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Tutorial: Step-by-Step Lens Creation

Scenario: Sports Retail Data Analysis

The Sports Retail Store, specializing in sports apparel, equipment, and gear, is interested in gaining deeper insights into its sales and customer data. They aim to optimize their product offerings and marketing strategies by answering the following data questions during the analysis:

Analytical Objectives and Questions

  • To understand customers, find the average annual income of the customers and customers who are homeowners.
  • Sales analysis: total_revenue,by country, average order value, average purchase frequency, revenues for the given month, profit from each product
  • What is the most frequent order?
  • Who is the customer with the maximum lifespan in months?
  • How do product category-wise sales by year?
  • Can we visualize date-wise orders?
  • Compare the revenue for the given two months by sub-category.
  • How many purchased items were returned country-wise?

By addressing these data questions, data-driven decisions can be made to enhance customer satisfaction, optimize product offerings, and improve overall business performance.

Developing a Conceptual Data Model

Entity Fields and Dimensions Derived Dimensions Measure Related To Relationship
Customer first_name, last_name,
Sales order_number, customer_key,
inline_item_number, product_key,
order_quantities, order_line_item,
total_revenue, number_of_orders, number_of_customer,
first_order, last_order,
lifespan_in_year, lifespan_in_month,
avg_purchase_freq_rate, month1_revenue,
Product product_key,
product_sku, Product_color,
product_style, product_cost,
profit Sales 1:N
Returns return_date, product_key,
Territory sales_territory_key,
region, country

Defining Lens for Sports Data Analysis

Let’s start defining the Lens. We will create the ‘Sports Retail Data Analysis’ Lens to power our use case. Start defining metadata for your Lens.


name: sportsdata
description: Sports Retail Data Model Lens
owner: tmdc
  - retail
  - return
  - sports

Elements of Lens

Now define all the data elements with their attributes.

MicrosoftTeams-image (175)


We will start with mapping the Customer entity.


Write the SQL to extract the entity table and list all the columns that are selected from the underlying table in the SQL statement.

  - name: customer
      query: >
        SELECT * , cast(birth_date as timestamp) as dob FROM icebase.sports.sample_customer 
        - name: customer_key
        - name: prefix
        - name: first_name
        - name: last_name
        - name: birth_date
        - name: marital_status
        - name: gender
        - name: email_address
        - name: annual_income
        - name: occupation
        - name: home_owner
        - name: dob

Fields and Dimensions

We should include all the necessary fields and their respective data types to effectively address inquiries related to the customer entity. Additionally, it's important to designate the primary key field, and some fields may be hidden from the entity when displayed on the Lens Explorer UI.

  - name: customer_key
    description: unique identifier of a customer
    type: number
    column: customer_key
    primary: true

  - name: first_name 
    type: string
    column: first_name
    hidden: true

  - name: last_name 
    type: string
    column: last_name
    hidden: true

  - name: birth_date 
    type: date
    column: birth_date
    hidden: true

  - name: email_address 
    type: string
    column: email_address

  - name: home_owner 
    type: string
    column: home_owner

  - name: dob
    type: date
    column: dob

  - name: marital_status 
    type: string
    column: marital_status

  - name: gender 
    type: string
    column: gender

  - name: annual_income 
    type: number
    column: annual_income

  - name: occupation 
    type: string
    column: occupation

Derived Dimensions

The choice of dimensions greatly depends on the specific goals of your analysis and the questions you want to answer. They provide the context and categorization for analysis and can be created using calculations or expressions. Therefore, it's essential to carefully consider and define dimensions that align with your analytical objectives. Consider the following:

  1. The following derived dimensions have been created to enhance the granularity of our analysis. Each derived dimension is associated with a specific data type. It's important to note that we utilize SQL snippets with variable expressions ${tablename.column_name }.

      - name: full_name
        type: string
        sql_snippet: concat(${customer.first_name},' ',${customer.last_name})
        description: full name of the customer
      - name: customer_lifetime_value
        type: number
        sql_snippet: round(${customer.average_order_value}*${customer.average_purchase_frequency_rate}*${customer.customer_lifespan_in_year},2)
  2. You can perform type conversions for your data to facilitate the analysis.

