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Attribute of Lens manifest

Structure of Lens manifest

name: saleslens # Lens Resource name (mandatory)
version: v1alpha # Resource manifest version (mandatory)
type: lens # Type of Resource (mandatory)
tags: # Tags (optional)
 - sales
 - lens
 - resource
owner: iamgroot # Resource owner (optional)
layer: user # DataOS Layer (optional)

 compute: runnable-default # Compute Resource name (mandatory)
 runAsApiKey: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz # DataOS APIkey (optional)
 runAsUser: iamgroot # DataOS UserID (optional)
 secrets: # Referred Instance-secret configuration (mandatory for private repository)
    - name: bitbucket-r # Instance-secret name (mandatory)
        key: abcd # Key to be referred (optional)
        keys: # List of keys to be referred (optional)
            - abcd
            - efgh
        allKeys: true # Whether all keys are required or not (optional)
        consumptionType: envVars # Secret consumption type (optional)
 source: # mandatory
    type: themis # mandatory
    name: minithemis # mandatory
    catalog: icebase
 repo: # Code repository configuration (mandatory)
    url: # Code Repository URL (mandatory)
    lensBaseDir: lens2/sales/model # mandatory
  secretId: bitbucket_r_r
    syncFlags: # what are these?
        - --ref=lens2test
    logLevel: INFO  
    replicas: 3
        enabled: true
        minReplicas: 1
        maxReplicas: 3
        targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 60
        targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 60
        cpu: 4Gi
        memory: 1000m
        cpu: 16Gi
        memory: 2000m
    logLevel: INFO
        cpu: 4Gi
        memory: 1000m
        cpu: 16Gi
        memory: 2000m       
    logLevel: INFO
    replicas: 2
            cpu: 4Gi
            memory: 1000m
            cpu: 16Gi
            memory: 2000m       
    logLevel: INFO
            cpu: 4Gi
            memory: 1000m
            cpu: 16Gi
            memory: 2000m


Resource meta section

Click here to know Resource meta section configuration.

Lens-specific section


Description: The lens attribute defines a mapping of Lens Resource-specific attributes.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping mandatory none valid Lens-specific attributes

Example Usage:

 compute: runnable-default 
 runAsApiKey: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
 runAsUser: iamgroot
    # additional Lens-specific attributes


Description: Defines the Compute Resource to be used by the Lens. The value should match a pre-defined Compute Resource within DataOS that suits the workload requirements of the Lens model.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none runnable-default or any other valid runnable-type Compute Resource name

Example Usage:

 compute: runnable-default


Description: The runAsApiKey attribute allows a user to assume the identity of another user by providing the latter's API key.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional DataOS APIKEY of the owner apikey of the use-case assignee

Additional Details: The apikey can be obtained by executing the following command from the CLI:

dataos-ctl user apikey get

In case no apikey is available, the below command can be run to create a new apikey:

dataos-ctl user apikey create -n ${name-of-the-apikey} -d ${duration-for-the-apikey-to-live}

This sample command below creates a new API key named myapikey that will remain valid for 30 days.

dataos-ctl user apikey create -n myapikey -d 30d

Example Usage:

 runAsApiKey: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Description: When the runAsUser attribute is configured with the UserID of the use-case assignee, it grants the authority to perform operations on behalf of that user.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional user-id of the owner applying the Resource user-id of the use-case assignee

Example Usage:

 runAsUser: iamgroot


Description: The secret attribute is used to reference pre-defined Instance Secrets within the Lens manifest file. Each referred secret is a list of secret configurations.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of mappings mandatory none list of secret configurations

Attributes of secrets

  • name: The name of the secret to be referred to. It should match the name of a pre-existing Instance Secret within DataOS. This is a mandatory attribute specified as a string.
  • key: String that identifies a specific key of the Secret. This is an optional attribute.
  • keys: List of key identifiers within the secret. This is optional.
  • allKeys: Boolean indicating whether all keys should be used. By default, it is false. This is also optional.
  • consumptionType: How the secret is consumed. By default its value is envVars, signifying secret are consumed as environment variables.

Example Usage: If the codebase for your Lens is stored in a private code repository, you can create a Secret for the same and refer to it within the manifest file of Lens in the following way:

name: github-r
version: v1
type: instance-secret
description: "bitbucket read secrets for lens repos"
layer: user
 type: key-value
 acl: r
# Referred in Lens manifest file
      - name: github-r
        allkeys: true


Description: Specifies the source configuration from which the Lens will be mapped.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping mandatory none valid source configuration

Attributes of source:

  • type: The source type defines the type of data source to which your Lens will be mapped. This is a mandatory attribute, declared as a string. Possible types are themis, trino, etc.

  • name: The identifier for the source to which Lens will be mapped. This is a mandatory attribute, declared as a string.

  • catalog: ()

Example Usage:

  type: themis
  name: minithemis


Description: Configures the code repository details for Lens.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping mandatory none valid repository configuration

Attributes for repo

  • url: URL of the repository containing the Lens codes and model. This is a mandatory attribute.
  • lensBaseDir: The path to the specific directory within the repository where the model files are stored. This is a mandatory field that tells the system where to look for model configurations within the repository.
  • secretId: Identifier for a secret. It's usually of the form ${secret_name}_${acl}. All hyphens within the secret name are also replaced by _.It is mandatory only in case of private repository.
  • syncFlags: Additional flags that control the synchronization behavior. Used to declare the specific branch in the repository using the --ref=${branch_name} flag. The default branch will be the main or master branch.

