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Data Product Configurations

The following attributes are declared for every Data Product deployed in a DataOS context. Some of these attributes/fields need to be mandatorily declared, while others are optional.

Structure of Data Product manifest file

# Product meta section
name: ${{dp-test}} # Product name (mandatory)
version: v1alpha # Manifest version (mandatory)
type: ${{data}} # Product-type (mandatory)
tags: # Tags (Optional)
  - ${{data-product}}
  - ${{dataos:type:product}}
  - ${{dataos:product:data}}
description: ${{the customer 360 view of the world}} # Descripton of the product (Optional)
Purpose: ${{This data product is intended to provide insights into the customer for strategic decisions on cross-selling additional products.}} # purpose (Optional)
collaborators: # collaborators User ID (Optional)
  - ${{thor}}
  - ${{blackwidow}}
  - ${{loki}}
owner: ${{iamgroot}} # Owner (Optional)
refs: # Reference (Optional)
  - title: ${{Data Product Hub}} # Reference title (Mandatory if adding reference)
    href: ${{}} # Reference link (Mandatory if adding reference)
entity: ${{product}} # Entity (Mandatory)
# Data Product-specific section (Mandatory)
v1alpha: # Data Product version
    resources: # Resource specific section(Mandatory)
      - name: ${{bundle-dp}} # Resource name (Mandatory)
        type: ${{bundle}} # Resource type (Mandatory)
        version: ${{v1beta}} # Resource version (Mandatory)
        refType: ${{dataos}} # Resource reference type (Mandatory)
        workspace: ${{public}} # Workspace (Requirement depends on the resource type)
        description: ${{this bundle resource is for a data product}} # Resource description (Optional)
        purpose: ${deployment of data product resources}} # Purpose of the required resource (Optional)   

      - description: S3 Depot
        purpose: source
        refType: dataos
        ref: dataos://s3depot:none/ga_data/

      - description: Icebase Depot
        purpose: consumption
        refType: dataos_address
        ref: dataos://icebase:google_analytics/ga_sessions_daily_data_raw  
# Product meta section
name: ${{sales-360}} # Product name (mandatory)
version: v1beta # Manifest version (mandatory)
entity: ${{product}} # Entity type (mandatory)
type: ${{data}} # Product type (mandatory)
purpose: ${{Sales360 enables data analysts to efficiently explore and analyze sales data, with robust capabilities across product and customer dimensions.}} # Purpose (optional)
tags: # Tags (Optional)
  - ${{DPDomain.sales}}
  - ${[DPTier.Consumer-aligned}}
  - ${{DPUsecase.purchase behaviour}}
description: ${{Sales360 enables data analysts to efficiently explore and analyze sales data, with robust capabilities across product and customer dimensions.}} # Descripton of the product (Optional)
refs: # Reference (Optional)
- title: ${{'Workspace Info'}} # Reference title (Mandatory if adding reference)
  href: ${{}} # Reference link (Mandatory if adding reference)

# Data Product-specific section (Mandatory)
v1beta: # Data Product version
      foo: bar
    collaborators: # Collaborators (mandatory)
      - name: ${{iamgroot}} # Collaborator's name 
        description: ${{owner}} #Collaborator's description
      - name: ${{itsthor}} # Collaborator's name 
        description: ${{developer}} #Collaborator's description
      - name: ${{itsloki}} # Collaborator's name 
        description: ${{consumer}} #Collaborator's description
    relatedDataProducts: # (optional)
      - ${{data:v1beta:customer-360-demov3}}

    resource: # Resource specific section (mandatory)
      description: ${{'Ingest data'}} # Resource description (optional)
      purpose: ${{'ingestion'}} # Resource purpose (optional)
      refType: ${{dataos}} # Resource reference type (Mandatory) 
      ref: ${{bundle:v1beta:sales-data-pipeline}} # Resource reference

    inputs: # Input specific section (mandatory)
    - description: ${{icebase.sales360mockdb.f_sales}} # Input decsription
      purpose: ${{source}} # Input purpose
      refType: ${{depot}} # Input reference type
      ref: ${{dataos://icebase:sales360mockdb/f_sales}} # Input reference

    - description: ${{customer data pulling from s3 bucket}} 
      purpose: ${{source}}
      refType: ${{dataos}}
      ref: ${{dataset:icebase:sales360mockdb:customer_data_master}}

    - description: ${{product data pulling from s3 bucket}}
      purpose: ${{source}}
      refType: ${{dataos}}
      ref: ${{dataset:icebase:sales360mockdb:product_data_master}}

    - description: ${{sales data}} # Output description
      purpose: ${{source}} # Output purpose
      refType: ${{dataos}} # Output reference type
      ref: ${{dataset:icebase:flash:f_sales}} # Output reference
        availability: ${{bar}} 
        ref: ${{lens:v1alpha:sales360:public}} # Lens reference
        refType: ${{dataos}} # Reference type
          foo: bar 
      - ref: ${{service:v1:sales360-talos:public}} #  Talos reference
        refType: ${{dataos}} # Reference type
          foo: bar 
      - url: # API endpoint url
          foo: bar 
      - host: ${{}} 
        port: ${{5432}} 
          ssl: ${{true}} 
          foo: bar 
      - description: ${{understand proof revenue across product dimensions}} # Metrics description
        purpose: ${{metric analysis}} # Metrics purpose
        refType: ${{depot}} # Metrics reference type
        ref: ${{lens:public:sales360:wallet_sales_view}} # Metrics reference

Product meta section

This section serves as the header of the manifest file, defining the overall characteristics of the Data Product you wish to create. It includes attributes common to all types of Products in DataOS.


