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Setting Up CLI Client

Connecting to Minerva

To set up the Minerva Client or minerva-cli and run queries on Minerva via the terminal, there are two approaches:


Approach 1 - Docker

  • Open the terminal and pull the minerva-cli image by executing the following command. Ensure that Docker is installed and running on your system.

    docker pull tmdc/minerva-cli:latest
  • To verify that the installation is successful, run the following command. It should display a list of supported commands.

    docker run --rm -it --name minerva tmdc/minerva-cli:latest java -jar minerva-cli.jar --help
  • To set up an alias for future ease, execute the following command.

    echo 'alias minerva="docker run --rm -it --name minerva tmdc/minerva-cli:latest java -jar minerva-cli.jar"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
  • Confirm that the alias has been created by running the following command.

    minerva --help

Approach 2 - Executable Jar

  • Open the terminal and ensure that you have Java 11 or a higher version installed by running the following command:

    java --version
  • Download the minerva-cli JAR file from here.

  • To verify that minerva-cli runs properly, execute the following command. It should display a list of supported commands.

    java -jar minerva-cli-388.jar --help
  • Set up an alias for future ease using the following command.

    echo alias 'minerva="java -jar minerva-cli-388.jar"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
  • Confirm that the created alias works correctly.

    minerva --help

Connecting to Minerva

To connect with a running Minerva Cluster, use the following command:

minerva --server https://tcp.{{dataos instance fqdn}}:7432 \
     --user {{user id}} \
     --apikey {{dataos api key}} \

Connecting to Themis

  • Open the terminal and ensure that you have Java 11 or a higher version installed by running the following command:

    java --version
  • Download the trino-cli JAR file from here.

  • To verify that trino-cli runs properly, execute the following command. It should display a list of supported commands.

    java -jar trino-cli-435-executable.jar --help
  • Set up an alias for future ease using the following command.

    # For bash terminals
    echo alias 'minerva="java -jar minerva-cli-388.jar"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
    # For zsh terminals
    echo alias 'trino="java -jar trino-cli-435-executable.jar"' >> ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc
  • Confirm that the created alias works correctly.

    trino --help
  • To connect with a running Themis Cluster, use the following command:

    trino --server = https://tcp.{{dataos instance fqdn}}:7432 \
         --user = {{dataos userID}} \
         --apikey {{dataos user apikey}}
             --extra-credential accessToken={{dataos user apikey}} \
         --extra-credential cluster={{themis cluster name}}
    # Sample
    trino --server = \
                --user=iamgroot \
                --extra-credential accessToken=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 
                --extra-credential cluster=themiscluster


The following commands can be used to perform various operations:

  • List Catalogs:

    ➜ Minerva# show catalogs;
    (2 rows)
    Query 20220714_030402_00049_izefc, FINISHED, 2 nodes
    Splits: 20 total, 20 done (100.00%)
    0.66 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]
  • List Schemas within a Catalog:

    ➜ Minerva# show schemas in icebase;
    (13 rows)
    Query 20220714_030408_00050_izefc, FINISHED, 2 nodes
    Splits: 20 total, 20 done (100.00%)
    0.66 [13 rows, 199B] [19 rows/s, 302B/s]
  • Set Default Catalog:

    ➜ Minerva# USE icebase.surveys;
  • Show Tables:

    ```shell ➜ Minerva:icebase.surveys# SHOW tables; Table

    qualtrics_questions_table qualtrics_responses_table qualtrics_survey_list
    (7 rows)

    Query 20220714_030421_00054_izefc, FINISHED, 2 nodes Splits: 20 total, 20 done (100.00%) 0.64 [7 rows, 263B] [10 rows/s, 410B/s]

  • Describe Table:

    ➜ Minerva:icebase.surveys# describe qualtrics_questions_table;
              Column           |         Type          | Extra | Comment 
     __metadata                | map(varchar, varchar) |       |         
     survey_id                 | varchar               |       |         
     block_id                  | varchar               |       |         
     block_description         | varchar               |       |         
     items                     | varchar               |       |         
     groups                    | varchar               |       |         
     regions                   | varchar               |       |         
     sbs_question_selector     | varchar               |       |         
     choice_recode_value       | integer               |       |         
    (9 rows)
    Query 20220714_030447_00055_izefc, FINISHED, 2 nodes
    Splits: 20 total, 20 done (100.00%)
    0.65 [25 rows, 2.24KB] [38 rows/s, 3.47KB/s]
  • Show Table Data:

    ➜ Minerva:icebase.surveys# SELECT question_number, question_name, groups FROM qualtrics_questions_table LIMIT 10;
     question_number | question_name | groups 
                   1 | Q118          | NULL   
                   1 | Q118          | NULL   
                   1 | Q118          | NULL   
                   1 | Q118          | NULL   
                   1 | Q118          | NULL   
    (5 rows)
    Query 20220714_030531_00056_izefc, FINISHED, 2 nodes
    Splits: 19 total, 13 done (68.42%)
    0.66 [60 rows, 1.2MB] [91 rows/s, 1.82MB/s]
  • Quit CLI:

    ➜ Minerva:icebase.surveys# quit

Export results as CSV

To export query results as a CSV file, you can use the output-format option. The example below demonstrates how to execute a query and save the results to a CSV file named result.csv:

minerva \
     --server https://tcp.<DATAOS_INSTANCE>:7432 \
     --user <USER_NAME> \
     --apikey <API_KEY> \
     --cluster-name=<CLUSTER_NAME> \
     --execute "
SELECT * FROM icebase.surveys.qualtrics_responses_table R 
INNER JOIN icebase.surveys.sharepoint_metadata M 
ON R.survey_id=M.surveyid 
WHERE M.templatetypeltemplatecategory like '%Workplace' LIMIT 10
" \
--output-format CSV > result.csv

The execute option enables batch mode, allowing the query to automatically exit after execution.