns the sample standard deviation of the argument
strpos bigint varchar(x), varchar(y) scalar 1 Returns index of first occurrence of a substring (or 0 if not found)
strpos bigint varchar(x), varchar(y), bigint scalar 1 Returns index of n-th occurrence of a substring (or 0 if not found)
substr varbinary varbinary, bigint scalar 1 Suffix starting at given index
substr varbinary varbinary, bigint, bigint scalar 1 Substring of given length starting at an index
substr varchar(x) char(x), bigint scalar 1 Suffix starting at given index
substr varchar(x) char(x), bigint, bigint scalar 1 Substring of given length starting at an index
substr varchar(x) varchar(x), bigint scalar 1 Suffix starting at given index
substr varchar(x) varchar(x), bigint, bigint scalar 1 Substring of given length starting at an index
substring varchar(x) char(x), bigint scalar 1 Suffix starting at given index
substring varchar(x) char(x), bigint, bigint scalar 1 Substring of given length starting at an index
substring varchar(x) varchar(x), bigint scalar 1 Suffix starting at given index
substring varchar(x) varchar(x), bigint, bigint scalar 1 Substring of given length starting at an index
sum bigint bigint aggregate 1
sum decimal(38,s) decimal(p,s) aggregate 1 Calculates the sum over the input values
sum double double aggregate 1
sum interval day to second interval day to second aggregate 1
sum interval year to month interval year to month aggregate 1
sum real real aggregate 1


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
tan double double scalar 1 Tangent
tanh double double scalar 1 Hyperbolic tangent
tdigest_agg tdigest double aggregate 1
tdigest_agg tdigest double, double aggregate 1
timestamp_objectid objectid timestamp(0) with time zone scalar 1 Mongodb ObjectId from the given timestamp
timezone_hour bigint time(p) with time zone scalar 1 Time zone hour of the given time
timezone_hour bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Time zone hour of the given timestamp
timezone_minute bigint time(p) with time zone scalar 1 Time zone minute of the given time
timezone_minute bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Time zone minute of the given timestamp
to_base varchar(64) bigint, bigint scalar 1 Convert a number to a string in the given base
to_base64 varchar varbinary scalar 1 Encode binary data as base64
to_base64url varchar varbinary scalar 1 Encode binary data as base64 using the URL safe alphabet
to_big_endian_32 varbinary integer scalar 1 Encode value as a 32-bit 2’s complement big endian varbinary
to_big_endian_64 varbinary bigint scalar 1 Encode value as a 64-bit 2’s complement big endian varbinary
to_char varchar timestamp(p) with time zone, varchar scalar 1 Formats a timestamp
to_date date varchar, varchar scalar 1 Converts a string to a DATE data type
to_date varchar timestamp scalar 1 Returns the date part of the timestamp
to_date varchar timestamp with time zone scalar 1 Returns the date part of the timestamp with time zone
to_date varchar varchar scalar 1 Returns the date part of the timestamp string
to_encoded_polyline varchar geometry scalar 1 Encodes a linestring or multipoint geometry to a polyline
to_geojson_geometry varchar sphericalgeography scalar 1 Returns GeoJSON string based on the input spherical geography
to_geometry geometry sphericalgeography scalar 1 Converts a SphericalGeography object to a Geometry object.
to_hex varchar varbinary scalar 1 Encode binary data as hex
to_ieee754_32 varbinary real scalar 1 Encode value as a big endian varbinary according to IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point format
to_ieee754_64 varbinary double scalar 1 Encode value as a big endian varbinary according to IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point format
to_iso8601 varchar(16) date scalar 1
to_iso8601 varchar(n) timestamp(p) scalar 1
to_iso8601 varchar(n) timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1
to_milliseconds bigint interval day to second scalar 1
to_spherical_geography sphericalgeography geometry scalar 1 Converts a Geometry object to a SphericalGeography object
to_timestamp timestamp(3) varchar, varchar scalar 1 Converts a string to a TIMESTAMP data type
to_unixtime double timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1
to_utc_timestamp timestamp timestamp, varchar scalar 1 given timestamp in a timezone convert it to UTC
to_utc_timestamp timestamp varchar, varchar scalar 1 given timestamp (in varchar) in a timezone convert it to UTC
to_utf8 varbinary varchar(x) scalar 1 Encodes the string to UTF-8
transform array(U) array(T), function(T,U) scalar 0 Apply lambda to each element of the array
transform_keys map(K2,V) map(K1,V), function(K1,V,K2) scalar 0 Apply lambda to each entry of the map and transform the key
transform_values map(K,V2) map(K,V1), function(K,V1,V2) scalar 0 Apply lambda to each entry of the map and transform the value
translate varchar varchar(x), varchar(y), varchar(z) scalar 1 Translate characters from the source string based on original and translations strings
trim char(x) char(x) scalar 1 Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string
trim char(x) char(x), codepoints scalar 1 Remove the longest string containing only given characters from the beginning and end of a string
trim varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string
trim varchar(x) varchar(x), codepoints scalar 1 Remove the longest string containing only given characters from the beginning and end of a string
truncate decimal(p,s) decimal(p,s), integer scalar 1 Round to integer by dropping given number of digits after decimal point
truncate decimal(rp,0) decimal(p,s) scalar 1 Round to integer by dropping digits after decimal point
truncate double double scalar 1 Round to integer by dropping digits after decimal point
truncate real real scalar 1 Round to integer by dropping digits after decimal point
typeof varchar t scalar 1 Textual representation of expression type