Description: Unique identifier for the Product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none • alpha numeric values with the RegEx [a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]); a hyphen/dash is allowed as a special character
• total length of the string should be less than or equal to 48 characters

Example Usage:

name: test-data-product


Description: The version of the Product manifest file

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none v1alpha

Example Usage:

version: v1alpha


Description: Indicates the DataOS Entity to which the attributes apply, specified as "product".

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none product, resource, workspace, domain

Example Usage:

entity: product


Description: Indicates the type of product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none data

Example Usage:

type: data


Description: Tags associated with the product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of strings optional none list of strings

Example Usage:

  - data-product
  - dataos:type:product
  - dataos:product:data

There are also some pre-defined tags that can help users to manage their Data Products effectively.

Readiness.Ready to use: This tag defines the readiness of the Data Product, if the Data Product is ready to use then Readiness.Ready to use tag is required if you want users to use your Data Product as template Readiness.Template tag is required, this is completely optional but it is recommended to define the readiness of your Data Product so that business users can easily identify the Data Product.

Type.3rd Party Data Product: This tag defines the type of the Data Product based on its data source, if the Data Product is incorporating data source outside of the organization then Type.3rd Party Data Product tag is required and if the Data Product incorporates data source inside of the organization then Type.Internal Data Product is required. This is completely optional but it is recommended to define the type of your Data Product so that business users can easily identify the Data Product.

Domain.Customer Service tag is needed, The following are the pre-existing domains of the Data Product:

  • Customer Service
  • Executive Reporting
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Quality
  • Sales
  • Supply Chain


Description: A brief description of the product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none any string

Example Usage:

description: the customer 360 view of the world


Description: Further elaboration on the purpose of the data product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none any string

Example Usage:

purpose: The purpose of the data product is to provide comprehensive insights into the creditworthiness of companies. By leveraging various data points such as company contact information, credit score, company details, financial data, and industrial data, this product aims to assist users in making informed decisions related to credit risk assessment, investment opportunities, and business partnerships.


Description: Optional field listing collaborators involved in developing or maintaining the product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of strings optional none list of strings, string must be an valid user-id

Example Usage:

  - thor
  - blackwidow
  - loki 


Description: The owner of the Product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none valid user-id

Example Usage:

owner: iamgroot


Description: References associated with the product that can provide the additional information about it.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of mappings optional none mappings containing title and href address

Example Usage:

  - title: Lens Info 

Data Product-specific section

Data Product-specific section is different for different versions. This section comprises attributes specific to the Data Product for each version. The attributes within the section are listed below:


Description: The v1alpha mapping comprises attributes for configuring a Data Product in DataOS.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping mandatory none none

Example Usage:

      - name: sales360test
        type: lens 


Description: The data attribute is a mapping that comprises attributes for configuring a Data Product in DataOS, including resources, input, output, etc.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
mapping mandatory none none

Example Usage:

    - name: sales360test
      type: lens 


Description: Represents the resource mappings associated with the Data Product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of mappings mandatory none none

Example Usage:

  - name: sales360test 
    type: lens 
    version: v1alpha 
    refType: dataos
    workspace: public 
    description: Ingest lens Data 
    purpose: ingestion of data 


Description: Describes the resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none any valid string

Example Usage:

description: Ingest lens Data 


Description: Indicates the purpose of the resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none any valid string

Example Usage:

purpose: ingestion of data 


Description: Indicates the type of resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none worker, workflow, service, depot, cluster, bundle, policy, stack, database, compute, secret, instance secret, monitor, lakehouse, operator, and pager

Example Usage:

type: workflow


Description: Represents the version of the resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none v1, v1alpha, v2alpha, v1beta

Additional information: The below table shows the information on the version and workspace of each resource.

Resource Type Versions Workspace
bundle v1beta
cluster v1
compute v1beta
database v1
depot v1,v2alpha
instance-secret v1
lakehouse v1alpha
monitor v1alpha
operator v1alpha
pager v1alpha
policy v1
resource v1beta
secret v1
service v1
stack v1alpha
worker v1beta
workflow v1

Example Usage:

version: v1alpha


Description: Represents the resource address or location.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none dataos, dataos_address

Example Usage:

refType: dataos


Description: Represents the unique identifier of the resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none any valid string

Example Usage:

name: sales360test


Description: Represents the workspace where the resource is located or managed.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none workspace specific to the referred resource

Example Usage:

workspace: public 


Description: Represents the input mappings.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of mappings mandatory none none

Example Usage:

  - refType: dataos
    ref: dataos://icebase:retail/customer  
    description: Customer 
    purpose: source 


