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Creating Batch Processing Pipelines with Flare


This guide is here to help you build a data pipeline to bring data from different sources into the DataOS data lake using Flare Stack. Let’s get started!

We'll set up an ETL pipeline using Flare Stack's Data Processing capabilities to ingest data from Azure Blob Storage into the DataOS data lake.

Key Steps

Here are the essential steps to leverage Flare Stack to establish a robust data pipeline, process and transform data efficiently.

Steps to create a Flare Workflow

Before You Begin

  1. Check CLI Installation

    Before proceeding, verify that the DataOS CLI is installed on your system. If it is, log in with your credentials and proceed to the next step. If not, refer to the CLI documentation.

  2. Get Appropriate Access Permission Use Cases

    In DataOS, different actions require specific permissions (use cases) to execute tasks. These use cases can be assigned directly to you or grouped under a tag. Here’s a quick reference for the use cases needed for different actions related to Workflow Resources:

    Action Required Use Cases
    Get Read Workspaces, Read Resources in User Specified Workspace / Read Resources in User Workspaces (for curriculum and sandbox workspaces)
    Create Create and Update Resources in the User Workspace
    Apply Create and Update Resources in the User Workspace
    Delete Delete Resources in User Workspace
    Log Read Resource Logs in the User Workspace

Step 1: Set up Required Depots

Running a Flare Workflow requires depots for both the source and sink systems to read and write data. If they’re already set up, great! If not, you’ll need to create them. To learn more, click here.

To see all available depots, run this command in the CLI:

βœ— dataos-ctl get -t depot -a
INFO[0000] πŸ” get...                                     
INFO[0000] πŸ” get...complete                             

    NAME          | VERSION | TYPE  | WORKSPACE | STATUS |  RUNTIME  |         OWNER          

icebase           | v2alpha | depot |           | active |           | dataos-manager         
kafka1            | v1      | depot |           | active |           | yogeshkhangode        
metisdb           | v1      | depot |           | active |           | dataos-manager       
postgre01         | v1      | depot |           | active |           | shraddhaade            
postgresdepot     | v1      | depot |           | active |           | kanakgupta     
redshifttype      | v1      | depot |           | active |           | ashishgupta            
retail            | v1      | depot |           | error  | running:1 | anshulthakkar           
thirdparty01      | v1      | depot |           | active | running:1 | ramsinghpanwar         
thirdparty02      | v1      | depot |           | active | running:1 | mohammadnabeelqureshi

Step 2: Create Flare Workflow Manifest

Use Flare Stack’s powerful data processing features to build a workflow. This will handle the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tasks needed to ingest your data. The Flare Workflow Resource is defined using a YAML configuration file.

The manifest YAML file is a comprehensive configuration for setting up and running a data ingestion workflow using Flare Stack. It defines everything from the workflow's metadata to the specific steps needed to transform and load the data into its final destination. Each section plays a crucial role in ensuring the workflow is executed correctly and efficiently, transforming raw data into a structured format ready for analysis.

Manifest (YAML) Sections

  1. Metadata: Defines the basic information, versioning,type, etc. for the workflow.

    version: v1
    name: wf-test-customer       # Workflow name
    type: workflow
      - customer
    description: Workflow to ingest sports_data customer csv
  2. Workflow and DAG section: Specifies the title, name, and description of the workflow's DAG (job sequence)

    title: customer csv 
      - name: sports-test-customer
        title: sports_data Dag
        description: This job ingests customer CSV into the icebase 
  3. Job Specification: Outlines the technical stack and compute environment.

        - customer    
      stack: flare:6.0        
      compute: runnable-default
  4. Stack Specification: Describes the inputs, outputs, and sequence of data transformation steps, including SQL queries and functions.

    a. Input Source(s)

          explain: true
          logLevel: INFO            
            - name: customers_data                                                                                            
              dataset: dataos://thirdparty01:sports_data/customers/
              format: CSV
                inferSchema: true
    b. Transformation Steps

        - sequence:                  
          - name: customer                          
              sql: > 
                SELECT *, 
                  CONCAT(Prefix,' ', FirstName,' ', LastName) as customer_name
              FROM customers_data   
                  - name: cleanse_column_names
                  - name: find_and_replace 
                  column: annual_income
                  sedExpression: "s/[$]//g"
                  - name: find_and_replace 
                  column: annual_income
                  sedExpression: "s/,//g"
                  - name: set_type 
                      customer_key: int 
                      annual_income: int
                      total_children: int
                  - name: any_date 
                  column: birth_date
                  asColumn: birth_date 
    c. Output Destination

        - name: customer
          dataset: dataos://icebase:sports/customers?acl=rw
          format: Iceberg
          title: sports_data
          description: this dataset contains customer data 
              - customer
              saveMode: overwrite
Here is the complete manifest file.
version: v1
name: wf-test-customer       # Workflow name
type: workflow
  - customer
description: Workflow to ingest sports_data customer csv
  title: customer csv 
    - name: sports-test-customer
      title: sports_data Dag
      description: This job ingests customer CSV into icebase
          - customer    
        stack: flare:6.0        
        compute: runnable-default
            explain: true            
              - name: customers_data                                                                                            
                dataset: dataos://thirdparty01:sports_data/customers/
                format: CSV
                  inferSchema: true

            logLevel: INFO

              - sequence:                  
                - name: customer                  
                  sql: > 
                    SELECT *, 
                      CONCAT(Prefix,' ', FirstName,' ', LastName) as customer_name
                    FROM customers_data   
                      - name: cleanse_column_names

