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Listing Your App on DataOS Home


This guide provides step-by-step instructions to list an app built with Streamlit, Django, Flask, or other frameworks on DataOS home for seamless access and management.


Ensure your app is up and running before proceeding with the steps below. This can be achieved by deploying it using the Container Stack.

Step 1: Open the service.yaml File

Locate and open the service.yaml file that was created to deploy your application to the DataOS environment using the Container Stack.

Step 2: Add appDetailSpec Property

Under the ingress section of the service.yaml file, add the appDetailSpec property.

Step 3: Provide the Required Information

Fill in the appDetailSpec section with the following details:

Key Description Example Value
name The name of the application. "MyApp"
title The title or description of the application. "My Application"
releaseLevel The release level of the application (e.g., beta). "beta"
description A brief description of the application. "This is a sample app."
icon Application icon in Base64 format (optional). "base64string..."
section The category or section of the application. "Business"
path The path or URL associated with the application. "/myapp/home"
keyword Keywords related to the application. ["analytics", "data"]
isInternal Indicates if the application is for internal use. true
disabled Indicates if the application is currently disabled. false
navigation Additional navigation-related settings.

Example service.yaml

Below is an example of how the service.yaml file should look after adding the appDetailSpec property:

version: v1
name: streamlit-calculator
type: service
  replicas: 1
  servicePort: 8502
    enabled: true
    noAuthentication: true
    path: /streamlit/calculator
    stripPath: true
    appDetailSpec: '{
      "name": "Calculator",
      "title": "Calculator",
      "releaseLevel": "alpha",
      "description": "A simple and easy-to-use calculator for quick and accurate basic calculations.",
      "section": "Demo",
      "path": "/streamlit/calculator/",
      "keyword": "Simple Calculator",
      "isInternal": false,
      "disabled": false,
      "navigation": []
  stack: container
  compute: runnable-default
    SECRET: "--config /etc/dataos/config/secret.conf"
    secret.conf: app/secret.json
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 100Mi
      cpu: 250m
      memory: 250Mi
    image: deep2407/test_streamlit:0.1.7
      - streamlit
      - run
      - --server.port=8502
      - --server.address=

Step 4: Adding an App Icon

If you want to customize your app icon, ensure it is in SVG format, which can then be encoded into a Base64 string.

  1. Use the command-line tool to encode an SVG image:

    base64 -i <file_path>
  2. Alternatively, use an online converter: Base64 SVG Encoder

Once encoded, add the Base64 string as the value for the icon key within the appDetailSpec.

Step 5: Apply the service YAML

dataos-ctl apply -f <filepath/filename>

Application Visibility on DataOS Home

Once the updated service.yaml is applied, your app icon will appear on the DataOS home page alongside other applications, as shown below: image.png

Next Step

To secure your deployed app with authentication and authorization, refer to the guide:

Securing Deployed Apps on DataOS

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