Example Usage:

    lensBaseDir: lens2/sales/model 
    secretId: github-r
            - --ref=lens2


Description: Defines configurations for API instances of Lens, which handles incoming requests and executes business logic.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping optional none valid API instance configurations

Attributes for api

  • logLevel: The log level for the API instance classifies entries in logs in terms of urgency, which helps to filter logs during searches and helps control the amount of information in logs. By default, it's INFO. Possible values include INFO, WARN, DEBUG, and ERROR. Each of the possible values is used in a specific scenario as provided below:

    • INFO Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the workload
    • WARN Designates potentially harmful situations
    • DEBUG Designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful while debugging
    • ERROR Designates error events that might still allow the workflow to continue running
  • replicas: Number of API instances to deploy. By default, it's 1, and it could be any positive integer.

  • autoScaling: Auto-scaling configuration. Manage autoscaling to match changing workload levels. It comprises several attributes:

    • enabled: Indicates whether autoscaling is enabled in the form of a boolean. By default, it is false.
    • minReplicas: The minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. By default, it's 1, and could be any positive integer
    • maxReplicas: The maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. It could be any positive integer greater than minReplicas.
    • targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: The target memory utilization percentage for autoscaling is the average memory usage of all pods in a deployment across the last minute divided by the requested CPU of this deployment. If the mean of the pods' CPU utilization is higher than the target you defined, then your replicas will be adjusted. Its value could be any integer between 0 to 100.
    • targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: The target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling is the average CPU usage of all pods in a deployment across the last minute divided by the requested CPU of this deployment. If the mean of the pods' memory utilization is higher than the target you defined, then your replicas will be adjusted. Its value could be any integer between 0 to 100.
  • resources: CPU and memory resource requests and limits. By default, the CPU and memory requests are 100m and 100Mi, while limits are 400m and 400Mi, respectively. The CPU units are declared in milliCPU(m) or CPU core, while memory is declared in Mebibytes (Mi) or Gibibytes (Gi).

  • envs: Environment variables for API instance.

    • LENS2_SCHEDULED_REFRESH_TIMEZONES: "UTC,America/Vancouver,America/Toronto"

Example Usage:

  replicas: 2 
  logLevel: info
      LENS2_SCHEDULED_REFRESH_TIMEZONES: "UTC,America/Vancouver,America/Toronto"
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 256Mi
      cpu: 2000m
      memory: 2048Mi


Description: Defines worker instance of Lens.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping optional none valid worker configurations

Attributes for worker

  • logLevel: The log level for the Worker classifies entries in logs in terms of urgency, which helps to filter logs during searches and helps control the amount of information in logs. By default, it's INFO. Possible values include INFO, WARN, DEBUG, and ERROR. Each of the possible values is used in a specific scenario as provided below:

    • INFO Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the workload
    • WARN: Designates potentially harmful situations
    • DEBUG Designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful while debugging
    • ERROR Designates error events that might still allow the workflow to continue running
  • replicas: Number of Worker to deploy. By default, it's 1, and it could be any positive integer.

  • resources: CPU and memory resource requests and limits. By default, the CPU and memory requests are 100m and 100Mi, while limits are 400m and 400Mi, respectively. The CPU units are declared in milliCPU(m) or CPU core, while memory is declared in Mebibytes (Mi) or Gibibytes (Gi).

  • envs: Environment variables for Worker.

Example Usage:

  replicas: 1 
   logLevel: info
       LENS2_SCHEDULED_REFRESH_TIMEZONES: "UTC,America/Vancouver,America/Toronto"
    resources: # optional
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 256Mi
      cpu: 6000m
      memory: 6048M


Description: Manages interaction between API instance and workers.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping mandatory none valid router configuration

Attributes for router

  • logLevel: The log level for the Router classifies entries in logs in terms of urgency, which helps to filter logs during searches and helps control the amount of information in logs. By default, it's INFO. Possible values include INFO, WARN, DEBUG, and ERROR. Each of the possible values is used in a specific scenario as provided below:

    • INFO Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the workload
    • WARN Designates potentially harmful situations
    • DEBUG Designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful while debugging
    • ERROR Designates error events that might still allow the workflow to continue running
  • replicas Number of Router to deploy. By default, it's 1, and it could be any positive integer.

  • resources CPU and memory resource requests and limits. By default, the CPU and memory requests are 100m and 100Mi, while limits are 400m and 400Mi, respectively. The CPU units are declared in milliCPU(m) or CPU core, while memory is declared in Mebibytes (Mi) or Gibibytes (Gi).

  • envs: Environment variables for Router.

Example Usage:

  logLevel: info 
      LENS2_SCHEDULED_REFRESH_TIMEZONES: "UTC,America/Vancouver,America/Toronto"
   resources: # optional
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 256Mi
      cpu: 6000m
      memory: 6048Mi


Description: Manages interaction with Iris dashboards.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping mandatory none valid iris configuration

Attributes for iris

  • logLevel: The log level for Iris classifies entries in logs in terms of urgency, which helps to filter logs during searches and helps control the amount of information in logs. By default, it's INFO. Possible values include INFO, WARN, DEBUG, and ERROR. Each of the possible values is used in a specific scenario as provided below:

    • INFO Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the workload
    • WARN Designates potentially harmful situations
    • DEBUG Designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful while debugging
    • ERROR Designates error events that might still allow the workflow to continue running
  • replicas: Number of Iris replicas to deploy. By default, it's 1, and it could be any positive integer.

  • resources: CPU and memory resource requests and limits. By default, the CPU and memory requests are 100m and 100Mi, while limits are 400m and 400Mi, respectively. The CPU units are declared in milliCPU(m) or CPU core, while memory is declared in Mebibytes (Mi) or Gibibytes (Gi).

  • envs: Environment variables for Iris.

Example Usage:

  logLevel: info 
  resources: # optional
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 256Mi
      cpu: 6000m
      memory: 6048Mi