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A Grant Resource links the Subject-Predicate-Object relationship, generating an access policy. Through grants, administrators assign use cases to subjects either as users or roles, granting them access to specific parts of the system or data. This level of detail in access control enables administrators to regulate user interactions effectively. Grants facilitate the assignment of use cases to multiple roles and users, providing flexibility in access management. Grants can be implemented via CLI or through the Bifrost Interface. To learn about how to create grant through Bifrost click here.

How to create and manage a Grant Resource?

Create a Grant manifest file

Data Developers can create a Grant Resource by applying the manifest file of a Grant from the DataOS CLI. An example of a grant manifest is as follows:

Example Grant manifest
name: test-user-runas-test-dev1
version: v1alpha
type: grant
layer: user
  - governance
  - grant
  policy_use_case_id: run-as-user
    - users:id:test-user
     - path: ${valid-path}
  requester: iamgroot
  notes: the user test-user needs to runas the test-developer for data dev purposes
  approve: false

The above YAML artifact defines a grant named "test-user-runas-test-dev1" for allowing the user "test-user" to run as a "test-developer" for data development purposes.

The manifest for creating a Grant has the following two sections:

Resource meta section

In DataOS, a Grant is categorized as a Resource-type. The Resource meta section within the manifest file encompasses attributes universally applicable to all Resource-types. The provided manifest file elucidates the requisite attributes for this section:

# Resource-meta section
name: ${resource-name}
version: v1alpha
type: grant
  - ${tag1}
  - ${tag2}
description: ${description}
owner: ${userid-of-owner}
layer: user
  # attributes of grant-specific section
# Resource-meta section
name: test-user-runas-test-dev1
version: v1alpha
type: grant
description: ${description}
  - governance
owner: ${iamgroot}
layer: user
  # attributes of grant-specific section

For more information about the various attributes in Resource meta section, refer to the Attributes of Resource meta section.

Grant-specific section

The Grant-specific section of a Grant manifest comprises attributes-specific to the Grant Resource.

  policy_use_case_id: ${policy-use-case-id}
  - ${users:id:test-user}
    - path: ${valid-path}
  requester: ${iamgroot}
  notes: ${the user test-user needs to runasathe test-developer for data dev purposes}
  approve: ${false}
  policy_use_case_id: run-as-user
  - users:id:test-user
    - path: 
  requester: iamgroot
  notes: the user test-user needs to runasathe test-developer for data dev purposes
  approve: false
Attribute Data Type Default Value Possible Values Requirement
grant mapping none valid grant-specific attributes mandatory
policy_use_case_id string none Unique identifier for the policy use case mandatory
subjects list of strings none List of subject identifiers optional
values list of mapping none List of key-value pairs representing values mandatory
path string none valid path string indicating the resource location optional
approve boolean false true, false optional
requester string none Unique identifier for the requester optional
notes string none Textual notes or comments optional
collection string none Unique identifier for the collection optional
manageAsUser string none UserID of the Use Case Assignee optional

To know more about the grant attributes click here

Before applying any manifest, it's considered a best practice to lint the manifest file to fix potential issues in manifest.

Apply the Grant manifest

After successfully creating the Grant manifest, it’s time to apply manifest. To apply the Grant manifest, utilize the apply command.

Upon applying the grant, administrators can track and manage grant requests through the Bifrost UI. The applied grant are reflected in the grant request tab, providing administrators with an interface to oversee, approve, reject, or delete grant requests as needed.

dataos-ctl resource apply -f ${manifest-file-path} 
dataos-ctl resource apply -f grant.yaml  
#Expected Output 
INFO[0000] 🛠 apply...                                   
INFO[0000] 🔧 applying test-user-runas-test-dev1:v1alpha:grant... 
INFO[0001] 🔧 applying test-user-runas-test-dev1:v1alpha:grant...updated

After applying for the Grant via the CLI, the status or log can be viewed in the Grant request section of the Bifrost UI as following.

*user shraddhaade requested access to read resource system workspaces for user named test-developer to piyushjoshi*

Once the grant request is submitted, the operator views the request and makes a decision. If another operator views the request and finds it appropriate, they can also grant the request.


The name of the operator who took the final decision will be recorded

*operator named aayushisolanki granted this permission to test-developer*

Managing Grant

Verify Grant creation

To check the successful creation of Grant in DataOS Workspace use the following two methods:

  • Check the Grant in a Workspace: Use the following command to list the grant
dataos-ctl resource get -t grant 
  • Retrieve all Databases in a Workspace: To retrieve the list of all Grants created, add the -a flag to the command:
dataos-ctl resource get -t grant -a

Debugging a Grant

When a Grant creation encounter errors, data developers can employ various tactics to diagnose and resolve issues effectively using command:

dataos-ctl get -t grant -n test-user-runas-test-dev1 -d

Deleting a Grant

To delete Grant that are no longer in use the following methods:

dataos-ctl delete -t ${grant} -n ${name of grant}
dataos-ctl delete -i ${name to workspace the in the output table from get status command}
dataos-ctl delete -f ${file-path}