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Common Chart Components

In Superset, every chart has its special components, but there are also common components that show up in various charts. Let's take a closer look at these common components.

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1. Metrics (Mandatory)

  • Metrics represent the quantitative values or measurements to be visualized on the chart.

2. Dimension (Optional)

  • Dimensions are categorical data points providing additional context or grouping for the metrics.

3. ROW LIMIT (Optional)

  • Control the number of rows displayed on the chart to manage the data presentation.

4. SORT BY (Optional)

  • Specify a column or metric to define the sorting order for the displayed data.

5. Group By (Optional)

  • Group By allows you to categorize or group data based on a specific dimension or attribute.

6. Time (Mandatory)

  • The Time component is crucial for time-based analyses, facilitating the visualization of data trends over different time intervals.

7. Filters (Optional)

  • Filters narrow down displayed data based on specific conditions, refining the visualization.

8. Annotations (Optional)

  • Annotations are additional labels or notes added to specific points on the chart.

9. Rolling Window (Optional)

A Rolling Window refers to a statistical analysis method applied to time-series data. It involves systematically analyzing data within a fixed-size window that moves across the dataset.

  • Rolling Function (Optional) Defines the statistical operation applied within the rolling window (e.g., mean, sum).
  • Periods (Optional): Specifies the size of the rolling window.
  • Min Periods (Optional): Specifies the minimum number of periods required for calculation within the rolling window.

Enhance your understanding of chart components, tailored to specific characteristics of popular chart types: