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Attributes of Bundle YAML Manifest

Structure of Bundle YAML manifest

# Bundle-specific section

    # Bundle schedule section
    initialState: ${{initial state}}
    timezone: ${{timezone}}
      - cron: ${{create cron expression}}
      - cron: ${{delete cron expression}}

    # Bundle Workspaces section
        - name: ${{workspace to be created name}}
            description: ${{workspace description}}
                - ${{tag1}}
                - ${{tag2}}
                ${{key: value}}
            layer: ${{layer}}

  # Bundle Resources section
    - id: ${{bundle-scanner}} # Resource ID (mandatory)
      workspace: ${{bundlespace}} # Workspace (optional)
      spec: # Resource spec (mandatory) 
        ${{resource spec manifest}}
      file: ${{/home/Desktop/bundle-scanner.yaml}} # Resource spec file (optional)
      dependencies: # Resource dependency (optional)
        - ${{bundle-depot}}
      dependencyConditions: # Resource dependency conditions (optional)
        - resourceId: ${{bundle-depot}} # Resource ID (mandatory)
          status: # Status dependency condition (optional)
            is: # Status is (optional)
              - ${{active}}
            contains: # Status contains (optional)
              - ${{activ}}
          runtime: # Runtime dependency condition (optional)
            is: # Runtime is (optional)
              - ${{running}}
            contains: # Runtime contains (optional)
              - ${{run}}

    # Additional properties section
      ${{key: value}}

  manageAsUser: ${{iamgroot}}

Attribute configuration


Description: Bundle-specific section or the mapping containing attributes of Bundle Resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping mandatory none none

Example Usage:

# Bundle-specific section
    # Bundle Workspaces section
    - name: testingspace
      description: This workspace runs dataos bundle resource
        - dataproduct
        - product
        - bundleResource
        name: dataproductBundleResources
      layer: user
    # Bundle Resources section
    - id: depot
      file: yaml/1_depot.yaml

    - id: scanner
      file: yaml/2_scanner.yaml
      workspace: testingspace
        - depot
        - resourceId: depot
              - active

    - id: profiling
      file: yaml/3_profiling.yaml
      workspace: testingspace
        - scanner
        - resourceId: scanner
              - active
              - succeeded


Description: Bundle schedule section or the mapping comprising attributes for scheduling Bundle Resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping optional none none

Example Usage:

  initialState: create
  timezone: Asia/Kolkata
   - cron: '31 0 * * *'


Description: The initialState attribute defines the starting condition of the Bundle Resource. Setting this attribute to create initiates the creation of a new Bundle Resource according to the schedule outlined in the create attribute. Conversely, assigning the value delete triggers the deletion of an existing Bundle, following the cron schedule specified in the delete attribute.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none create/delete

Example Usage:

initialState: create


Description: The timezone attribute specifies the timezone to be used in interpreting the schedule.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none valid time zone identifier from the

Additional Details: Some time zones include a provision for daylight savings time. The rules for daylight saving time are determined by the chosen time zone.

Example Usage:

# Example 1
timezone: "America/New_York"
# Example 2
timezone: "Eurpoe/Berlin"


Description: The create attribute specifies the schedule for creating the Bundle Resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
list of mappings optional none none

Additional Details: Defined as a list, the create attribute comprises cron expressions that determine when the Bundle Resource should be created. Multiple cron expressions can be included, each representing a distinct schedule. For instance, if a Workflow requires execution at two different times, such as at 00:31 and then at 01:00, the respective cron schedules can be delineated as follows:

  - cron: "31 0 * * *"
  - cron: "0 1 * * *"

Example Usage:

  - cron: "0 0 * * *"


Description: The cron attribute is used to specify a cron expression, a string consisting of five characters, separated by white spaces describing the individual details of the Bundle creation or deletion schedule.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none valid cron expression as per the

Example Usage:

cron: "24 0 * * *" # Cron expression for the time 00:24


Description: The delete attribute is used to define the deletion schedule for the Bundle Resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of mappings optional none none

Additional Details: The delete attribute is defined as a list of cron expressions specifying when the Bundle Resource should be deleted. You can provide one or more cron expressions within the list, each indicating a different deletion schedule.