      - name: home_owner_bool_value
        type: bool
        sql_snippet: case when home_owner = 'Y' then 'true' else 'false' end
  3. You have a Sales dataset containing transaction records, including a "order_date" column. You can create a new dimension, let's say "quarter," by applying a calculation to the order_ date to extract the quarter in which each transaction occurred. This new "quarter" dimension is not a direct column in your data but is derived from the existing column.

      - name: quarter
        type: number  
        sql_snippet: ${((month(sales.order_date))-1)/3 + 1)}
  4. To enhance the user experience and provide a comprehensive view of all dimensions within a single entity, subqueries have been employed to reference attributes from other tables. This approach simplifies access to relevant data and facilitates a more intuitive analysis for business users.

      - name: customer_lifespan_in_year
        type: number
        sql_snippet: ${sales.lifespan_in_year}
        sub_query: true   
      - name: customer_lifespan_in_month
        type: number
        sql_snippet: ${sales.lifespan_in_month}
        sub_query: true   
      - name: average_order_value
        type: number
        sql_snippet: ${sales.avg_order_value}
        sub_query: true 
      - name: average_purchase_frequency_rate
        type: number  
        sql_snippet: ${sales.avg_purchase_freq_rate}
        sub_query: true


Defining measures for analysis involves specifying the quantitative metrics or calculations you want to perform on your data to gain insights and make informed decisions. Measures help answer specific questions and provide valuable information about your dataset. These measures can be as simple as counting the number of records or as complex as calculating advanced statistical indicators.

Let’s define the required measures for Customer entity using SQL snippets. You can see the aggregate type mentioned here.

  - name: total_customer
    sql_snippet: ${customer.customer_key}
    type: count
    description: total number of customers

  - name: average_annual_income
    sql_snippet: ${customer.annual_income}
    type: avg
    description: average annual income of the customers

  - name: count_home_owner
    type: number
    sql_snippet: count(${customer.customer_key}) filter (where ${customer.home_owner_bool_value} = {{value:true}})

Now we will add other entities to our use case.

Entity: Product

The product-related data is currently stored in separate physical tables, including product, product_category, and product_subcategory.

To streamline and consolidate, a join operation is performed that combines the category and sub-category attributes with the Product entity when mapping it to the physical tables, creating a unified representation for the product entity in our Lens. This consolidation simplifies data management and enhances the overall efficiency of the system.

- name: product
      query: >
        SELECT product_key , product_name , category_name  as product_category_name ,
          subcategory_name as product_subcategory_name , product_description , 
          product_color , product_size , product_style , product_cost , product_price 
        inner join
        using (product_category_key)
        inner join
        - name: product_key
        - name: product_subcategory_key
        - name: product_sku
        - name: product_name
        - name: model_name
        - name: product_description
        - name: product_color
        - name: product_size
        - name: product_style
        - name: product_cost
        - name: product_price
        - name: product_category_name
        - name: product_subcategory_name

Now add fields, dimensions, and measures to the definition of the Product entity.

  • Product Entity YAML Code

    - name: product
          query: >
            SELECT product_key , product_name , category_name  as product_category_name ,
              subcategory_name as product_subcategory_name , product_description , 
              product_color , product_size , product_style , product_cost , product_price 
            inner join
            using (product_category_key)
            inner join
            - name: product_key
            - name: product_subcategory_key
            - name: product_sku
            - name: product_name
            - name: model_name
            - name: product_description
            - name: product_color
            - name: product_size
            - name: product_style
            - name: product_cost
            - name: product_price
            - name: product_category_name
            - name: product_subcategory_name
          - name: product_key
            type: number
            column: product_key
            primary: true
          - name: product_subcategory_key
            type: number
            column: product_subcategory_key
            hidden: true
          - name: product_sku
            type: string
            column: product_sku
            hidden: true
          - name: product_name
            type: string
            column: product_name
          - name: product_category_name
            type: string
            column: product_category_name
          - name: product_subcategory_name
            type: string
            column: product_subcategory_name
          - name: model_name
            type: string
            column: model_name
            hidden: true
          - name: product_description
            type: string
            column: product_description
          - name: product_color
            type: string
            column: product_color
          - name: product_size
            type: string
            column: product_size
          - name: product_style
            type: string
            column: product_style
          - name: product_cost
            type: number
            column: product_cost
          - name: product_price
            type: number
            column: product_price
          - name: profit
            type: sum
            sql_snippet: round(${product.product_price}-${product.product_cost},2)
            description: profit from each product 
          - name: total_products
            type: count_distinct
            sql_snippet: (${product.product_key})
            description: Total number of distinct products

Entity: Sales

To incorporate sales details into our data model, we will define a new entity called "Sales." This entity will encompass all the relevant measures and dimensions related to user transactions.

