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Core concepts

Workflow and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

In DataOS, a Workflow represents a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), where jobs are represented as nodes, and dependencies between jobs are represented as directed edges. The DAG structure provides a visual representation of the sequence and interdependencies of jobs within a Workflow. This facilitates efficient job execution by enabling parallel and sequential processing based on job dependencies.

Within a Workflow, a job encompasses a series of processing tasks, each executed within its dedicated Kubernetes Pod. This architectural design ensures that the computational workload of one job does not hinder the performance of others, effectively avoiding bottlenecks.

Furthermore, every job within a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is associated with a specific Stack. A Stack serves as an extension point within a job, offering users the ability to leverage different programming paradigms based on their specific requirements. For instance, if your objective involves data transformation, ingestion, or syndication, utilizing the Flare Stack is recommended. DataOS provides a diverse range of pre-built stacks, including Flare, Scanner and more, enabling developers to seamlessly adopt various programming environments to suit their needs.

Illustration of Workflow Resource
Illustration of Workflow Resource

In the above illustration, Job 1 is the first job to be executed as it has no dependencies. Once Job 1 completes, both Job 2 and Job 3 can run concurrently or parallely. Only after the successful completion of both Job 2 and Job 3, Job 4 becomes eligible for execution. Finally, Job 5 can be executed sequentially after Job 4 successfully finishes. This hierarchical structure ensures optimal job execution without creating bottlenecks.

Types of Workflow

A Workflow in DataOS can be categorized as either single-run or scheduled workflow.

Single-run Workflow

Single-run Workflow represent a one-time execution of a sequence of jobs. These workflows do not include scheduling attributes and rely solely on the defined DAG structure and job dependencies. To explore a case scenario for a single-run Workflow, refer to the link: How to implement Single-run Workflow?

Scheduled Workflow

Scheduled Workflow enable the automated and recurring execution of jobs based on specified intervals or predetermined times. To schedule a Workflow, the schedule section or mapping along with the scheduling attributes must be added to the Workflow YAML configuration. Scheduled Workflow provide a powerful mechanism for automating job execution based on a cron expression. To explore a case scenario for a Scheduled Workflow, refer to the link: How to run a Cron or a Scheduled Workflow?