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Metadata of Workflows on Metis UI

Metis has integrated "Workflow" as a "Resource” type entity for storing metadata related to its source and transformations within DataOS. On selecting Workflows, the following information will be presented on the screen:

List of Workflows
List of Workflows

Filter pane

The filter pane allows you to refine the Workflow list based on the following attributes:

Attribute Description
Advance Filter Utilize the syntax editor to filter workflows, applying various criteria with 'and/or' conditions for a more refined search.
Show Deleted Toggle to list deleted workflows.
Workspace Workspace where the Workflow is created, like public or user-specific.
Domain Select a domain like Marketing, or Finance, etc., to filter the Workflow list for associated domains.
Owner Name of the user who created the Workflow.
Tag Filter the list for tags.
Tier Filter the Workflow list based on the tier associated with the importance and criticality, such as Gold, Silver, etc.

Result pane

Here, Workflow resources will be listed. Users have the following options to customize how the list is displayed:

Option Description
Sorting Choose the Sorting order, either by the
- Last updated time or
- Relevance
Sorting order Define the sorting order as Ascending/Descending

Each Workflow in the list features a Card view that presents key information for that particular Workflow:

Attribute Description
Name Workflow name as defined in the resource YAML.
Owner Name of the user who created the Workflow.
Tier Tier associated with the importance and criticality of workflow, such as Gold, Silver, etc.
Domain Associated domain, such as Finance, Marketing etc.
Workspace Workspace where the Workflow is created like public or user-specific.
Description A description added to the Workflow for its purpose.

Overview Pane

In the Card view, click anywhere except the resource name provides a quick overview.

Quick information
Quick information

This includes the following quick reference information:

Attribute Description
Name Name of Workflow, clicking on it will open its detail view in the new tab.
Workspace Workspace where Workflow is created like public or user-specific.
Version Metadata version.
State Workflow state such as Active or Deleted.
Followers Count Count of users who are following this Workflow.
Last updated Date and time information when the Workflow was last updated.
Jobs Information about the jobs in the Workflow

Details Page

In the Result or Overview pane, clicking on the name of the Workflow opens the Resource Details page, which includes:

Comprehensive details
Comprehensive details

Workflow Information

In addition to basic Workflow information, the following details and options are provided.

Attribute Description
Resource Type Workflow
Meta Version Provides information on the latest Meta version. Click to see the version history and corresponding updates.
Updated Provides last updated time
Follow Gives the user an option to follow the Workflow to receive updates and view its follower count.
Learn Provides an option to learn more about this specific resource type
Delete Gives the user the option to delete the Workflow (click on three dots to access this option).
Owner Allow the user to edit the owner’s name.
Tier Gives the user an option to add/edit the tier information.
Domain Allows the user to add predefined domain name.
Tags Add/Remove tags/glossary terms/tag groups.
Request Tags Update (?) Request updates in tags and assign users to do it.
Description Allows the user to edit the description
Request Description Update (?) Request updates in the description and assign users to do it.
Tasks Option to view tasks created. In the side pane, the user will get the option to create a new task.
Conversations View conversations in the side pane. The user will get the option to start a new conversation by clicking on the ‘+’ sign.

The subsequent tabs will provide you with more detailed information, as explained in the following sections.


Attribute Description
Workspace Indicates workspace within DataOS instance where Workflow is created
Version Indicates the specific version or release of the DataOS Workflow Resource
State Represents the current state of the DataOS Workflow Resource
Aggregate Status Consolidated status of Workflow Resource
Builder State
Runtime State
Lifecycle Event(s) Logs significant occurrences such as creation and deletion



A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a conceptual representation of a sequence of jobs or activities. In a DAG, these jobs are executed in the order of their dependencies.

Workflow jobs


In this section, you can view a list of jobs, along with their names and descriptions, that are part of the workflow.

Click on a job to learn more about the following:


Attribute Description
Stack The version of the Stack
Log Level
Run As User Authority granted to perform operations on behalf of the assigned user ID
- Requests
- Limits
CPU and Memory allocation
Stack Specification A segment of the YAML file specifying the input, output, and steps for the transformation in the data processing job.


This section represents the Dag (of Transformations), outlining the steps defined in the Flare job. It may include one or more sequences for executing the steps necessary for performing transformations or applying Flare functions or commands. Each intermediate step in a sequence may generate a view referenced in subsequent actions or outputs. Here, users can view these sequences, SQL statements, and Flare functions used for transformations.

Dag of transformations
Dag of transformations

  • Clicking on the SQL statement will display the following details on the side pane:

SQL statement
SQL statement

| Attribute | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Name | Name of the underlying selected entity |
| Type | Type of selected entity within dag, such as step, function, frame, etc. |
| Doc | Details provided for the SQL transformation defined in the step |
| SQL | SQL statement to transform data |
| Depends | Specifies the dependency |
  • Clicking on the data frame (intermediate view) will display the following details on the side pane:

Data frame details
Data frame details

| Attribute | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Name | Name of the underlying selected entity |
| Type | Type of selected entity within dag, such as step, function, frame, etc. |
| Doc | Details provided for the transformation defined in the step |
| Depends | Specifies the dependency |
  • Clicking on the Flare function will display the following details on the side pane:

    Attribute Description
    Name Name of the selected entity
    Type Type of selected entity within dag, such as step, function, frame, etc.
    Doc Details provided for the Flare function defined in the step
    Depends Specifies the dependency


The lineage graph visually portrays the relationships between workflows and derived datasets, offering a clear representation of how data entities are related and how they might have changed over time.

Relationship between workflows and generated datasets
Relationship between workflows and generated datasets

Activity Feeds & Tasks

This space compiles all activities, including tasks and conversations, providing users with a comprehensive overview.


This section provides details about the manifest. A manifest file is a YAML configuration file that defines the configuration of various DataOS Resources.

Run History

This section includes a summary of the workflow run history.

Workflow run history
Workflow run history

Attribute Description
Run ID The unique identifier for the workflow run
Status Runtime status of the workflow run, such as Succeeded, Running, Aborted, Failed
Started At Date and time when workflow run
Duration Duration of workflow run
  • Clicking on a workflow run will display the following options.

    Run Details

    To get the workflow run details, click Run History >> RunID >> Logical Plan >> Job >> Run Details

    Run details
    Run details

    Pod Details

    To get the pod details, click Workflow Run History >> RunID >> Physical Plan >> Node

    You can access pod details, pod usage, and pod logs

    Pod details
    Pod details

    Resource Usage

    To get the workflow run details, click Run History >> RunID >> Job >> Resource Usage

    Resource usage
    Resource usage