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
unhex varbinary varchar scalar 1 Converts Hexadecimal number to binary value
unix_timestamp bigint scalar 1 Gets current UNIX timestamp in seconds
upper char(x) char(x) scalar 1 Converts the string to upper case
upper varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Converts the string to upper case
url_decode varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Unescape a URL-encoded string
url_encode varchar(y) varchar(x) scalar 1 Escape a string for use in URL query parameter names and values
url_extract_fragment varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Extract fragment from url
url_extract_host varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Extract host from url
url_extract_parameter varchar(x) varchar(x), varchar(y) scalar 1 Extract query parameter from url
url_extract_path varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Extract part from url
url_extract_port bigint varchar(x) scalar 1 Extract port from url
url_extract_protocol varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Extract protocol from url
url_extract_query varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Extract query from url
uuid uuid scalar 0 Generates a random UUID


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
value_at_quantile bigint qdigest(bigint), double scalar 1 Given an input q between [0, 1], find the value whose rank in the sorted sequence of the n values represented by the qdigest is qn.
value_at_quantile double qdigest(double), double scalar 1 Given an input q between [0, 1], find the value whose rank in the sorted sequence of the n values represented by the qdigest is qn.
value_at_quantile double tdigest, double scalar 1 Given an input q between [0, 1], find the value whose rank in the sorted sequence of the n values represented by the tdigest is qn.
value_at_quantile real qdigest(real), double scalar 1 Given an input q between [0, 1], find the value whose rank in the sorted sequence of the n values represented by the qdigest is qn.
values_at_quantiles array(bigint) qdigest(bigint), array(double) scalar 1 For each input q between [0, 1], find the value whose rank in the sorted sequence of the n values represented by the qdigest is qn.
values_at_quantiles array(double) qdigest(double), array(double) scalar 1 For each input q between [0, 1], find the value whose rank in the sorted sequence of the n values represented by the qdigest is qn.
values_at_quantiles array(double) tdigest, array(double) scalar 1 For each input q between [0, 1], find the value whose rank in the sorted sequence of the n values represented by the tdigest is qn.
values_at_quantiles array(real) qdigest(real), array(double) scalar 1 For each input q between [0, 1], find the value whose rank in the sorted sequence of the n values represented by the qdigest is qn.
var_pop double bigint aggregate 1 Returns the population variance of the argument
var_pop double double aggregate 1 Returns the population variance of the argument
var_samp double bigint aggregate 1 Returns the sample variance of the argument
var_samp double double aggregate 1 Returns the sample variance of the argument
variance double bigint aggregate 1 Returns the sample variance of the argument
variance double double aggregate 1 Returns the sample variance of the argument


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
week bigint date scalar 1 Week of the year of the given date
week bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Week of the year of the given timestamp
week bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Week of the year of the given timestamp
week_of_year bigint date scalar 1 Week of the year of the given date
week_of_year bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Week of the year of the given timestamp
week_of_year bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Week of the year of the given timestamp
weekofyear bigint timestamp scalar 1 week of the year of the given string timestamp
weekofyear bigint timestamp with time zone scalar 1 week of the year of the given string timestamp
weekofyear bigint varchar scalar 1 week of the year of the given string timestamp
width_bucket bigint double, array(double) scalar 1 The bucket number of a value given an array of bins
width_bucket bigint double, double, double, bigint scalar 1 The bucket number of a value given a lower and upper bound and the number of buckets
wilson_interval_lower double bigint, bigint, double scalar 1 Binomial confidence interval lower bound using Wilson score
wilson_interval_upper double bigint, bigint, double scalar 1 Binomial confidence interval upper bound using Wilson score
with_timezone timestamp(p) with time zone timestamp(p), varchar(x) scalar 1
word_stem varchar(x) varchar(x) scalar 1 Returns the stem of a word in the English language
word_stem varchar(x) varchar(x), varchar(2) scalar 1 Returns the stem of a word in the given language


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
xxhash64 varbinary varbinary scalar 1 Compute xxhash64 hash


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
year bigint date scalar 1 Year of the given date
year bigint interval year to month scalar 1 Year of the given interval
year bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Year of the given timestamp
year bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Year of the given timestamp
year bigint varchar scalar 1 year of the given string timestamp
year_of_week bigint date scalar 1 Year of the ISO week of the given date
year_of_week bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Year of the ISO week of the given timestamp
year_of_week bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Year of the ISO week of the given timestamp
yow bigint date scalar 1 Year of the ISO week of the given date
yow bigint timestamp(p) scalar 1 Year of the ISO week of the given timestamp
yow bigint timestamp(p) with time zone scalar 1 Year of the ISO week of the given timestamp


Function Return Type Argument Types Function Type Deterministic Description Date
zip array(row(T1,T2)) array(T1), array(T2) scalar 1 Merges the given arrays, element-wise, into a single array of rows.
zip array(row(T1,T2,T3)) array(T1), array(T2), array(T3) scalar 1 Merges the given arrays, element-wise, into a single array of rows.
zip array(row(T1,T2,T3,T4)) array(T1), array(T2), array(T3), array(T4) scalar 1 Merges the given arrays, element-wise, into a single array of rows.
zip array(row(T1,T2,T3,T4,T5)) array(T1), array(T2), array(T3), array(T4), array(T5) scalar 1 Merges the given arrays, element-wise, into a single array of rows.
zip_with array(R) array(T), array(U), function(T,U,R) scalar 0 Merge two arrays, element-wise, into a single array using the lambda function