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Deploying Data Applications on DataOS


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for deploying your data app—built with Streamlit, Django, Flask, or any tool—on DataOS using the Container Stack.

To illustrate the process, we'll create a simple Streamlit application. Streamlit is a powerful Python library that facilitates the quick development of interactive web applications.

Step 1: Create a Data Application

  1. Write Your Application Code

    Create a Python file named for your Streamlit application.

  2. Run the application locally

    Run the application on your machine. When you run this application locally, it will be launched in your default web browser.

    streamlit run {path}/

    Here's a simple example of Calculator app designed for basic arithmetic operations.

    import streamlit as st
    # Streamlit page configurations
    st.set_page_config(layout='wide', page_title='Simple Calculator')
    # Setting Session State Variables
    if 'page' not in st.session_state: = 0
    def addition_tab():
        '''This function handles the addition operation'''
        with st.form("addition_form"):
            num1 = st.number_input("Enter first number", value=0.0, key="addition_num1")
            num2 = st.number_input("Enter second number", value=0.0, key="addition_num2")
            submitted = st.form_submit_button("Calculate")
            if submitted:
                result = num1 + num2
                st.write(f"Result: {result}")
    def subtraction_tab():
        '''This function handles the subtraction operation'''
        with st.form("subtraction_form"):
            num1 = st.number_input("Enter first number", value=0.0, key="subtraction_num1")
            num2 = st.number_input("Enter second number", value=0.0, key="subtraction_num2")
            submitted = st.form_submit_button("Calculate")
            if submitted:
                result = num1 - num2
                st.write(f"Result: {result}")
    def multiplication_tab():
        '''This function handles the multiplication operation'''
        with st.form("multiplication_form"):
            num1 = st.number_input("Enter first number", value=0.0, key="multiplication_num1")
            num2 = st.number_input("Enter second number", value=0.0, key="multiplication_num2")
            submitted = st.form_submit_button("Calculate")
            if submitted:
                result = num1 * num2
                st.write(f"Result: {result}")
    def division_tab():
        '''This function handles the division operation'''
        with st.form("division_form"):
            num1 = st.number_input("Enter first number", value=0.0, key="division_num1")
            num2 = st.number_input("Enter second number", value=0.0, key="division_num2")
            submitted = st.form_submit_button("Calculate")
            if submitted:
                if num2 != 0:
                    result = num1 / num2
                    result = "Error! Division by zero."
                st.write(f"Result: {result}")
    def app():
        '''Main app code for the calculator'''
        st.title("Simple Calculator")
        tabs = st.tabs(["Addition", "Subtraction", "Multiplication", "Division"])
        with tabs[0]:
        with tabs[1]:
        with tabs[2]:
        with tabs[3]:
    def main():
        '''Main function to start the app'''
    if __name__ == "__main__":

Step 2: Create a Docker Image

Now we'll package our application into a Docker image. Docker simplifies deploying applications by encapsulating them with all their dependencies.

  1. Create Your Dockerfile

    Define your build process in a Dockerfile.

    The following ‘Dockerfile’ begins by leveraging a lightweight Python 3.9 base image, proceeds to install Streamlit, configures the working directory to /app, transfers the file into the container, and establishes the command to execute the application.

    Here's a basic setup:

    # Use the official Python 3.9 slim image
    FROM python:3.9-slim
    COPY ./app /app
    # Set the working directory
    WORKDIR /app
    # Install the dependencies
    RUN pip3 install streamlit
    # Expose port 8502 for the Streamlit app
    EXPOSE 8501
    # Define the command to run the Streamlit app
    CMD ["streamlit", "run", "", "--server.port=8501", "--server.address="]
  2. Build the Docker Image

    Run the following command to build the Docker image:

    docker build --no-cache -t calculator-app:v1 .

    This command builds an image named calculator-app with the new tag.


Step 3: Push the Docker Image to Container Registry

We'll upload our Docker image to a container registry for storage and deployment. We'll use Docker Hub for this example, but you can use any preferred container registry.

