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Build a Streamlit App on DataOS

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a simple streamlit application, dockerize it, and then run it on top of DataOS using Container stack.

Create a Streamlit Application

First, we need to create a simple Streamlit application. Streamlit is a popular Python library that allows you to create interactive web applications quickly and easily.

For this example, we will create a simple application that allows you to enter your name and then displays a personalized message.


import streamlit as st

def main():
    st.title("Welcome to my app")
    name = st.text_input("Enter your name:")
    if name:
        st.write(f"Hello, {name}!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

You can run this application locally by running streamlit run in the command line. The application will launch in your default web browser.

Create a Docker Image

Build a Docker Image

Next, we need to create a Docker image for our application. Docker is a containerization platform that allows you to package your application and its dependencies into a single image that can be run in any environment.

To create a Docker image, we need to create a Dockerfile that defines the build process.

# Dockerfile

FROM python:3.10-slim

RUN pip install streamlit


CMD ["streamlit", "run", ""]

This Dockerfile starts with a lightweight Python 3.10 base image, installs Streamlit, sets the working directory to /app, copies the file into the container, and defines the command to run the application.

To build the Docker image, run the following command in the same directory as your Dockerfile:

docker build -t my-app:new .

This command builds a Docker image named my-app using the Dockerfile in the current directory.

Push the Docker Image to Container Registry

Now that we have a Docker image for our application, we need to push it to a container registry. For this example, we will use Docker Hub, but you can use any container registry that you prefer.

First, you need to create a Docker Hub account and repository.

Next, log in to Docker Hub using the docker login command.

docker login --username=your-username

Replace your-username with your Docker Hub username, and input the password to login.

Tag the Docker Image

To push an image to Docker Hub, your image needs to be tagged. In case it’s not tagged, you can use the below command.

docker image tag my-app:new your-username/my-app:new

Finally, push the Docker image to Docker Hub using the following command:

docker image push your-username/my-app:new

Create a manifest file

This command builds a Docker image named my-app using the Dockerfile in the current directory.

version: v1 # Version 
type: service # Type of Resource
service: # Service Specific Section
  compute: runnable-default # Compute is Runnable-default (since its a service)
  replicas: 1 # Number of Service Replicas
  servicePort: 8080 # Service Port
  ingress: # Ingress Section
    enabled: true
    noAuthentication: true
    path: /stream # URL Path on which you wanna expose the application on
    stripPath: true
  stack: container # Here stack is Container
  envs: # Environment Variables
    LOG_LEVEL: info # Log Level
  stackSpec: # Container Stack-specific Section
    image: your-username/my-app:new # Image Repository and Tag
      - streamlit
      - run 

Apply the YAML file

Apply the YAML file using the apply command, as follows:

dataos-ctl apply -f ${path-to-file} -w ${workspace}

You can see the streamlit UI, on the web browser at the following address


Streamlit App on DataOS