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Case Scenario: Schema Evolution


  • Apply the command which you want to execute
  • To observe the changes within the Workbench, execute the below command
dataos-ctl dataset -a ${{udl}} set-metadata \
-v latest

Dataset - dataos://icebase:retail/city

Add Field/Column

The following command can be used to add a column to the table or a nested struct.

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city add-field \
-n ${{column-name}} \
-t ${{column-datatype}}

Only the following column data types are supported

Data type Description Requirements
boolean True or false
int 32-bit signed integers Can promote toย long
long 32-bit signed integers
float 32-bit IEEE 754ย floating point Can promote to double
double 64-bit IEEE 754ย floating point
decimal Fixed-point decimal; precision P, scale S Scale is fixed, [1], precision must be 38 or less
date Calendar date without timezone or time
time Time of day without date, timezone Microsecond precision
timestamp Timestamp without timezone Microsecond precision [2]
timestamptz Timestamp with timezone Stored as UTC [2]
string Arbitrary-length character sequences Encoded with UTF-8 [3]
uuid Universally unique identifiers Should use 16-byte fixed
fixed(L) Fixed-length byte array of length L
binary Arbitrary-length byte array

Initial Schema observed in Workbench

Schema Evolution 1

Let's add a new column called new1 into the city dataset with a type string. Execute the following code in the terminal.

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city add-field \
-n new1 \
-t string

Output (on successful execution of code)

INFO[0000] ๐Ÿ“‚ add field...                               
INFO[0001] ๐Ÿ“‚ add field...completed

To observe the changes made to the initial dataset, execute the following code

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city set-metadata \
-v latest

Output (on successful execution)

INFO[0000] ๐Ÿ“‚ set metadata...                            
INFO[0001] ๐Ÿ“‚ set metadata...completed

Observe the change in the workbench; a new field by the name new1 is added

Schema Evolution 2

Drop Field/Column

To remove an existing column from the table or a nested struct, the following command can be executed

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city drop-field \
-n ${{column-name}}
Schema Evolution 2

Letโ€™s remove column new1 from the city dataset. Execute the following code in the terminal

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city drop-field \
-n new1

Output (on successful execution of code)

INFO[0000] ๐Ÿ“‚ remove field...                            
INFO[0001] ๐Ÿ“‚ remove field...completed

To observe the changes made to the initial dataset, execute the following code

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city set-metadata \
-v latest

Output (on successful execution)

INFO[0000] ๐Ÿ“‚ set metadata...                            
INFO[0001] ๐Ÿ“‚ set metadata...completed

Observe the change in the workbench; the new1 column is removed

Schema Evolution 1

Rename Field/Column

To rename an existing column or field in a nested struct, execute the below code

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city rename-field \
-n ${{column-name}} \
-m ${{column-new-name}}

Letโ€™s rename the column city_name in the city dataset to name. For this following code needs to be executed -

Schema Evolution 5
dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city rename-field \
-n city_name \
-m name

Output (on successful code execution)

INFO[0000] ๐Ÿ“‚ rename field...                            
INFO[0001] ๐Ÿ“‚ rename field...completed

To observe the renamed column in the workbench, run the set-metadata command

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city set-metadata \
-v latest

Output (on successful execution)

INFO[0000] ๐Ÿ“‚ set metadata...                            
INFO[0001] ๐Ÿ“‚ set metadata...completed

The city_name column is renamed to name. As observed below

Schema Evolution 6

Updateย Field/Column

To widen the type of a column, struct field, map key, map value, or list element, the below command can be executed

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city update-field \
-n ${{column-name}} \
-t ${{column-datatype}}

๐Ÿ—ฃ Updating column type is limited to only certain data types for any particular type - integer to long - float to double - Increasing the precision of decimal type

Schema Evolution 1

Letโ€™s update the zip_code column type from INTEGER (integer) to BIGINT (long). The code is as follows -

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city update-field \
-n zip_code \
-t long

Output(successful execution)

INFO[0000] ๐Ÿ“‚ update field datatype...                   
INFO[0001] ๐Ÿ“‚ update field datatype...completed

To observe the changes in the workbench, execute the set-metadata command as follows -

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city set-metadata \
-v latest

Output (on successful execution)

INFO[0000] ๐Ÿ“‚ set metadata...                            
INFO[0001] ๐Ÿ“‚ set metadata...completed

The type of zip_code is changed from INTEGER (integer) to BIGINT (long)

Untitled 8