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Deploying Public Images Available on DockerHub

In this case scenario, you may not actually require Docker locally.


Image available on Docker Hub

The first and foremost step while dealing with Container Stack is to have a dockerized image available on the Docker Hub. Here will take a sample docker image of Swagger UI, available on the following link.

DataOS CLI Installed

You need to have a runnable instance of DataOS CLI installed on your system. To know more click here.


Search for the Image on Docker Hub

Search for swagger-ui on Docker Hub.


If you need a specific build, navigate to the Tags section and choose the specific build you want.


Create a YAML file

Once you have the image, you can create a YAML file. The syntax for the same is provided below:

name: swaggerui # Name of the Resource 
version: v1 # Version
type: service # Type of Resource
service: # Service Specific Section
  title: Swagger UI Deployment on DataOS # Title of Service
  compute: runnable-default # Compute is Runnable-default (since its a service)
    replicas: 1 # Number of Service Replicas
  servicePort: 8601 # Service Port
  ingress: # Ingress Section
    enabled: true
    noAuthentication: true
    path: /swagger-ui # URL Path
    stripPath: true
  stack: container # Here stack is Container (What else did you think? Beta, Gamma !!!)
  envs: # Environment Variables
    LOG_LEVEL: info # Log Level
  container: # Container Stack Specific Section
    image: swaggerapi/swagger-ui:latest # Image Repository and Tag

Apply the Resource manifest through CLI

dataos-ctl apply -f ${manifest-file-name} -w ${workspace}

Since Service is a Workspace Resource, you can use the get command along with the type and workspace, to get details of the service. You can also use the -r command to regularly update the runtime status.

dataos-ctl -t service -w public get
# Expected Output
INFO[0000] πŸ” get...                                     
INFO[0000] πŸ” get...complete                             

 swaggerui | v1      | service | public    | active | running:1 | iamgroot

Once you have successfully applied the web-server application, you can go over to the web browser and use the dataos address along with the path mentioned in the YAML

Path : https://<dataos-context>/<path-provided-in-yaml>/ Example:
