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BI Integrations


  • Curl: Ensure you have curl installed on your system. For Windows users, you may need to use curl.exe.
  • Lens API Endpoint: The API endpoint provided by Lens to sync the data with meta endpoint access.
  • Access Credentials: For Superset, you will need access credentials such as username, password, and host.


The following curl command is used to synchronize data from Lens to a Superset. It posts configuration details required for integration.

Step 1: Run the curl command

To sync your Lens model with Superset, execute the following curl command:

curl --location --request POST 'https://<DATAOS_FQDN>/lens2/sync/api/v1/superset/public:<LENS-NAME>' \
--header 'apikey: <apikey>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '
    "username": "<superset username>",
    "password": "<superset password>",
    "host": "https://superset-<DATAOS_FQDN>"
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'apikey: aueniekQa==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '
    "username": "adder_1",
    "password": "adder_1",
    "host": """

Command Parameters:

  • URL: This is the endpoint for syncing with Superset.

  • DataOS FQDN: any current DataOS FQDN. For example,

  • --header 'Content-Type: application/json': This specifies the content type as JSON.

  • Lens_Name: Your lens name. Example sales360.

  • API_Key: Your DataOS API key in your docker-compose.yaml.

Upon initiation, you will receive a response:

    "message": "started"
    "message": "Superset project creation and sync completed successfully."

Once you execute the command in the terminal, the results will be visible in the Superset app, as demonstrated below:

Please follow the steps outlined to see the result:

Step 2 Go to DataOS: Select Superset.

Superset Configuration

Step 3 Navigate to Datasets Tab: Here, each entity will be available in the form of datasets.

Superset Configuration

Everything is set up now. Explore and perform further analysis in Superset.



  • Tableau Credentials
  • DataOS username(User Id)
  • DataOS API Key

To sync your Lens model with Tableau, execute the following curl command:

Step 1: Run the curl command

To sync your Lens model with Tableau, you need the following credentials:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'apikey: <apikey>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "project_name": "sample",
    "username": "user1",
    "password": "password1",
    "site_id": "site1",
    "server_address": ""

Command Parameters:

<URL> : This endpoint is used to sync a specified Lens model to Tableau for public access.


<DATAOS_FQDN>: Replace <DATAOS_FQDN> with the current Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) where you have deployed your Lens instance. For example, if your FQDN is, replace it accordingly. In this case, "liberal monkey" would be your context name.

<LENS_NAME>: The name of the Lens model that you wish to sync with Tableau. For example sales360.

<apikey>: You can get the API key using the following command

dataos-ctl user apikey get

H "Content-Type: application/json": This header specifies that the data being sent is in JSON format.

-data-raw: Sends the raw JSON payload directly to the server:

  • project_name: Replace <PROJECT_NAME> with the Tableau project name.
  • username: The Tableau username.
  • password: The password associated with the Tableau account.
  • site_id: The site ID, in this case tableausuer@123.
  • server_address: The address of the Tableau server (e.g., Tableau server config are only needed in case of user wants to publish generated tds files at tableau server.

You can obtain these when you log in to Tableau. You’ll see the URL like below:

here: iamgroot1086a891fef336 is your site_id.

"project_name": "tableau project name" ,
"username": "tableau username", 
"password": "tableau password",
"site_id": "tableau site id",
"server_address": ""

Step 2: Go to tableau

Go to the Explore tab on the left side. You’ll see the required tables and views in your project.

In the screenshot below, there are three sources: one for tables and two for views.

Superset Configuration

Step 3: Explore and Create Visualizations

Go to the Home tab on the left side and click on 'New'. Under it, click on 'Workbook'.

Superset Configuration

Step 4: Connect to Data

Once you click on 'Workbook', it’ll take you to 'Connect to Data'. Select either views or tables and click on 'Connect'.

Superset Configuration

As you click on 'Connect', it’ll ask you for username and password. Enter the DataOS username and API key

Superset Configuration

Step 5: Start Using the Model

Once you enter the credentials and click on 'Sign In', you’re ready to use the model for your visualization purposes.

Superset Configuration


  • For views and tables, you need to build the connection two times.
  • If any entity in the model lacks a relationship, an error will occur. To resolve this, you can hide the entity.
  • The connection is live, so any changes to the underlying data or measure logic will reflect in Tableau cloud.
  • If there are schema changes, such as adding new dimensions and measures, you will need to repeat the steps above.

Power BI

Step 1: Run the curl command

To sync your Lens model with Power BI, execute the following curl command in your terminal:

curl --location --request POST '' --header 'apikey: <apikey>'<source_name>/<lens_name> --header 'apikey: <apikey>'

Step 2: Download the Zip File

After running the command, a zip file will be downloaded to your chosen directory.

Superset Configuration

Step 3: Unzip the File

Unzip the file. You will find three folders inside.

Superset Configuration

Step 4: Open the Power BI File

Open the Power BI file using Power BI Desktop.

Superset Configuration

Step 5: Enter Credentials

Once the file is opened, you will see a popup. Enter your DataOS username and API key.

Superset Configuration
Superset Configuration

Step 6: Connect to DataOS

Click the connect button. A popup will appear. Click OK.

Superset Configuration

Step 7: Access Tables with Dimensions and Measures

After connecting, you will be able to see tables and views with dimensions and measures.

Superset Configuration


  • Measures will be named in Power BI as m_total_revenue.
  • The connection is live, so any changes to the underlying data or measure logic will reflect in Power BI.
  • If there are schema changes, such as adding new dimensions and measures, you will need to repeat the steps above.


Step 1: Install the Analyze in Excel Feature:

Visit the Analyze in Excel for Power BI Desktop link and follow the instructions to download and install the necessary extension.

Step 2: Use the Analyze in Excel Feature:

Once the extension is installed, a new tab labeled "Analyze in Excel" will appear in Power BI Desktop.

Superset Configuration

Step 3: Export to Excel:

  • Click on the "Analyze in Excel" tab.
  • This action will open Excel and establish a connection to the Power BI dataset or report.

Step 4: Verify Power BI is Running:

Ensure that Power BI Desktop remains open while you are working in Excel, as Power BI acts as the server for the data connection.

Step 5: Work in Excel:

In Excel, you can now use PivotTables, charts, and other Excel features to analyze the data coming from Power BI.

Superset Configuration