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Object Storage Depots

To execute Flare Jobs on top of object storage depots, like Amazon S3, Azure ABFSS, Azure WASBS, Google Cloud Storage, etc. you first need to create a depot. If you have already created a depot, continue reading.

By creating depots on top of Object Stores, interaction can be done in a uniform way with all supported storages, i.e., Azure Blob File System, Google Cloud Storage, and Amazon S3. To run a Flare Job all you need is the UDL address of the input or output dataset for the reading and writing scenarios, respectively. Apart from this, you also need the file format of the data.

Common Configurations

Read Config

For reading the data, we need to configure the name, dataset, and format properties in the inputs section of the YAML. For instance, if your dataset name is city_connect, UDL address dataset stored in Azure Blob Storage is dataos://thirdparty01:sampledata/avro, and the file format is avro. Then the inputs section will be as follows-

    - name: city_connect # name of the dataset
    dataset: dataos://thirdparty01:sampledata/avro # address of the input dataset
    format: avro # file format: avro, csv, json, orc, parquet, txt, xlsx, xml

Your Flare Jobs can read from multiple data sources. In such a scenario, you have to provide an array of data source definitions as shown below.

  - name: sample_csv # name of the dataset
    dataset: dataos://thirdparty01:none/sample_city.csv # address of the input dataset
    format: csv # file format
    schemaPath: dataos://thirdparty01:default/schemas/avsc/city.avsc # schema path
    schemaType: # schema type
    options: # additional options
      key1:value1                             # Data source-specific options

  - name: sample_states # name of the dataset
    dataset: dataos://thirdparty01:none/states # address of the input dataset
    format: csv # file format
    schema: "{\"type\":\"struct\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"country_code\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"country_id\",\"type\":\"long\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"id\",\"type\":\"long\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"latitude\",\"type\":\"double\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"longitude\",\"type\":\"double\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}}]}" # schema

  - name: transaction_abfss # name of the dataset
    dataset: dataos://abfss01:default/transactions_abfss_01 # address of the input dataset
    format: avro # file format
    options: # additional options
      key1:value1                            # Data source-specific options

  - name: input_customers # name of the dataset
    dataset: dataos://icebase:retail/customer # address of the input dataset
    format: iceberg # file format

Sample Read configuration YAML

Let’s take a case scenario where the dataset is stored in Azure Blob File System (ABFSS) and you have to read data from the source, perform some transformation steps and write it to the Icebase, which is a managed depot within the DataOS. The read config YAML will be as follows

version: v1
name: abfss-read-avro
type: workflow
  - Connect
  - City
description: The job ingests city data from dropzone into raw zone
  title: Connect City avro
    - name: city-abfss-read-avro
      title: City Dimension Ingester
      description: The job ingests city data from dropzone into raw zone
          - Connect
          - City
        stack: flare:5.0
        compute: runnable-default
            explain: true
              - name: city_connect # dataset name
                dataset: dataos://thirdparty01:sampledata/avro # dataset UDL
                format: avro # file format
            logLevel: INFO
              - name: output01
                dataset: dataos://icebase:retail/abfss_read_avro01?acl=rw
                format: iceberg
                  saveMode: append
              - sequence:
                - name: output01
                  sql: SELECT * FROM city_connect

Write Config

Note: the ?acl=rw after the UDL signifies Access Control List with Read Write Access. You can also specify the address of the output dataset in the format dataos://[depot]:[collection]?acl=rw. The name of the output dataset will automatically get appended to it.

For writing the data to a depot on an object store, we need to configure the name, dataset and format properties in the outputs section of the YAML. For instance, if your dataset is to be stored at the UDL address dataos://thirdparty01:sampledata by the name output01 and the file format is avro. Then the outputs section will be as follows

  - name: output01 # output name
    dataset: dataos://thirdparty01:sampledata?acl=rw # address where the output is to be stored
    format: avro # file format: avro, csv, json, orc, parquet, txt, xlsx, xml

Sample Write configuration YAML

Let’s take a case scenario where the output dataset is to be stored in Azure Blob File System Depot (ABFSS), and you have to read data from the Icebase depot within the DataOS. The write config YAML will be as follows

version: v1
name: abfss-write-avro
type: workflow
  - Connect
  - City
description: The job ingests city data from dropzone into raw zone
  title: Connect City avro
    - name: city-abfss-write-avro
      title: City Dimension Ingester
      description: The job ingests city data from dropzone into raw zone
          - Connect
          - City
        stack: flare:5.0
        compute: runnable-default
            explain: true
              - name: city_connect
                dataset: dataos://icebase:retail/city
                format: iceberg

            logLevel: INFO
              - name: output01 #output dataset name
                dataset: dataos://thirdparty01:sampledata?acl=rw #output dataset address
                format: avro # file format
              - sequence:
                  - name: output01
                    sql: SELECT * FROM city_connect

Advanced Configurations

Data Format Configurations

This section will provide comprehensive information on how to provide advanced source configurations when working with different data sources using DataOS’ Flare stack.

Data Source Properties
CSV Link
Iceberg Link
ORC Link
Parquet Link
Text Link
XML Link

Refer to the link below to know more.

Source Configurations by Data Formats

Schema Configurations

This section delves into the realm of schema configurations, offering invaluable insights into managing and customizing schemas for various data sources in Flare. Refer to the link below.

Schema Configurations