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Scanner for PostgreSQL

You can scan metadata from PostgreSQL with depot/non-depot Scanner workflows. In this document, find requirements and YAML configurations to connect to PostgreSQL for extracting entity metadata.


To scan the PostgreSQL depot, you need the following:

  • The user should have both CONNECT and SELECT privileges on the database.

Depot Scan Workflow

DataOS allows you to connect to a database with JDBC driver to read data from tables using Depot. You can also scan metadata from an POSTGRES-type depot with Scanner workflows.The Depot enables access to all schemas visible to the specified user in the configured database, PostGRES.

Depot Scan Workflow YAML

version: v1
name: demopreppostgres-scanner2
type: workflow
  - demopreppostgres-scanner2.0
description: The job scans schema tables and register metadata
    - name: scanner2-demopreppostgres
      description: The job scans schema from demopreppostgres depot tables and register metadata to metis2
        stack: scanner:2.0
        compute: runnable-default
        runAsUser: metis
          depot: demopreppostgres          # Postgres depot name
          # sourceConfig:
          #   config:
          #     schemaFilterPattern:
          #       includes:
          #         - Public
          #     tableFilterPattern:
          #       includes:
          #         - F_delivery
          #         - d_

Non Depot Scan Workflow

You need to provide source connection details and configuration settings, such as metadata type and filter patterns to include/exclude assets for metadata scanning.

Scanner Configuration Properties

  • Type: This is the source to be scanned; postgres
  • Source: Provide source name where the scanned metadata is saved within Metastore. Under the given source name, you can see the information about all the entities scanned for your data source; PostgresSource_ND01

Source Connection Properties

  • Username: Specify the User to connect to Postgres. It should have enough privileges to read all the metadata.
  • Password: Password to connect to Postgres.
  • Host and Port: Enter the fully qualified hostname and port number for your Postgres deployment in the Host and Port field.
  • Connection Options (Optional): Enter the details for any additional connection options that can be sent to Postgres during the connection. These details must be added as Key-Value pairs.
  • Connection Arguments (Optional): Enter the details for any additional connection arguments such as security or protocol configs that can be sent to Postgres during the connection. These details must be added as Key-Value pairs.
    • In case you are using Single-Sign-On (SSO) for authentication, add the authenticator details in the Connection Arguments as a Key-Value pair as follows: "authenticator" : "sso_login_url"
    • In case you authenticate with SSO using an external browser popup, then add the authenticator details in the Connection Arguments as a Key-Value pair as follows: "authenticator" : "externalbrowser"

Non-Depot Scan Workflow YAML

version: v1
name: postgres-nd-scanner2
type: workflow
  - postgres-nd-scanner2
description: The workflow scans schema tables and register metadata
    - name: postgres-scanner2-01
      description: The job scans schema from postgres database and register metadata to metis2
          - scanner2.0
        stack: scanner:2.0
        compute: runnable-default
        runAsUser: metis
          type: postgres
          source: PostgresSource_ND01
              type: Postgres
              username: postgres
              password: <password>
              markDeletedTables: true
              includeTables: true
              includeViews: true
                  - postgres
                  - PUBLIC
                  - d_

After the successful workflow run, you can check the metadata of scanned Tables on Metis UI.