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Merge Into Functionality


How can we update values in the existing table using flare for a certain condition.


MERGE INTO FUNCTIONALITY It updates the target table using a source table using a set of conditions and updates records. This is a row-specific update where the row is found based on the ON clause.

Spark 3 added support for MERGE INTO queries that can express row-level updates.

Case Scenario

Let’s say we have written a dataset of a city (i.e., city_merge_alok_111) and it has all the information about the city and now the city data has changed.

In the city data (Source table) information about zip_code = 36006 has changed.

Column Name Old Value New Value
city_name Billingsley abc
country_name Autauga abcd
state_code AL ab
state_name Alabama abcde

Now we want to update this on zip_code (i.e. 36006) records only.

Existing city table.

Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 1.08.49 AM.png

City table with updated records (Using merge into the function)

Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 1.21.52 AM.png

How to define merge in Flare.


  saveMode: overwrite
      onClause: "old.old_table_column_a = new.new_table_column_a"
      whenClause: "MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET old.old_table_column_b = new.old_table_column_b"

onClause: We can use multiple clauses for ON (the clauses should be separated using AND operator) We can’t use OR for multiple clauses.

whenClause: This will be executed when onClause condition matches and whenClause conditions can be referred.

**old** : Refers to the existing dataset in icebase.

**new**: Refers to the data frame by you are updating existing dataset.

Merge Into requires below sparkConf and this is mandatory for merge into function to work.

sparkConf:  # spark configuration 
    - spark.sql.extensions: org.apache.iceberg.spark.extensions.IcebergSparkSessionExtensions  # mandatory for merge into

Merge option needs to be defined in sink for the dataset you are updating.

  - sequenceName: new_city # sequence name that you want to write in output location 
    datasetName: "icebase"."test".city_merge_alok_111 # dataset name shown in workbench 
    outputName: output01 
    outputType: Iceberg 
      saveMode: overwrite 
        merge:   # Defining Merge Functions 
          onClause: "old.zip_code = new.zip_code"    
          whenClause: "MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET old.city_name = new.city_name,old.county_name = new.county_name,old.state_code = new.state_code,old.state_name = new.state_name" 
          write.format.default: parquet 
          write.metadata.compression-codec: gzip

Below flare sequence is only to create updated sample data (which will have new city_name, country_name, state_code and state_name) for zip_code = 36006.**

# **Update set using multiple column** 
- sequence:     # data transformation steps using Spark SQL 
    - name: main 
      sql: select * from input where zip_code = "36006"   # Selecting only zip code (36006) 
    - name: new_city  # Updating table value for zip code (36006)  
      sql: select  city_id, zip_code, 'abc' as city_name, 'abcd' as county_name, 'ab' as state_code , 'abcde' as state_name from main
# **Update set using single column** 
  onClause: "old.city_id = new.city_id"
  whenClause: "MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET old.state_name = new.state_name"

Sample YAML using merge into functionality

version: v1beta1 
name: city-connect # Workflow Name 
type: workflow  
  - City_data             # Workflow Tag 
description: The job ingests city data # Workflow Description 
    title: Connect city   # Workflow Title 
      - name: city-merge # Job Name 
        title: connect city data # Job Title  
          tags: # Job Tag 
            - city 
          stack: flare:2.0 # Flare Version
            driver:         # cluster configuration definition 
              coreLimit: 1600m 
              cores: 2 
              memory: 2048m 
              coreLimit: 2500m 
              cores: 2 
              instances: 2 
              memory: 4000m 
              explain: true 
              inputs:          # input details 
                - name: input 
                  dataset: dataos://thirdparty01:none/city 
                  format: csv 
              logLevel: INFO 
              outputs:     # location where the data is saved in DataOS: in the form dataos://catalog:schema 
                - name: output01 
                  depot: dataos://icebase:test?acl=rw 
                - sequence:     # Data transformation steps using Spark SQL 
                    - name: main 
                      sql: select * from input where zip_code = "36006"   # Selecting only zip code (36006) 
                    - name: new_city  # Updating table value for zip code (36006)  
                      sql: select city_id, zip_code, 'abc' as city_name, 'abcd' as county_name, 'ab' as state_code , 'abcde' as state_name from main 
                    - sequenceName: new_city # sequence name that you want to write in output location 
                      datasetName: city_merge_alok_111 # Existing dataset 
                      outputName: output01 
                      outputType: Iceberg 
                        saveMode: overwrite 
                          merge:   # Defining Merge Functions 
                            onClause: "old.zip_code = new.zip_code"    
                            whenClause: "MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET old.city_name = new.city_name,old.county_name = new.county_name,old.state_code = new.state_code,old.state_name = new.state_name" 
                            write.format.default: parquet 
                            write.metadata.compression-codec: gzip             
            sparkConf:  # spark configuration 
              - spark.sql.extensions: org.apache.iceberg.spark.extensions.IcebergSparkSessionExtensions  # mandatory for merge into function to work 
      - name: dt-city  # datatool to update table metadata for Trino Query Engine 
          stack: toolbox 
              dataset: dataos://icebase:test/"icebase"."test".city_merge_alok_111?acl=rw 
                name: set_version 
                value: latest   
          - city-merge