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Pre-defined Roles and Policies

Metis supports defining roles and policies for metadata operations. A User can be assigned Roles. The policies define the set of permissions in the form of rules about what users can do with metadata, for example, whether users can only view metadata or update tags, add descriptions to data assets, change owners, or create a glossary.

Once the Metis admin creates these roles and policies, roles can be assigned to users on Metis UI.

Getting Admin Role

To provide admin access for Metis to a user, grant the authorize-metis-root-access use case to the user.

Users other than Admin can also create roles and policies in Metis if they have specific use case permissions that allow them to create roles and policies.

Personas for Metis GUI

There is a direct 1-to-1 mapping between roles and policies, within further bifurcation in rules.


Persona Description
Admin They oversee onboarding users, assign roles, and manage members and their permissions. By default, they have all the permissions.
Data Governor Compliance within the organization will be ensured by DevOps members in this role. In addition to creating tags, they will also define policies. Within the organization, everything related to governance.
Data Steward Data Stewards are the know-how around the business or organizational data. They associate the right semantics with the data assets.
Data Owner Data Owners are individuals who create a dataset or onboard a dataset. This role is intended for developers who want to manage workflows, pipelines, and data sources. They will also be responsible for managing metadata and ensuring the permissions and quality of their dataset.
Data Consumer These are data Consumers accessing data through a variety of tools to complete their day-to-day tasks. For instance, they can be a data analyst responsible for managing and supporting the data and analytical needs of their team.


Policy Rules Permission
Admin Policy Access Management Ops: ALL
Resources: User, Team, Role, Policy
Taxonomy Management Ops: ALL
Resources: Tags, Tag Category, Glossary, Glossary Term, Type
Asset Management Ops: ALL
Resources: Table, Storage Source, Database, Database Schema, Database Source, Dashboard, Dashboard Source, Charts, Metrics, MLmodel, MLmodel Source, Workflow, Workflow Source, Messaging Source, Topics, Test Suites, Webhook
Governance Policy Policy Management Ops: Create, EditAll, ViewAll
Resources: Policy, Role
Taxonomy Management Ops: EditAll, ViewAll
Resources: Tags, Tag Category, Glossary, Glossary Term, Type, Table
Data Owner Metadata Management Ops: Edit Lineage, ViewAll, EditAll, EditDescription, EditDisplayName, EditCustomFields
Resources: Workflow, Topics, Table, MLModel, Dashboard, Charts, Test Suites, Webhook, Storage Source, Database Schema, Database Source, Messaging Source, Dashboard Source, Workflow Source, MLmodel Source
Data Steward Metadata Management Ops: EditTags, EditDescription, EditDisplayName, ViewAll
Resources: Workflow, Table, Metrics, Dashboard, Charts, Dashboard Source, MLModel