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Query as Input in Flare Data Pipeline


In this guide, you'll learn how to use a query result as input in a Flare workflow. The Flare workflow will generate a dataset from the query output and save it to Icebase for further analysis or use.

Using query results as inputs in the Flare data pipeline allows you to dynamically retrieve data from a data source based on specific criteria, transform it, and then use it in downstream processes. The query will be executed by the DataOS query engine, Minerva, and the result will be used as input in a Flare workflow, which loads it into the sink system.

In this example, we’ll create an enriched dataset by aggregating data from customer, product, order, return, and territory datasets. The Flare Workflow will then load this dataset into Icebase for further analysis. This enriched data will help with analytics, such as understanding customer behavior and product satisfaction, and can support marketing teams in reporting and engagement.

Key Steps

The creation of a Depot involves the steps:

Steps to create a workflow with query

Step 1: Identify Data to be Extracted

For this example, we are taking data that is stored in various tables on Icebase.


Step 2: Write and Validate the Query to be used as Input

Write a query to retrieve the desired data from the existing datasets. This SQL query extracts detailed customer order information by joining multiple tables from the icebase.sports schema. Verify the query output to ensure it meets the requirements.


Step 3: Flare Workflow with Query as Input

Create a Flare workflow that takes Minerva query results as input and ingests the data in Icebase.

  1. Create a manifest YAML file.
  2. In YAML configuration, define Workflow properties such as name, version, type, owner, etc.

    version: v1
    name: wfl-enriched-table
    type: workflow
      title: enriched table 
      - name: enriched-table-wfl
        title: sports data enriched table
          stack: flare:5.0
          compute: runnable-default
  3. In the input section, provide your query.

              explain: true
                  - name: data
                    query: |
                        s.order_number as order_number ,
                        c.customer_key AS customer_id,
                        concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS customer_name,
                        email_address AS customer_email,
                        s.product_key as product_id,
                        p.product_name as product_name,
                        pb.category_name as product_category_name ,
                        psb.subcategory_name as product_subcategory_name ,
                        s.order_date as date_of_order ,
                        s.order_quantity as quantity_ordered , 
                        p.product_price as product_price , 
                        (s.order_quantity * p.product_price ) as order_value 
                        "icebase"."sports".sample_customer c
                        JOIN "icebase"."sports".sample_sales s ON s.customer_key = c.customer_key
                        JOIN "icebase"."sports".sample_product p ON s.product_key = p.product_key
                        JOIN "icebase"."sports".sample_product_sub_category psb ON p.product_subcategory_key = psb.product_subcategory_key
                        JOIN "icebase"."sports".sample_product_category pb ON psb.product_category_key = pb.product_category_key 
  4. The query will be executed by the Minerva query engine, so specify the cluster, driver, and other relevant information as shown below.

      cluster: "system"
      SSL: "true"
      driver: "io.trino.jdbc.TrinoDriver"
  5. In the output section, specify the dataset path where the query results should be saved. Include details about the dataset format and any compression methods to be used.

      - name: data
        title: sports data enriched table
        dataset: dataos://icebase:sports/enriched_table_test?acl=rw
        format: iceberg
          saveMode: overwrite
              write.format.default: parquet
              write.metadata.compression-codec: gzip

    Here is the complete YAML configuration for the Workflow.

    version: v1
    name: wfl-enriched-table
    type: workflow
    title: enriched table 
    - name: enriched-table-wfl
        title: sports data enriched table
        stack: flare:5.0
        compute: runnable-default
            explain: true
                - name: data
                    query: |
                        s.order_number as order_number ,
                        c.customer_key AS customer_id,
                        concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS customer_name,
                        email_address AS customer_email,
                        s.product_key as product_id,
                        p.product_name as product_name,
                        pb.category_name as product_category_name ,
                        psb.subcategory_name as product_subcategory_name ,
                        s.order_date as date_of_order ,
                        s.order_quantity as quantity_ordered , 
                        p.product_price as product_price , 
                        (s.order_quantity * p.product_price ) as order_value 
                        "icebase"."sports".sample_customer c
                        JOIN "icebase"."sports".sample_sales s ON s.customer_key = c.customer_key
                        JOIN "icebase"."sports".sample_product p ON s.product_key = p.product_key
                        JOIN "icebase"."sports".sample_product_sub_category psb ON p.product_subcategory_key = psb.product_subcategory_key
                        JOIN "icebase"."sports".sample_product_category pb ON psb.product_category_key = pb.product_category_key 
                    cluster: "system"
                    SSL: "true"
                    driver: "io.trino.jdbc.TrinoDriver"
            logLevel: INFO
                - name: data
                    dataset: dataos://icebase:sports/enriched_table_test?acl=rw
                    format: iceberg
                    saveMode: overwrite
                        write.format.default: parquet
                        write.metadata.compression-codec: gzip
                    title: sports data enriched table

    6. Save the manifest file and copy its path. Run the workflow. Upon successful completion, the data will be ingested into Icebase.

    ✗ dataos-ctl apply -f /Users/Recipes/enriched_table.yaml 
    INFO[0000] 🛠 apply...                                   
    INFO[0000] 🔧 applying(public) wfl-enriched-table:v1:workflow... 
    INFO[0001] 🔧 applying(public) wfl-enriched-table:v1:workflow...created 
    INFO[0001] 🛠 apply...complete   

Step 4: Verify the Output Dataset

To verify the data saved in Icebase under the specified schema, follow the below steps:

  1. Open the Workbench app.
  2. Select the cluster specified in the YAML file.
  3. Select Catalog, Schema, and Table.
  4. To view the dataset, run the query in Workbench.

Query to show saved data in Icebase on Workbench
