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Quick Start Guides

Connecting with Data Sources

Learn how to connect DataOS to various data sources, ensuring seamless integration and data flow. Depot makes it easy to connect and get data from different sources, such as files, databases, event systems, and more—all without moving the data around.

Performing Exploratory Data Analysis

Learn how to explore and analyze data using the Workbench component of DataOS. Discover techniques and tools for conducting thorough exploratory data analysis (EDA) to better understand your data.

Working with Data Modeling Layer

The Data Modeling Layer, Lens component of DataOS provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with your data. It abstracts the complexities of the underlying data structure and presents it in familiar business terms, making it easier to answer key questions and track essential metrics.

Designing and Creating Data Modeling Layer

Learn how to define and create a data model, turning your conceptual design into a functional logical data model.

Exploring and Using Data Modeling Layer

Learn how to examine and experiment with logical data models. Lens will help you to understand data relationships and conduct experiments to derive insights from the data.

Scanning Metadata

Learn how to utilize the Scanner stack within DataOS to extract metadata from a variety of external source systems such as relational databases, data warehouses, messaging services, dashboards, and more.

Creating ETL Pipelines

Learn to create ETL pipelines tailored for both batch and real time data processing. DataOS provides necessary processing frameworks to efficiently extract, process and load data.