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Case Scenario: Maintenance (Snapshots and Meta Data Listing)


List Snapshots

The list snapshot command is used to list all the snapshots of the dataset. This will help determine how many dataset snapshots you have. The command is as follows:


dataos-ctl dataset -a ${{udl}} snapshots 


dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city snapshots 


INFO[0000] πŸ“‚ get snapshots...                           
INFO[0000] πŸ“‚ get snapshots...completed                  

      SNAPSHOTID      |   TIMESTAMP    
  5724215526433994041 | 1660579675496  
  7521925172258223419 | 1660745070207

The first column represents the Snapshot IDs and the second one represents the respective timestamp

Set Snapshot

The Set Snapshot command helps to set a snapshot so that you can travel back. The command is given below.


dataos-ctl dataset -a ${{udl}} set-snapshot \
-i ${{snapshot-id}}


Let’s say you wanna revert back to a specific snapshot ID from the once listed by the list snapshots command. The command will be:

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city set-snapshot \
-i 5724215526433994041

Output (successful execution)

INFO[0000] πŸ“‚ set snapshot...                            
INFO[0001] πŸ“‚ set snapshot...completed

(Make sure that all the operations have been committed, else there will be errors)

Metadata Listing

List Metadata

The metadata command lists all the metadata files. The command is given below.


dataos-ctl dataset -a ${{udl}} metadata


dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city metadata

Output (successful execution)

INFO[0000] πŸ“‚ get metadata...                            
INFO[0000] πŸ“‚ get metadata...completed                   

        VERSION        |   TIMESTAMP    
  v34.gz.metadata.json | 1661252152036
  v30.gz.metadata.json | 1661249266230  
  v4.gz.metadata.json  | 1661163612098  
  v17.gz.metadata.json | 1661242729511  
  v37.metadata.json    | 1661253371394  
  v43.gz.metadata.json | 1661254272987

Set Metadata

In order to set the metadata to the latest or some specific version, use the below command.


dataos-ctl dataset -a ${{udl}} set-metadata \
-v ${{latest|version.gz.metadata.json}}

In order to set the metadata of the dataset dataos://icebase:retail/city to the latest format.

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city set-metadata \
-v latest

In order to set the metadata to some specfic version among the ones in the list say v4.gz.metadata.json.

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city set-metadata \
-v v4.gz.metadata.json


INFO[0000] πŸ“‚ set metadata...                            
INFO[0001] πŸ“‚ set metadata...completed

Mark Column Nullable

To set nullability in a specific column. The command is as follows:

dataos-ctl dataset -a ${{udl}} set-nullable \
-n ${{column-name}} \
-b ${{true/false}}

Let’s say we wanna set a column random as nullable. The command is given below:

dataos-ctl dataset -a dataos://icebase:retail/city set-nullable \
-n random \
-b true

Output (on successful execution)

INFO[0000] πŸ“‚ set nullability                            
INFO[0000] πŸ“‚ set nullability...completed

The column is now set as nullable.