Example Usage:

  - cron: "0 8 * * *"


Description: The workspaces attribute, or the Bundle Workspaces section, is defined as a list comprising multiple mappings. Each mapping within this list corresponds to a distinct Workspace configuration. This attribute enables the inclusion of various Workspace configurations, each equipped with its unique set of attributes. These attributes can include name, description, tags, labels, and layer, allowing customization according to the specific requirements of your use case.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of mappings optional none none

Example Usage:

  - name: bundletesting
    description: this is a workspace for bundle testing
          - testing
            key1: value1
    layer: user


Description: The name attribute is used to specify the name of a Workspace.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none valid Workspace name, not exceeding 32 characters, adhering to the regex pattern:

Example Usage:

name: myworkspace


Description: The description attribute is used to provide a description for a Workspace.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none valid string

Example Usage:

description: "This is a description of my workspace."


Description: The tags attribute is used to specify tags associated with a specific-Workspace.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of strings optional none valid string

Additional Details: Certain tags like dataos:type:workspace:**, dataos:layer:**, dataos:workspace:** are assigned by the DataOS itself for internal discoverability purposes. You can get the list of tags on the DataOS CLI using the following command:

dataos-ctl workspace get

# Expected Sample Output

  NAME        LAYER         OWNER             DESCRIPTION                   TAGS                 STATUS  
public        user   dataos-manager  the default user layer  workspace, user, public,            active  
                                     workspace               dataos:type:workspace:default,              
sandbox       user   dataos-manager  the default user layer  workspace, user,                    active  
                                     development and testing│ sandbox, dev, test,                         
                                     workspa                 dataos:type:workspace:default,              
bundletesting│ user   iamgroot        This workspace is for   bundletesting, dataproducts,        active  
                                     dataos bundle resource  dataos:type:workspace:not-default,          
                                     testing                 dataos:type:workspace,                      

Example Usage:

  - bundletesting
  - dataproducts


Description: The labels attribute is used to specify key-value labels associated with a Workspace.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping optional none none

Example Usage:

  key1: "value1"
  key2: "value2"


Description: The layer attribute is used to specify the layer within the User Space where the Bundle Resource belongs.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none user/system

Example Usage:

layer: user


Description: The Bundle Resources section or the resources attribute specifies a list of Resource configurations within the Bundle definition.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of mappings mandatory none none

Example Usage:

  - name: create-icebase-depot
    file: depot.yaml
  - name: write-into-icebase
      - create-icebase-depot
    workspace: testbundle14
    file: read_icebase_write_snowflake.yaml


Description: The id attribute is used to specify the unique identifier of a Resource within the Bundle definition. This identifier is used to create dependencies between different resources within the Bundle.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
string mandatory none valid string

Example Usage:

id: myresource


Description: The workspace attribute is used to specify the name of the workspace associated with a Workspace-level Resource within the Bundle definition.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
string optional (mandatory for Workspace-level Resources) none valid Workspace name, not exceeding 32 characters, adhering to the regex pattern: [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?

Additional Information: A Bundle can reference Resources located in other Workspaces, which may not be created using the Bundle itself, for the creation of a Workspace-level Resource. For instance, a Workspace named myworkspace might be created using the Bundle, but when specifying a Workflow within the Bundle Workspace, Resources can also be created in a different Workspace, like a testingspace, provided there is access to that Workspace. Absence of access rights could prevent such operations.

Example Usage:

workspace: myworkspace


Description: The dependencies attribute is used to specify a list of Resources referred by their resource id on which the current resource depends within the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of resources.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
list of strings optional none Resource ids within the DAG except the current one

Example Usage:

  - scanner


Description: The dependencyConditions attribute is a mapping that configures dependency conditions based on status and runtime. By default, if dependencyConditions are not specified but a dependency is indicated on some Resource, the default condition assumes the status is active.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
list of mappings optional dependencyConditions:
- resourceId: {{dependent resource}}
- active none

Example Usage:

  - resourceId: scanner
        - active
        - succeeded


Description: The resourceId attribute designates the unique identifier of a Resource that a given Resource is dependent on. This identifier plays a critical role in establishing dependencies among various resources within the Bundle.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
string mandatory none Valid ID of a Resource specified within the Bundle on which this Resource is dependent

Example Usage:

resourceId: myresource


Description: The status attribute is employed to define the anticipated status of a Resource within the Bundle. This attribute facilitates the assessment of a Resource's operational condition based on predefined criteria. It utilizes two distinct operators for evaluation: is and contains. The is operator is used to specify an exact match of the Resource's status, while the contains operator allows for a more flexible match, indicating that the Resource's status includes one or more specified conditions.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
mapping optional none none

Additional Details:

  • The is operator is precise and checks for an exact status. If the status of the Resource exactly matches one of the values listed, the condition is considered met.
  • The contains operator is used when the status may include multiple conditions or a broader state. It checks if the Resource's status includes any of the specified conditions.
  • This attribute is critical in scenarios where the execution or activation of a Resource depends on the state of another Resource. It ensures that dependencies are correctly managed and that Resources are activated or processed in the correct order and state.

Example Usage:

    - active
    - error
    - warning

In this example, the status attribute is configured to meet conditions where the Resource is exactly active or contains either error or warning in its status.


Description: The runtime attribute specifies the execution state or duration of a Resource within the Bundle. It typically indicates the operational phase of the Resource, such as whether it is currently running, completed, or has encountered an error during execution.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
string or time duration format optional none Predefined runtime states like running, succeeded, failed, or specific time durations.

Example Usage:

runtime: succeeded


Description: The is attribute is used to specify an exact match condition within a parent attribute structure. It is typically employed to define a precise state or value that a resource or property must match exactly for a condition to be considered true.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
list of strings mandatory none A set of exact values relevant to the context in which the is attribute is used

Example Usage:

  - active

In this usage, the is attribute lists specific states ('active', 'completed'), and the condition is met only if the resource or property matches one of these exact states.


Description: The contains attribute is used to specify a condition where the presence of one or more values within a larger set satisfies the requirement. Unlike is, which demands an exact match, contains is used for more flexible matching, allowing for partial or subset matches within a broader context.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
list of strings mandatory none A range of values or substrings that are permissible within the context where the contains attribute is applied

Example Usage:

  - error
  - pending

In this example, the contains attribute lists conditions ('error', 'warning') that, if present in any part of the larger set or string, would satisfy the condition. This allows for a broader and more inclusive matching criterion.


Description: The spec attribute enables in-line definition of specification or configuration for a Resource within the Bundle. It is particularly useful for defining configurations that are concise or specific to a single Bundle, avoiding the need for external files.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
mapping optional (either spec or file should be provided) none valid Resource spec

Example Usage:

# Spec of a Snowflake Depot
  name: abcd
  version: v1
  type: depot
    - snowflake
    - depot
  description: this is a snowflake depot
  layer: user
    type: snowflake
    description: this is not a snowflake depot
      - acl: rw
        type: key-value-properties
          username: iamgroot
          password: ironman
    external: true
      warehouse: random_warehouse
      database: mydatabase


Description: The file attribute specifies the path to the Resource specification file associated with the Resource. When a Resource is applied or linted, the contents of the file indicated in the file attribute are interpolated within the spec attribute. This allows for external configuration of Resource specifications, enabling more dynamic and modular resource management.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Values
string optional (either spec or file should be provided) none valid Resource config file path

Example Usage:

file: "/path/to/resource/manifest.yaml"


Description: The properties attribute is used to specify additional properties associated with a resource within the Bundle definition.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping optional none properties in the form of key-value pairs

Example Usage:

    alpha: beta


Description: When the manageAsUser attribute is configured with the UserID of the use-case assignee, it grants the authority to perform operations on behalf of that user.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none userID of the Use
Case Assignee

Example Usage:

manageAsUser: iamgroot