  • Sales Entity YAML Code

    - name: sales
          query: >
            SELECT * , cast(order_date as timestamp) as date_of_order , 
              cast(stock_date as timestamp) as date_of_stock 
            inner join
            using (product_key) 
            inner join
            - name: order_date
            - name: stock_date
            - name: order_number 
            - name: product_key
            - name: customer_key
            - name: territory_key
            - name: order_line_item
            - name: order_quantity
            - name: date_of_order
            - name: date_of_stock
            - name: year
            - name: product_price
            - name: customer_key
          - name: order_date 
            type: date
            column: order_date
            description: date of order
            hidden: true
          - name: date_of_order
            type: date
            column: date_of_order
          - name: stock_date
            type: date
            column: stock_date
            description: date of stock
            hidden: true
          - name: order_number
            type: string
            column: order_number
            description: order number
            primary: true
          - name: product_key
            type: number
            column: product_key
            description: unique identifier of a product
            hidden: true
          - name: customer_key
            type: number
            column: customer_key
            description: unique identifier of a customer
            hidden: true
          - name: territory_key
            type: number
            column: territory_key
            description: unique identifier of a territory
            hidden: true
          - name: order_line_item
            type: number
            column: order_line_item
            hidden: true
          - name: order_quantity
            type: number
            column: order_quantity
          - name: year
            type: number
            column: year
          - name: selling_price
            type: number
            column: product_price
            hidden: true
          - name: customer_id
            type: number
            column: customer_key
            hidden: true
          - name: category_name
            sql_snippet: ${product.product_category_name}
            type: string
          - name: total_revenue
            sql_snippet: sum(${sales.order_quantity}*${sales.selling_price})
            type: number
          - name: number_of_orders
            sql_snippet:  ${sales.order_number}
            type: count_distinct
          - name: number_of_customers
            sql_snippet: ${sales.customer_id}
            type: count_distinct
          - name: first_order
            sql_snippet: ${sales.order_date}
            type: min
          - name: last_order
            sql_snippet: ${sales.order_date}
            type: max
          - name: lifespan_in_year
            sql_snippet: case when date_diff('year', ${sales.first_order} , ${sales.last_order}) = 0 then 1 else date_diff('year', ${sales.first_order} , ${sales.last_order}) +1 end
            type: number
            hidden: true
          - name: lifespan_in_month
            sql_snippet: date_diff('month', ${sales.first_order} , ${sales.last_order})
            type: number
            hidden: true
          - name: avg_order_value
            sql_snippet: ${sales.total_revenue}/${sales.number_of_orders}
            type: number
            description: average order value is the average transaction value
            hidden: true
          - name: avg_purchase_freq_rate
            sql_snippet: ${sales.number_of_orders}/${sales.number_of_customers}
            type: number  
            hidden: true
          - name: month1_revenue          # integer params 
            sql_snippet: count(${sales.order_quantity}) filter (where month(${sales.order_date}) = {{first_month_no:1}})
            type: number
          - name: month2_revenue          # integer params
            sql_snippet: count(${sales.order_quantity}) filter (where month(${sales.order_date}) = {{second_month_no:2}})
            type: number
          - name: rolling_percentage_change_in_orders
            sql_snippet: >          
              round(cast((${sales.month1_revenue} - ${sales.month2_revenue}) as decimal(20,2)) /  nullif(${sales.month1_revenue} ,0),2)*100
            type: number
          - name: product_category_share_orders         # string params
            sql_snippet: count(distinct case when ${sales.category_name} = '{{product_category_name:Bikes}}' THEN ${sales.order_number} else null end) / cast(nullif(count(distinct ${sales.order_number}),0) as decimal(20,2)) *100
            type: number
          - name: date_wise_orders          # date params
            sql_snippet: count(${sales.order_number}) filter (where ${sales.order_date} = date('{{start_date:2015-01-01}}'))
            type: number
          - type: N:1
            field: customer_key
              name: customer
              field: customer_key
          - type: N:1
            field: territory_key
              name: territory
              field: sales_territory_key

Entity: Returns

As we want to analyze customer dissatisfaction and issues with product quality and services, we will need records of purchased item returns.