Description: Describes the input data.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none any valid string

Example Usage:

description: Customer 


Description: Indicates the purpose of the input.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional aone any valid string

Example Usage:

 purpose: source 


Description: Represents the reference type of the input.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory None dataos, dataos_address

Example Usage:

refType: dataos


Description: Represents the reference address of the input.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none input data reference address

Example Usage:

ref: dataos://icebase:retail/customer  


Description: Represents the input object.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of mappings mandatory none none

Example Usage:

      - refType: dataos_address
        ref: dataos://icebase:retail/customer
        description: Customer 360 
        purpose: consumption


Description: Describes the input data.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional None Any valid string

Example Usage:

description: Customer 360 


Description: Indicates the purpose of the input.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional None Any valid string

Example Usage:

purpose: consumption


Description: Represents the reference type of the input.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory None dataos, dataos_address

Example Usage:

refType: dataos_address


Description: Represents the reference address of the input.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory None Reference address

Example Usage:

ref: dataos://icebase:retail/customer

Usecases section


Description: Lists the use cases associated with the data product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of strings optional none • alpha numeric values with the RegEx[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]; a hyphen/dash is allowed as a special character
• total length of the string should be less than or equal to 48 characters

Example Usage:

  - c360-dataset
  - check-usecase-01
  - check-usecase-02 


Description: Specifies the version of the Data Product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none v1beta

Example Usage:

  data: # Data Product version details
      foo: bar


Description: Contains additional sections related to the Data Product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
object mandatory none Contains meta, collaborators, relatedDataProducts, resource, inputs, outputs, ports, and metrics.

Example Usage:

    foo: bar


Description: An optional section for additional metadata.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
object optional none Contains key-value pairs for metadata.

Example Usage:

  foo: bar


Description: Specifies the list of collaborators involved with the Data Product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of objects mandatory none Each object contains name and description.

Example Usage:

  - name: ${{iamgroot}}
    description: ${{owner}}
  - name: ${{itsthor}}
    description: ${{developer}}
  - name: ${{itsloki}}
    description: ${{consumer}}


Description: The name of the collaborator.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none Any valid string representing the collaborator's identity.

Example Usage:

name: ${{iamgroot}}


Description: A brief description of the collaborator's role.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none Example roles include owner, developer, consumer.

Example Usage:

description: ${{owner}}


Description: Lists related Data Products connected or associated with the current Data Product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of strings optional none Each string references another Data Product by specifying the version and name.

Example Usage:

  - ${{data:v1beta:customer-360-demov3}}


Description: Defines the resources utilized by the Data Product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
object mandatory none Contains fields like description, purpose, refType, and ref.

Example Usage:

  description: ${{'Ingest data'}}
  purpose: ${{'ingestion'}}
  refType: ${{dataos}}
  ref: ${{bundle:v1beta:sales-data-pipeline}}

description (resource)

Description: A brief description of the resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none Any string describing the resource.

Example Usage:

description: ${{'Ingest data'}}

purpose (resource)

Description: The purpose of the resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string optional none Possible values include specific purposes like ingestion.

Example Usage:

purpose: ${{'ingestion'}}


Description: The reference type of the resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none Example: dataos.

Example Usage:

refType: ${{dataos}}


Description: The reference of the resource.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
string mandatory none Example: bundle:v1beta:sales-data-pipeline.

Example Usage:

ref: ${{bundle:v1beta:sales-data-pipeline}}


Description: Lists the input data sources required by the Data Product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of objects mandatory none Each object describes an input with fields like description, purpose, refType, and ref.

Example Usage:

  - description: ${{icebase.sales360mockdb.f_sales}}
    purpose: ${{source}}
    refType: ${{depot}}
    ref: ${{dataos://icebase:sales360mockdb/f_sales}}
  - description: ${{customer data pulling from s3 bucket}}
    purpose: ${{source}}
    refType: ${{dataos}}
    ref: ${{dataset:icebase:sales360mockdb:customer_data_master}}


Description: Specifies the output data generated by the Data Product.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of objects mandatory none Each object details an output with fields like description, purpose, refType, ref, and optional checks.

Example Usage:

yamlCopy code
  - description: ${{sales data}}
    purpose: ${{source}}
    refType: ${{dataos}}
    ref: ${{dataset:icebase:flash:f_sales}}
      availability: ${{bar}}


Description: Defines the ports for accessing the Data Product through various services.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
object mandatory none Contains lens, talos, rest, and postgres sections for different types of ports.

Example Usage:

    ref: ${{lens:v1alpha:sales360:public}}
    refType: ${{dataos}}
      foo: bar
    - ref: ${{service:v1:sales360-talos:public}}
      refType: ${{dataos}}
        foo: bar


Description: Lists the metrics related to the Data Product, used for analysis and monitoring.

Data Type Requirement Default Value Possible Value
list of objects optional none Each object contains fields like description, purpose, refType, and ref.

Example Usage:

  - description: ${{understand proof revenue across product dimensions}}
    purpose: ${{metric analysis}}
    refType: ${{depot}}
    ref: ${{lens:public:sales360:wallet_sales_view}}