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HyperLogLog functions

Minerva implements the approx_distinct() function using the HyperLogLog data structure.

Data Structures

Minerva utilizes HyperLogLog data sketches, representing them as a collection of 32-bit buckets that store a maximum hash. These sketches can be stored either sparsely, functioning as a map from bucket ID to bucket, or densely, as a continuous memory block. Initially, the HyperLogLog data structure adopts the sparse representation and transitions to the dense format when deemed more efficient. In contrast, the P4HyperLogLog structure is initialized in a dense state and maintains this denseness throughout its lifetime.

HyperLogLog implicitly casts to P4HyperLogLog, while one can explicitly cast HyperLogLog to P4HyperLogLog:

cast(hll AS P4HyperLogLog)


Serialization to and deserialization from varbinary empowers data sketches to be stored for subsequent use. When combined with the ability to merge multiple sketches, this facilitates the efficient computation of approx_distinct() for elements within a query partition. Consequently, the overall distinct count for an entire query can be determined with minimal computational cost.

For instance, computing the HyperLogLog for daily unique users enables the incremental calculation of weekly or monthly unique users by aggregating the daily results. This approach is analogous to computing weekly revenue by summing daily revenue. HyperLogLog seamlessly replaces approx_distinct() with GROUPING SETS in various scenarios. Examples include:

CREATE TABLE visit_summaries (
  visit_date date,
  hll varbinary

INSERT INTO visit_summaries
SELECT visit_date, cast(approx_set(user_id) AS varbinary)
FROM user_visits
GROUP BY visit_date;

SELECT cardinality(merge(cast(hll AS HyperLogLog))) AS weekly_unique_users
FROM visit_summaries
WHERE visit_date >= current_date - interval '7' day;



Function Description Return Type
approx_set(x) Returns the HyperLogLog sketch of the input data set x. This data sketch underlies approx_distinct() and can be stored and used later by calling cardinality(). HyperLogLog


Function Description Return Type
cardinality(hll) Performs approx_distinct() on the data summarized by the hll HyperLogLog data sketch. bigint


Function Description Return Type
empty_approx_set() Returns an empty HyperLogLog. HyperLogLog


Function Description Return Type
merge(HyperLogLog) Returns the HyperLogLog of the aggregate union of the individual hll HyperLogLog structures. HyperLogLog

Data types


A HyperLogLog sketch allows efficient computation of approx_distinct(). It starts as a sparse representation, switching to a dense representation when it becomes more efficient


A P4HyperLogLog sketch is similar to HyperLogLog, but it starts (and remains) in the dense representation.