Lambda Expressions
Lambda expressions are anonymous functions which are passed as arguments to higher-order SQL functions.
Lambda expressions are written with -> :
x -> x + 1
(x, y) -> x + y
x -> regexp_like(x, 'a+')
x -> x[1] / x[2]
x -> IF(x > 0, x, -x)
x -> COALESCE(x, 0)
x -> CAST(x AS JSON)
x -> x + TRY(1 / 0)
Limitations |
Examples |
Subqueries are not supported |
x -> 2 + (SELECT 3) |
Aggregations are not supported |
x -> max(y) |
Function |
Description |
Return Type |
transform() |
Applies a transformation function to each element of an array column. |
Array |
SELECT numbers,
transform(numbers, n -> n * n) as squared_numbers
(ARRAY[1, 2]),
(ARRAY[3, 4]),
(ARRAY[5, 6, 7])
) AS t(numbers);
numbers | squared_numbers
[1, 2] | [1, 4]
[3, 4] | [9, 16]
[5, 6, 7] | [25, 36, 49]
(3 rows)
Function |
Description |
Return Type |
any_match() |
Checks if any element in an array column matches a specified condition. |
Boolean |
SELECT numbers
) AS t(numbers)
WHERE any_match(numbers, n -> COALESCE(n, 0) > 100);
-- [100, 200, 300]
Function |
Description |
Return Type |
regexp_replace() |
Performs a regular expression search and replace on a string column. |
String |
SELECT regexp_replace('once upon a time ...', '^(\w)(\w*)(\s+.*)$',x -> upper(x[1]) || x[2] || x[3]);
-- Once upon a time ...
Function |
Description |
Return Type |
reduce_agg() |
Aggregates values in a column using a provided binary operation and an optional combination function for distributed processing. |
Depends |
SELECT reduce_agg(value, 0, (a, b) -> a + b, (a, b) -> a + b) sum_values
VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
) AS t(value);
-- 15