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How to Monitor Cached Datasets in Flash?

Monitoring cached datasets in Flash is essential for tracking performance and resource usage. To enable monitoring, the ingress attribute must be included in the Flash Service manifest file, as shown below:

  servicePort: ${{8080}}
  - name: ${{backup}}
    servicePort: ${{5433}}
    enabled: ${{true}}
    stripPath: ${{false}}
    path: ${{/flash/public:flash-test-6}}
    noAuthentication: ${{true}}
  replicas: ${{1}}
  logLevel: ${{info}}
  compute: ${{runnable-default}}
    APP_BASE_PATH: ${{'dataos-basepath'}}
    FLASH_BASE_PATH: ${{/flash/public:flash-test-6}}
      cpu: ${{500m}}
      memory: ${{512Mi}}
      cpu: ${{1000m}}
      memory: ${{1024Mi}}

The ingress attribute allows access to the Flash web app, which enables monitoring of the cached datasets.

Accessing the Flash web app

  1. Get the ingress path: Retrieve the ingress path from Metis, as shown below:

    Metis Interface

  2. Access the web app: Use the following URL syntax in your browser to open the Flash web app:

    <DataOS env URL>/flash/workspace:service_name

    Replace <DataOS env URL> and the ingress path as needed. This will open an interface similar to the following:

    Flash Web App
    Flash Web App

Exploring the Flash web app


The Meta section provides detailed information about the Flash Service, including:

  • Creation Time: When the cached data was created.

  • Uptime: How long the Flash Service has been running without interruptions.

  • Container Image: The image used by the Flash container.

Meta Section
Meta section

Data cached

This section displays the number of tables and views cached in Flash, along with the total data size (in bytes).

Data Cached Section
Data cached section


The Inspection section provides insights into:

Inspection section
Inspection section

  • CPU Usage: The amount of CPU resources used.

  • Memory Usage: The memory consumption (in GB).

  • Users: The number of users querying the cached data.

  • Total Queries: The total number of queries executed.


The Queries section lists detailed information about each query, including:

Queries section
Queries section

  • Query: The SQL query executed.

  • User: The user who submitted the query.

  • Submitted At: The timestamp when the query was submitted.

  • Status: Whether the query was completed, in progress, or encountered an error.

  • Execution Time (ms): The time it took to execute the query in milliseconds.


Settings section of the Flash web app provides the information on the default settings of Flash as shown below.

Settings section
Settings section