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Talos API configurations

While configuring Talos, the apis folder contains an SQL file and a manifest file, an SQL file is where you write your queries, and the manifest file contains the URL path, description, source, and allowed user groups.

SELECT * FROM myschema.mytable LIMIT 10;
urlPath: /table # output path
description: product list # description
source: ${{snowflakedepot}} # source name
allow:  # allowed user groups
  - intern  
  - datadev


Description: API endpoint path.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
string mandatory none Any valid URL path format

Example Usage:

urlPath: /table


Description: Brief description about the data.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
string mandatory none Any descriptive text

Example Usage:

description: product list


Description: The source name from which data is sourced.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
string mandatory none Any valid source reference

Example Usage:

source: ${{snowflakedepot}}


Description: List of allowed user groups.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
list of strings optional none List of valid user groups

Example Usage:

  - intern
  - datadev