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How to deploy the Data Product?

You might have successfully created the data product, but in order to make it discoverable on Metis and Data Product Hub, you have to run the Scanner. To deploy your Data Product to the Data Product hub and Metis, you have to create a manifest file for a Data Product Scanner Workflow. You can find the manifest file below.

Data Product Scanner Workflow manifest

version: v1
name: scan-data-product2
type: workflow
    - scanner
    - data-product
description: The job scans data product from poros
    # schedule:
    #   cron: '*/20 * * * *'
    #   concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
    - name: scan-data-product-job2
        description: The job scans data-product from poros and register data to metis
            - scanner2
        stack: scanner:2.0
        compute: runnable-default
            type: data-product
                type: DataProduct
                markDeletedDataProducts: true
                # dataProductFilterPattern:
                #   includes:
                #     - customer-360-all$

To apply the Scanner Workflow manifest file, run the following command.

dataos-ctl resource apply -f ${path-to-your-scanner-manifest-file}

After executing the above command successfully you’ll be able to search for your Data Product on Metis UI and Data Product Hub UI. To learn more about the Scanner Workflow, go to Scanner.

After successfully deploying the Data Product, it’s time to observe the results if the Data Product incorporates with your use-case or not, If the Data Product does not match the goal then you can iterate the process until your goal is achieved.

Validate the Data Product

To check if you have created a Data Product run the following command. It will list all the data products created by you.

dataos-ctl product get

Example usage:

dataos-ctl product get
# expected output
product get...                             
product get...complete                     

  TYPE | VERSION |     NAME      | STATUS |    OWNER     
  data | v1alpha |     dp-test   | active | iamgroot  

Deprecate the Data Product

If a Data Product is no longer in use we can delete the Data Product. To delete a Data Product please follow the below steps.

Delete the Data Product

To delete the Data Product execute the following command.

dataos-ctl product delete -f ${path-to-dp-manifest-file}

Example usage:

dataos-ctl product delete -f /home/iamgroot/office/data_products/firstdp.yaml
# Expected Output
INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ product delete...                          
INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ deleting data:v1alpha:dp-test... 
INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ deleting data:v1alpha:dp-test...deleted 
INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ product delete...complete 

Alternative commands to delete the Data Product:

  • using -i identifier.

    dataos-ctl product delete -i TYPE:VERSION:NAME

    Example usage:

    dataos-ctl product delete -i data:v1alpha:dp-test
    # Expected Output
    INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ product delete...                          
    INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ deleting data:v1alpha:dp-test... 
    INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ deleting data:v1alpha:dp-test...deleted 
    INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ product delete...complete 
  • using -t type.

    dataos-ctl product delete -t data -n name -v version

    Example usage:

    dataos-ctl product delete -t data -n dataproduct -v v1alpha
    # Expected Output
    INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ product delete...                          
    INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ deleting data:v1alpha:dp-test... 
    INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ deleting data:v1alpha:dp-test...deleted 
    INFO[0000] πŸ—‘ product delete...complete 

Delete the metadata of the Data Product from Metis:

When clicking on your Data Product on Metis, clicking on the menu of the right-corner you will have the option to delete the metadata from Metis as you can see below:
