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Conversion functions

Minerva allows implicit conversion of numeric and character values to the correct type when possible. However, it does not perform automatic conversions between character and numeric types. For instance, a query expecting a varchar will not automatically convert a bigint value to an equivalent varchar.

Explicit casting to a particular type can be done when necessary.

Conversion functions

Function Description Return Type
cast(value AS type) Explicitly cast a value as a type. Used for varchar to numeric and vice versa conversions. type
try_cast(value AS type) Similar to cast(), but returns null if the cast fails. type


Function Description Return Type
format(format, args...) Returns a formatted string using the specified format string and arguments. varchar
format_number(number) Returns a formatted string using a unit symbol. varchar
-- '123%'
SELECT format('%s%%', 123);

-- '3.14159'
SELECT format('%.5f', pi());

-- '008'
SELECT format('%03d', 8);

-- '1,234,567.89'
SELECT format('%,.2f', 1234567.89);

-- 'hello  ,  world'
SELECT format('%-7s,%7s', 'hello', 'world');

-- 'b c a'
SELECT format('%2$s %3$s %1$s', 'a', 'b', 'c');

-- 'Tuesday, July 4, 2006'
SELECT format('%1$tA, %1$tB %1$te, %1$tY', date '2006-07-04');

Data size

The parse_data_size function supports the following units:

Unit Description Value
B Bytes 1
kB Kilobytes 1024
MB Megabytes 1024²
GB Gigabytes 1024³
TB Terabytes 1024⁴
PB Petabytes 1024⁵
EB Exabytes 1024⁶
ZB Zettabytes 1024⁷
YB Yottabytes 1024⁸


Function Description
parse_data_size Parses a string of format value unit into a number.


Function Description Return Type
typeof(expr) Returns the name of the type of the provided expression. varchar