  • Returns Entity YAML Code

    - name: return
          query: >
            SELECT * , cast(return_date as timestamp) as date_of_return FROM icebase.sports.sample_return
            - name: return_date
            - name: territory_key
            - name: product_key
            - name: return_quantity
            - name: date_of_return
          - name: return_date
            type: date
            column: return_date
            hidden: true
          - name: date_of_return
            type: date
            column: date_of_return
            primary: true
          - name: territory_key 
            type: number
            sql_snippet: territory_key
          - name: product_key 
            type: number
            sql_snippet: product_key
          - name: return_quantity 
            type: number
            sql_snippet: return_quantity
          - type: N:1
            field: product_key
                name: product
                field: product_key
          - type: N:1
            field: territory_key
              name: territory
              field: sales_territory_key

Entity: Territory

Territory table includes various attributes or columns that provide details about each territory. It is helpful when conducting regional or geographical analyses. This table can be joined or linked to other data tables to enrich the analysis with geographical context. For example, it can be linked to a Sales Table to analyze sales data by region, or to a Customer Table to understand the distribution of customers across territories.

  • Territory Entity YAML Code

    - name: territory
          query: >
            SELECT *  FROM icebase.sports.sample_territory
            - name: sales_territory_key
            - name: region
            - name: country
            - name: continent
          - name: sales_territory_key
            type: number
            column: sales_territory_key
            primary: true
          - name: region 
            type: string
            sql_snippet: region
          - name: country
            type: string
            column: country
          - name: continent
            type: string
            column: continent


So far we have defined all the entities; now we need to create a link between these entities. Relationships define how entities are connected, enabling cross-entity analysis. For example, you can perform analyses that involve customer transactions and product sales and also purchased items returns by territory by defining relationships for Customer, Product, Returns, Territory entites defined for the usecase.

Here are the details for the relationship, target table, and fields to join:

  • Type of Relationship: The relationship between the "Sales" entity and other entities will likely be a primary-foreign key relationship. The primary key from the "Sales" entity will likely link to a foreign key in the "Customer" entity (e.g., "customer_key") and another foreign key in the "Product" entity (e.g., "product_key").
  • Target Table: The target table for the "Product" entity will be a dedicated table in the database, likely named "Sales" or something similar. This table will store all the transactional data related to sales.
  • Fields to Join: To establish the relationship between the "Sales" entity and the "Customer" and "Product" entities, you will need to use common fields that exist in both the "Sales" table and the respective target tables of the "Customer" and "Product" entities. These fields may include "customer_key" and "product_key" as mentioned earlier.

Remember that the specific fields for joining will depend on your database schema and how you've designed the "Customer," "Product," and "Sales" entities. The goal is to create a link between these entities so you can perform analyses that involve customer transactions and product sales.

- name: product
      - type: 1:N
        field: product_key
          name: sales
          field: product_key
- name: sales
      - type: N:1
        field: customer_key
          name: customer
          field: customer_key

      - type: N:1
        field: territory_key
          name: territory
          field: sales_territory_key
- name: returns
      - type: N:1
        field: product_key
            name: product
            field: product_key

      - type: N:1
        field: territory_key
          name: territory
          field: sales_territory_key

Using Dynamic Parameters (Params)

To empower users to analyze data and obtain answers to their queries with the inputs provided at runtime, we'll establish parameters. Parameters are placeholders for values that users can input during analysis. They provide a means to customize and refine data analysis based on specific inputs.

For example, a parameter {{start_date:2015-01-01}} is defined to calculate date_wise_orders for a specific date, which is '2015-01-01' by default in this example. This parameter allows you to provide any date as input, and it will return the count of sales orders for that date as specified by the user.

Likewise, a measure is defined to calculate the count of sales order quantities for a specific month, with the numeric value for the month {{first_month_no:1}} being provided by the user.

