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Case Scenario: Partitioning

Single Partitioning

The partitioning in any iceberg table is column based. Currently, Flare currently supports only these Partition Transforms identity, year, month, day, and hour.

  • identity

    dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \
    -p "identity:state_name"
  • year

    dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \
    -p "year:ts_city:year_partition"
  • month

    dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \
    -p "month:ts_city:month_partition"
  • day

    dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \
    -p "day:ts_city:day_partition"
  • hour

    dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \
    -p "hour:ts_city:hour_partition"

Multiple Partitioning

Partitioning can be done on multiple levels. For e.g, a user wants to partition the city data into two partitions, first based on state_code and second based on month. The command will be as follows:

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city \
-p "identity:state_code" \
-p "month:ts_city:month_partition"

Partition Updation

For updating partition, use the below command.


dataos-ctl dataset -a ${{udl}} update-partition \
-p "${{partition_type}}:${{column_name}}:${{partition_name}}"


Let’s say we wanna update the partition of city data along the month using the timestamp in the ts_city column, the code will be as follows -

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city update-partition \
-p "month:ts_city:month_partition"


INFO[0000] πŸ“‚ update partition...                        
INFO[0000] πŸ“‚ update partition...completed