                      - name: find_and_replace 
                        column: annual_income
                        sedExpression: "s/[$]//g"

                      - name: find_and_replace 
                        column: annual_income
                        sedExpression: "s/,//g"

                      - name: set_type 
                          customer_key: int 
                          annual_income: int
                          total_children: int

                      - name: any_date 
                        column: birth_date
                        asColumn: birth_date

              - name: customer
                dataset: dataos://icebase:sports/customers?acl=rw
                format: Iceberg
                title: sports_data
                description: this dataset contains customer data 
                  - customer
                  saveMode: overwrite

Step 3: Run Your Workflow

Once you have created the Workflow manifest file, it's time to apply it and create the Workflow Resource within the DataOS environment.

Validate Your Workflow Manifest

Linter: Before running the workflow, make sure the manifest file is valid. Use the -l flag with the apply command: It will check for correct syntax, indentation, and output references. Provide the file name with the complete path.

 dataos-ctl apply -f <file-path> -l

Sample output:

βœ— dataos-ctl apply -f /Users/Recipes/customertest.yaml -l
****INFO[0001] πŸ”§ applying wf-test-customer:v1:workflow...valid 
INFO[0001] πŸ›  apply(public)...lint                       
INFO[0001] πŸ›  apply...nothing  

In case you encounter errors, check out this link.

Use apply command

Use the apply command to create a workflow from the YAML file.

dataos-ctl apply -f <file-path> -w <workspace-name>

Creating a workspace in DataOS is optional but recommended for better organization. Workspaces allow you to set up isolated environments for specific projects or teams. By default, all Resources are created in the "public workspace," which is shared and accessible to all users.

Workspace creation

dataos-ctl workspace create -n learn
INFO[0000] πŸ›  workspace create(learn:user)...       
INFO[0001] πŸ›  workspace create(learn:user)...created 
'apply` command with Workspace

βœ— dataos-ctl apply -f /Users/Recipes/customertest.yaml -w learn
INFO[0000] πŸ›  apply...                                   
INFO[0000] πŸ”§ applying(learn) wf-test-customer:v1:workflow... 
INFO[0002] πŸ”§ applying(learn) wf-test-customer:v1:workflow...created 
INFO[0002] πŸ›  apply...complete 

Step 4: Monitor Your Workflow

Keep track of your workflow’s runtime information with these commands:

Get Status Information

Use the get command for the workflow information on CLI. This command will list the workflows created by you.

dataos-ctl -t workflow -w <workspace-name> get

Sample output:

βœ— dataos-ctl -t workflow -w learn get                                                           
INFO[0000] πŸ” get...                                     
INFO[0001] πŸ” get...complete                             

        NAME       | VERSION |   TYPE   | WORKSPACE | STATUS | RUNTIME |   OWNER    
  wf-test-customer | v1      | workflow | learn     | active | running | nandapage  

Get Runtime Information

Use the get runtime command.

dataos-ctl -i "wf-test-customer | v1      | workflow | learn" get runtime                                                   
INFO[0000] πŸ” workflow...                                
INFO[0001] πŸ” workflow...complete                        

        NAME       | VERSION |   TYPE   | WORKSPACE |    TITLE     |   OWNER    
  wf-test-customer | v1      | workflow | learn     | customer csv | nandapage  

    JOB NAME    |   STACK    |       JOB TITLE       | JOB DEPENDENCIES  
  system        | dataos_cli | System Runnable Steps |                   
  test-customer | flare:6.0  | sports_data Dag       |                   

  RUNTIME | PROGRESS |          STARTED          | FINISHED  
  running | 0/1      | 2024-08-09T17:02:34+05:30 |           

               NODE NAME               |   JOB NAME    |                       POD NAME                       | DATA PLANE |     TYPE     |       CONTAINERS        |  PHASE   
  test-customer-4rg9-0809113233-driver | test-customer | test-customer-4rg9-0809113233-driver                 | hub        | pod-flare    | spark-kubernetes-driver | running  
  test-customer-execute                | test-customer | wf-test-customer-4rg9-7hd-test-customer-t-2424012957 | hub        | pod-workflow | main                    | running  

Get runtime refresh: (Ctrl+C to exit)

You can see the updates for the workflow progress with -r in the runtime command.

dataos-ctl -i "wf-test-customer | v1      | workflow | learn" get runtime -r

View Logs for Errors

Use the logs along with node information from the previous command output. These logs will help you to troubleshoot issues.

dataos-ctl -i "wf-sports-test-customer | v1      | workflow | learn" --node test-customer-4rg9-0809113233-driver logs

Step 5: Check Ingested Data in Workbench

After your workflow runs successfully, head over to DataOS’s Workbench to explore your newly ingested data.


Step 6: Clean Up

After your job is successfully run, don’t forget to delete it to keep your environment clean: Otherwise, it will stay floating in the environment for three days.

dataos-ctl delete -f <file-path>
dataos-ctl delete  -f /Users/Recipes/customertest.yaml 
INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ delete...                                  
INFO[0001] πŸ—‘ deleting(learn) wf-test-customer:workflow...nothing 
INFO[0001] πŸ—‘ delete...complete