  - name: sales
      query: >
        SELECT * , cast(order_date as timestamp) as date_of_order , 
          cast(stock_date as timestamp) as date_of_stock 
        inner join
        using (product_key) 
        inner join

      - name: month1_revenue          # integer params
        sql_snippet: count(${sales.order_quantity}) filter (where month(${sales.order_date}) = {{first_month_no:1}})
        type: number

      - name: month2_revenue          # integer params
        sql_snippet: count(${sales.order_quantity}) filter (where month(${sales.order_date}) = {{second_month_no:2}})
        type: number

      - name: product_category_share_orders         # string params
        sql_snippet: count(distinct case when ${sales.category_name} = '{{product_category_name:Bikes}}' THEN ${sales.order_number} else null end) / cast(nullif(count(distinct ${sales.order_number}),0) as decimal(20,2)) *100
        type: number

      - name: date_wise_orders          # date params
        sql_snippet: count(${sales.order_number}) filter (where ${sales.order_date} = date('{{start_date:2015-01-01}}')))
        type: number

Sports Retail Lens

Here is the complete example for the sports retail data lens.

name: sportsdata
description: Sports Data Model Lens
owner: tmdc
contract: sample
  - name: customer
      query: >
        SELECT *, cast(birth_date as timestamp) as dob FROM icebase.sports.sample_customer 
        - name: customer_key
        - name: first_name
        - name: last_name
        - name: birth_date
        - name: marital_status
        - name: gender
        - name: email_address
        - name: annual_income
        - name: total_children
        - name: education_level
        - name: occupation
        - name: home_owner
        - name: dob

      - name: customer_key
        description: unique identifier of a customer
        type: number
        column: customer_key
        primary: true

      - name: first_name 
        type: string
        column: first_name
        hidden: true

      - name: last_name 
        type: string
        column: last_name
        hidden: true

      - name: birth_date 
        type: date
        column: birth_date
        hidden: true

      - name: marital_status 
        type: string
        column: marital_status

      - name: gender 
        type: string
        column: gender

      - name: email_address 
        type: string
        column: email_address

      - name: annual_income 
        type: number
        column: annual_income

      - name: total_children 
        type: number
        column: total_children

      - name: education_level 
        type: string
        column: education_level

      - name: occupation 
        type: string
        column: occupation

      - name: home_owner 
        type: string
        column: home_owner

      - name: dob
        type: date
        column: dob

      - name: full_name
        type: string
        sql_snippet: concat(${customer.first_name},' ',${customer.last_name})
        description: full name of the customer 

      - name: customer_lifespan_in_year
        type: number
        sql_snippet: ${sales.lifespan_in_year}
        sub_query: true   

      - name: customer_lifespan_in_month
        type: number
        sql_snippet: ${sales.lifespan_in_month}
        sub_query: true   

      - name: average_order_value
        type: number
        sql_snippet: ${sales.avg_order_value}
        sub_query: true 

      - name: average_purchase_frequency_rate
        type: number  
        sql_snippet: ${sales.avg_purchase_freq_rate}
        sub_query: true

      - name: customer_lifetime_value
        type: number
        sql_snippet: round(${customer.average_order_value}*${customer.average_purchase_frequency_rate}*${customer.customer_lifespan_in_year},2)

      - name: home_owner_bool_value
        type: bool
        sql_snippet: case when home_owner = 'Y' then 'true' else 'false' end

      - name: total_customer
        sql_snippet: ${customer.customer_key}
        type: count
        description: total number of customers

      - name: average_annual_income
        sql_snippet: ${customer.annual_income}
        type: avg
        description: average annual income of the customers

      - name: count_home_owner
        type: number
        sql_snippet: count(${customer.customer_key}) filter (where ${customer.home_owner_bool_value} = {{value:true}})

  - name: sales
      query: >
        SELECT * , cast(order_date as timestamp) as date_of_order , 
          cast(stock_date as timestamp) as date_of_stock 
        inner join
        using (product_key) 
        inner join
        - name: order_date
        - name: stock_date
        - name: order_number 
        - name: product_key
        - name: customer_key
        - name: territory_key
        - name: order_line_item
        - name: order_quantity
        - name: date_of_order
        - name: date_of_stock
        - name: year
        - name: product_price
        - name: customer_key

