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Regular expression functions

All of the regular expression functions use the Java pattern syntax, with a few notable exceptions:

Feature Description
Multi-line mode Only \n is recognized as a line terminator when using multi-line mode ((?m) flag). The (?d) flag is not supported and should not be used.
Case-insensitive matching Case-insensitive matching ((?i) flag) is always performed in a Unicode-aware manner. Context-sensitive and local-sensitive matching is not supported. The (?u) flag is not supported.
Surrogate pairs Surrogate pairs are not supported. For example, \uD800\uDC00 must be specified as \x{10000}.
Boundaries Boundaries (\b) are incorrectly handled for a non-spacing mark without a base character.
\Q and \E in character classes \Q and \E are treated as literals and not supported in character classes (such as [A-Z123]).
Unicode character classes - Underscores in names must be removed. Example: OldItalic instead of Old_Italic.
- Scripts must be specified directly without prefixes. Example: Hiragana.
Blocks Blocks must be specified with the In prefix. Example: \p{Mongolian}. The block= and blk= prefixes are not supported.
Categories Categories must be specified directly without prefixes. Example: \p{L}.
Binary properties Binary properties must be specified directly without prefixes. Example: \p{NoncharacterCodePoint}.


Function Description Return Value
regexp_count(string, pattern) → bigint Returns the number of occurrences of pattern in string. bigint
SELECT regexp_count('1a 2b 14m', '\s*[a-z]+\s*'); -- 3


Function Description Return Value
regexp_extract_all(string, pattern) Returns the substring(s) matched by the regular expression pattern in string. Array of substrings
regexp_extract_all(string, pattern, group) Finds all occurrences of the regular expression pattern in string and returns the capturing group number. Array of substrings (group)


SELECT regexp_extract_all('1a 2b 14m', '\d+');
-- [1, 2, 14]

SELECT regexp_extract_all('1a 2b 14m', '(\d+)([a-z]+)', 2); 
-- ['a', 'b', 'm']


Function Description Return Value
regexp_extract(string, pattern) Returns the first substring matched by the regular expression pattern in string. varchar
regexp_extract(string, pattern, group) Finds the first occurrence of the regular expression pattern in string and returns the capturing group number group. varchar


SELECT regexp_extract('1a 2b 14m', '\d+'); 
-- 1
SELECT regexp_extract('1a 2b 14m', '(\d+)([a-z]+)', 2); 
-- 'a'


Function Description Return Value
regexp_like(string, pattern) Evaluates the regular expression pattern and determines if it is contained within string. boolean


SELECT regexp_like('1a 2b 14m', '\d+b'); -- true


Function Description Return Value
regexp_position(string, pattern) Returns the index of the first occurrence (counting from 1) of pattern in string. Returns -1 if not found. integer
regexp_position(string, pattern, start) Returns the index of the first occurrence of pattern in string, starting from start (inclusive). Returns -1 if not found. integer
regexp_position(string, pattern, start, occurrence) Returns the index of the nth occurrence of pattern in string, starting from start (inclusive). Returns -1 if not found. integer


SELECT regexp_position('I have 23 apples, 5 pears and 13 oranges', '\b\d+\b'); 
-- 8
SELECT regexp_position('I have 23 apples, 5 pears and 13 oranges', '\b\d+\b', 12); 
-- 19


Function Description Return Value
regexp_replace(string, pattern) Removes every instance of the substring matched by the regular expression pattern from string. varchar
regexp_replace(string, pattern, replacement) Replaces every instance of the substring matched by the regular expression pattern in string with replacement. varchar
regexp_replace(string, pattern, function) Replaces every instance of the substring matched by the regular expression pattern in string using function. varchar


SELECT regexp_replace('1a 2b 14m', '\d+[ab] '); 
-- '14m'
SELECT regexp_replace('1a 2b 14m', '(\d+)([ab]) ', '3c$2 '); 
-- '3ca 3cb 14m'
SELECT regexp_replace('new york', '(\w)(\w*)', x -> upper(x[1]) || lower(x[2])); 
--'New York'


Function Description Return Value
regexp_split(string, pattern) Splits string using the regular expression pattern and returns an array. Trailing empty strings are preserved. Array
SELECT regexp_split('1a 2b 14m', '\s*[a-z]+\s*'); 
-- [1, 2, 14, ]