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Window functions

Aspect Description
Timing of execution Window functions run after the HAVING clause but before the ORDER BY clause.
Syntax for invocation Invoking a window function requires special syntax using the OVER clause to specify the window.
Two ways to specify the window
  • By referencing a named window specification defined in the WINDOW clause.
  • By using an in-line window specification, which allows defining window components and referring to them.


SELECT orderkey, clerk, totalprice,
       rank() OVER (PARTITION BY clerk
                    ORDER BY totalprice DESC) AS rnk
FROM orders
ORDER BY clerk, rnk

Aggregate functions

Feature Description
Usage as window functions All aggregate functions can be used as window functions by adding the OVER clause.
Computation scope The aggregate function is computed for each row over the rows within the current row’s window frame.
Ordering during aggregation Ordering during aggregation is not supported.


SELECT clerk, orderdate, orderkey, totalprice,
       sum(totalprice) OVER (PARTITION BY clerk
                             ORDER BY orderdate) AS rolling_sum
FROM orders
ORDER BY clerk, orderdate, orderkey

Ranking functions


Function Description Return Type
cume_dist() Returns the cumulative distribution of a value in a group of values. bigint


Function Description Return Type
dense_rank() Returns the rank of a value in a group of values, with no gaps in the sequence for tie values. bigint


Function Description Return Type
ntile(n) Divides the rows for each window partition into n buckets. bigint


Function Description Return Type
percent_rank() Returns the percentage ranking of a value in a group of values. double


Function Description Return Type
rank() Returns the rank of a value in a group of values, with gaps in the sequence for tie values. bigint


Function Description Return Type
row_number() Returns a unique, sequential number for each row within the window partition. bigint

Value functions


Function Description Return Type
first_value(x) Returns the first value of the window. [same as input]


Function Description Return Type
last_value(x) Returns the last value of the window. [same as input]


Function Description Return Type
nth_value(x, offset) Returns the value at the specified offset from the beginning of the window. [same as input]


Function Description Return Type
lead(x[, offset[, default_value]]) Returns the value at offset rows after the current row in the window partition. [same as input]


Function Description Return Type
lag(x[, offset[, default_value]]) Returns the value at offset rows before the current row in the window partition. [same as input]