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Metadata of Dashboards on Metis UI

The Scanner workflow extracts information from the dashboard services using non-depot Scanner workflows. This metadata is about elements such as dashboards, charts, owners, etc. The collected metadata is stored in the Metis DB, and the Metis UI presents this wealth of information under the 'Dashboards' section. Users can efficiently locate, access, and interpret these assets and their associated data.

Filter pane

The filter pane allows you to filter the dashboards list on the basis of the following attributes:

Attribute Description
Advance Filter Filter dashboards using the syntax editor, applying various criteria with 'and/or' conditions for a more refined search.
Show Deleted Set the toggle to list deleted topics.
Domain Select a domain like Marketing, or Finance, etc., to filter the Dashboard list for associated domains.
Owner Filter the list on the basis of owners of the data asset
Source Filter the list based on the source from which the dashboard data is obtained.
Tag Filter the list for associated tags.
Tier Filter the dashboard list based on the tier associated with the importance and criticality of the asset, such as Gold, Silver, etc.
Type Filter the list based on the Source type scanned

Result pane

Here, assets will be listed. Users have the following options to customize how the list is displayed:

Option Description
Sorting Choose the Sorting order
- Last updated
- Relevance
Ascending/Descending order

Each dashboard in the list will feature a Card view that displays the following information for that particular dashboard:

Attribute Description
Name Dashboard name
Owner Name of the user who created the dashboard
Tier Tier associated with the importance and criticality of asset, such as Gold, Silver, etc.
Domain Associated domain, such as Finance, Marketing etc.
Usage Percentile
Tags Associated tags
Description A description, added to the dashboard for its purpose

Overview pane

In the card view, click anywhere except the dashboard name to get the overview.

This includes the following quick reference information:

Attribute Description
Name Name of the dashboard, clicking on it will open its detail view in the new tab.
Dashboard URL URL to access the dashboard
Chart name and link Chart link to access
Type Source Type
Tags Associated tags
Description Description of the chart
Data Models

Details Page

In the Result or Overview pane, click on the name of the chart to open the Asset Details page, which includes:

Dashboard Information

In addition to basic information on the topic, the following details and options are provided.

Attribute Description
Asset Type Dashboard
Meta Version Provides information on the latest Meta version. Click to see the version history and corresponding updates.
Updated Provides last updated time
Follow Gives the user an option to follow the asset to receive updates and view its follower count.
Learn Link to documentation
Delete Gives the user the option to delete the dashboard (click on three dots to access this option).
Announcements Option to create an announcement for quick updates about the asset
Owner Allow the user to edit the owner’s name.
Tier Gives the user an option to add/edit the tier information.
Domain Allows the user to add a predefined domain name.
Tags Add/Remove tags/glossary terms/tag groups.
Request Tags Update (?) Request updates in tags and assign users to do it.
Description Allows the user to edit the description
Request Description Update (?) Request updates in the description and assign users to do it.
Tasks Option to view tasks created. In the side pane, the user will get the option to create a new task.
Conversations View conversations in the side pane. The user will get the option to start a new conversation by clicking on the ‘+’ sign.

The subsequent tabs will provide you with more detailed information, as explained in the following sections.


Attribute Description
Chart Name Name of the chart
Chart Type Type of chart, e.g., bar chart, line chart, pie chart
Description Description of the content or purpose of the chart
Tags Relevant tags for easy categorization or search

Activity Feeds & Tasks

This section compiles all activities, including tasks and conversations about the underlying dashboard, providing users with a comprehensive overview.



Lineage represents the movement of stream data from source to destination and how it is transformed as it moves. It also gives you the option to configure upstream and downstream depth and nodes per layer.