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Creating shortcuts for Container Stack based applications

In DataOS, the home page prominently showcases pre-built applications. Nevertheless, when a data developer hosts an application on the Container Stack, the responsibility for integrating a shortcut to their application and ensuring its accessibility to all users rests with them.

This can be accomplished through the utilization of the appDetailSpec attribute.

appDetailSpec: {
    "name": {{name of application, e.g. "Depot-Cluster-Builder"}},
    "title": {{title of application, e.g. "Create your depot and cluster effortlessly"}},
    "releaseLevel": {{release level of application, e.g. "alpha", "beta"}},
    "description": {{description, e.g. "Empower your Depot management"}},
    "icon": {{icon of application in base64 format, else DataOS will provide a default image, e.g. "data:image/svg+xml;base64, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}},
    "section": {{category or section of the application, e.g. "Business"}},
    "path": {{path or url associated with the application, e.g. "/depot-catalyst/"}},
    "keyword": {{keywords related to application, e.g. "Create Depot"}},
    "isInternal": {{true/false}},
    "disabled": {{true/false}},
    "navigation": {{additional navigation-related settings}}

Structure of appDetailSpec

The appDetailSpec value is a JSON string containing the subsequent attributes:

Attribute Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
name string mandatory none any valid string
title string optional none any valid string
releaseLevel string optional none "alpha", "beta", or any other valid string
description string optional none any valid string
icon string optional default image identifier provided by DataOS Base64-encoded image
section string optional none any valid string
path string mandatory none any valid path
keyword string optional none any valid string
isInternal boolean optional false true/false
disabled boolean optional false true/false
navigation mapping optional none custom navigation settings

Procedure for creating the application shortcut

Incorporate the Application Icon

Should you possess a custom application icon, it is imperative that it be provided in SVG format for subsequent encoding as a Base64 string.

Procedure for Encoding Icon to Base64 Format

Two methods for converting an SVG image to a Base64 string are provided for your reference:

  1. Employ the following CLI command to encode an SVG image as a Base64 string:
base64 -i {{file_path}}
  1. Consult this Link for base64 encoding.

Following the successful transformation of the SVG image to a Base64 encoded string, it can be introduced as the value of the icon key within the appDetailSpec.

Sample Container manifest

The ensuing YAML example serves to illustrate the practical implementation of these directives.

name: depot-catalyst
version: v1
type: service
  title: depot-deployer
  replicas: 1
  servicePort: 8501
    appDetailSpec: '{ 
      "name": "Depot-Cluster-Builder",
      "title": "Create your depot and cluster effortlessly",
      "releaseLevel": "beta",
      "description": "Power your Depot management.",
      "section": "Business",
      "path": "/depot-catalyst/",
      "keyword": "Create Depot",
      "isInternal": false,
      "disabled": false,
      "navigation": []
    enabled: true
    noAuthentication: true
    path: /depot-catalyst
    stripPath: true
  stack: container
  compute: runnable-default 
      cpu: 1
      memory: 500Mi
      cpu: 2
      memory: 10Gi
    LOG_LEVEL: info
    DATAOS_ENV: 'https://{{dataos-context}}' 
      - streamlit
      - run
      - --server.port=8501
      - --server.address=
    image: iamgroot/alphaapp:latest


Once you've successfully applied the YAML, your app icon will appear in the home page of the environment along with other apps as shown in the screenshot below.

Container Stack based App Shortcut
Container Stack application icon on DataOS Home Page

Attributes of appDetailSpec


Description: the name attribute specifies the name of the application.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none any valid string

Example Usage:

"name": "Depot-Cluster-Builder"


Description: the title attribute specifies the title of the application.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none any valid string

Example Usage:

"title": "Create your depot and cluster effortlessly"


Description: the releaseLevel attribute specifies the release level of the application.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none "alpha", "beta", or any other valid string

Example Usage:

"releaseLevel": "alpha"


Description: the description attribute provides a brief description of the application.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none any valid string

Example Usage:

"description": "Empower your Depot management"


Description: the icon attribute specifies the icon of the application in base64 format. If not provided, DataOS will use a default image.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory default image identifier provided by DataOS Base64-encoded image in

Example Usage:

"icon": "data:image/svg+xml;base64, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"


Description: the section attribute categorizes the application into a specific section or category.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none any valid string (like Business, Marketing)

Example Usage:

"section": "Business"


Description: the path attribute specifies the path or URL associated with the application.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none valid path

Example Usage:

"path": "/depot-catalyst/"


Description: The keyword attribute provides keywords related to the application.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none any valid string

Example Usage:

"keyword": "Create Depot"


Description: The isInternal attribute indicates whether the application is for internal use.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
boolean mandatory false true/false

Example Usage:

"isInternal": true


Description: The disabled attribute specifies whether the application is currently disabled.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
boolean mandatory false true/false

Example Usage:

"disabled": false

Description: The navigation attribute may contain additional navigation-related settings for the application. The content and format of this attribute can vary depending on specific navigation needs.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping optional none none

Example Usage:

"navigation": {}