  1. Create a Docker Hub Account

    If you don't already have one, sign up for a Docker Hub account and create a repository.

  2. Log In to Docker Hub

    Authenticate with Docker Hub. Replace your-username with your Docker Hub username , and input the password to log in.

    docker login --username=your-username

    Replace your username with your Docker Hub username, and input the password to log in.

  3. Tag Your Docker Image

    Tag the image to prepare it for upload:To push an image to Docker Hub, your image needs to be tagged.

    docker image tag calculator-app:v1 your-username/calculator-app:v1
  4. Push the Docker Image

    Upload the image to Docker Hub:

    docker image push your-username/calculator-app:v1


Step 4: Secrets to Pull Images from Private Container Registry

To securely pull an image from a private container registry, you’ll need to create a Secret Resource with authentication details. Follow these steps to generate the required Docker container registry Secret within the same Workspace:

  1. Create the Secret Resource

    • This resource will embed the authentication credentials for your container registry.
    • Ensure the type field is set to cloud-kernel-image-pull.

    Define a YAML configuration for the Secret Resource:

    # Images
    name: docker-secrets
    version: v1
    type: secret
      type: cloud-kernel-image-pull
      acl: r
        .dockerconfigjson: |
            "auths": {
              "": {
                "auth": "",
                "username": "",
                "password": ""
  2. Apply the Secret Resource

    Deploy the Secret to the desired workspace where the Container Service will be executed.

    dataos-ctl apply -f ${path-to-secret-yaml} -w ${name of the workspace}

Step 5: Deploy the Data Application on the DataOS Environment

Finally, deploy your Streamlit application to the DataOS environment using Container Stack. Create a manifest file (service.yml) for your service deployment.

  1. Define the YAML Configuration

    1. Specify service details like version, name, type, replicas, service port, and image repository:
    2. Provide the Container Stack spec such as command, arguments, and image.
    3. Reference the Secret in Your Container Specification. Use the imagePullSecrets property to reference the secret in the container YAML configuration.

      This YAML file configures your service, sets up the port, and specifies the ingress path for accessing your app.

      version: v1
      name: streamlit-calculator
      type: service
        replicas: 1
        servicePort: 8501
          enabled: true
          noAuthentication: true
          path: /streamlit/calculator
          stripPath: true
        stack: container
        compute: runnable-default
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 100Mi
            cpu: 250m
            memory: 250Mi
          image: deep2407/calculator-app:v1
          imagePullSecret: docker-secrets
            - streamlit
            - run
            - --server.port=8501
            - --server.address=
  2. Bundle the Service YAML File

    Now, we will deploy the Streamlit application service using the DataOS Bundle Resource. Create a Bundle Resource YAML file providing the Service details.

    version: v1beta
    name: ta-bundle-test
    type: bundle
      - streamlit
    description: The Streamlit application is deployed using bundle resources
    layer: user
        - name: public
          description: "This workspace runs dataos bundle-based resources"
            - bundleJob
            - bundleResource
            name : bundle
          layer: user
        - id: create-streamlit-services
          file: /home/streamlit_docs/service.yml
          workspace: public
  3. Deploy the Bundle Resource.

    Execute the deployment command to deploy the service specified in the Bundle YAML file. The exact command may vary depending on the CLI tool and configuration, but typically, it might look something like this:

    dataos-ctl apply -f <path-to-file> -w <workspace>

Step 6: Provide Read Access to the Users

  1. Create a Policy Resource allowing users to read data.

    name: access-policy-workspace-apipaths
    version: v1
    type: policy
    description: Policy allowing users to read data
      - data product
      - dataos:workspace:curriculum 
      - calculatorapp 
    layer: user 
              - - users:**
              - - roles:**
        - "read"
        - "get" 
            - /streamlit/calculator/**
        allow: true
  2. Apply the read Policy YAML.

Step 7: Access the Application

Access the deployed Streamlit application on the web browser with the following URL:

  • URL: https://<dataos-context>/<path>

Provide the required inputs and click on the 'Calculate' button.
