Using Measure and Dimension Interchangeably¶
You can interchangeably call and use a measure or a dimension within a lens. There can be different scenarios where you would refer to measures or dimensions conversely within or between entities. Let's look at a few scenarios
Referencing measures to build a new measure within the same entity.¶
If you want to define a measure, instead of writing a SQL snippet you can use pre-defined measures to calculate the new measure.
"What's the average purchase value of a user?", such questions require calculating the ratio of total revenue to total orders. Referencing predefined measure definitions makes such computations manageable. The below example illustrates how a reference to a measure can be made within the definition of another measure.
# Calling a measure inside another measure within the same entity.
- name: total_revenue
sql_snippet: sum(${order.order_net_amt})
type: number
- name: total_orders
sql_snippet: ${order.order_no}
type: count_distinct
description: Count of Orders
# referencing measures total_revenue and total_orders to calculate avg_order_value
- name: avg_order_value
sql_snippet: round(${order.total_revenue}/nullif(cast(${order.total_orders} as double),0),2)
type: number
description: Average order value = total revenue/total no. of orders
Referencing a measure to create a dimension within another entity¶
A measure can be referred to as a dimension in Lens. You can refer to one or more measures to define a dimension.
When referencing measures from other entities inside a dimension, you need to use subquery dimensions, i.e. make subquery = true in those dimensions. It leverages joins to build a correlated subquery in the resultant SQL.
In order to define a subquery dimension, it is imperative to first define measures in their respective entities. Once a measure is defined, it can then be referenced from a subquery dimension over a join.
- name: customer
# measure recency is used to define the dimension days_since_last_order
- name: days_since_last_order
sql_snippet: ${order_placed.recency}
type: number
sub_query: true
- name: order_placed
- name: recency
sql_snippet: day(current_date - ${order_placed.activity_ts})
type: min
description: days since last order was placed
Referencing a measure in another entity to define a new measure¶
You cannot directly reference a measure in another entity to create a new measure. The measure can be indirectly referenced through subquery dimensions within another entity to define a new measure. This gives you the flexibility to reference a measure over a join from another entity.
🗣 Subquery dimensions can be further used to define another measure within the same entity.
For defining a measure, you need to create a subquery dimension, which can then be referenced to create a new measure.
- name: customer
# defining a subquery dimension using a measure defined in another entity
# referencing 'recency' measure defined in order_placed entity
- name: days_since_last_order
sql_snippet: ${order_placed.recency}
type: number
sub_query: true
# referencing subquery dimension to define measure 'revenue' within customer entity
- name: revenue
sql_snippet: ${customer.total_value}
type: sum
- type: 1:N
field: customer_id
name: order_placed
field: entity_id
verified: true
- name: order_placed
- name: recency
sql_snippet: day(current_date - ${order_placed.activity_ts})
type: min
description: days since last order was placed