      - name: order_date 
        type: date
        column: order_date
        description: date of order
        hidden: true

      - name: date_of_order
        type: date
        column: date_of_order

      - name: stock_date
        type: date
        column: stock_date
        description: date of stock
        hidden: true

      - name: order_number
        type: string
        column: order_number
        description: order number
        primary: true

      - name: product_key
        type: number
        column: product_key
        description: unique identifier of a product
        hidden: true

      - name: customer_key
        type: number
        column: customer_key
        description: unique identifier of a customer
        hidden: true

      - name: territory_key
        type: number
        column: territory_key
        description: unique identifier of a territory
        hidden: true

      - name: order_line_item
        type: number
        column: order_line_item
        hidden: true

      - name: order_quantity
        type: number
        column: order_quantity

      - name: year
        type: number
        column: year

      - name: selling_price
        type: number
        column: product_price
        hidden: true

      - name: customer_id
        type: number
        column: customer_key
        hidden: true

      - name: category_name
        sql_snippet: ${product.product_category_name}
        type: string

      - name: total_revenue
        sql_snippet: sum(${sales.order_quantity}*${sales.selling_price})
        type: number

      - name: number_of_orders
        sql_snippet:  ${sales.order_number}
        type: count_distinct

      - name: number_of_customers
        sql_snippet: ${sales.customer_id}
        type: count_distinct

      - name: first_order
        sql_snippet: ${sales.order_date}
        type: min

      - name: last_order
        sql_snippet: ${sales.order_date}
        type: max

      - name: lifespan_in_year
        sql_snippet: case when date_diff('year', ${sales.first_order} , ${sales.last_order}) = 0 then 1 else date_diff('year', ${sales.first_order} , ${sales.last_order}) +1 end
        type: number
        hidden: true

      - name: lifespan_in_month
        sql_snippet: date_diff('month', ${sales.first_order} , ${sales.last_order})
        type: number
        hidden: true

      - name: avg_order_value
        sql_snippet: ${sales.total_revenue}/${sales.number_of_orders}
        type: number
        description: average order value is the average transaction value
        hidden: true

      - name: avg_purchase_freq_rate
        sql_snippet: ${sales.number_of_orders}/${sales.number_of_customers}
        type: number  
        hidden: true

      - name: month1_revenue          # integer params
        sql_snippet: count(${sales.order_quantity}) filter (where month(${sales.order_date}) = {{first_month_no:1}})
        type: number

      - name: month2_revenue          # integer params
        sql_snippet: count(${sales.order_quantity}) filter (where month(${sales.order_date}) = {{second_month_no:2}})
        type: number

      - name: product_category_share_orders         # string params
        sql_snippet: count(distinct case when ${sales.category_name} = '{{product_category_name:Bikes}}' THEN ${sales.order_number} else null end) / cast(nullif(count(distinct ${sales.order_number}),0) as decimal(20,2)) *100
        type: number

      - name: date_wise_orders          # date params
        sql_snippet: count(${sales.order_number}) filter (where ${sales.order_date} = date('{{start_date:2015-01-01}}')))
        type: number

      - type: N:1
        field: customer_key
          name: customer
          field: customer_key

      - type: N:1
        field: territory_key
          name: territory
          field: sales_territory_key 
  - name: product
      query: >
        SELECT product_key , product_name , category_name  as product_category_name ,
          subcategory_name as product_subcategory_name , product_description , 
          product_color , product_size , product_style , product_cost , product_price 
        inner join
        using (product_category_key)
        inner join
        - name: product_key
        - name: product_subcategory_key
        - name: product_sku
        - name: product_name
        - name: model_name
        - name: product_description
        - name: product_color
        - name: product_size
        - name: product_style
        - name: product_cost
        - name: product_price
        - name: product_category_name
        - name: product_subcategory_name

      - name: product_key
        type: number
        column: product_key
        primary: true

      - name: product_subcategory_key
        type: number
        column: product_subcategory_key
        hidden: true

      - name: product_sku
        type: string
        column: product_sku
        hidden: true

      - name: product_name
        type: string
        column: product_name

      - name: product_category_name
        type: string
        column: product_category_name

      - name: product_subcategory_name
        type: string
        column: product_subcategory_name

      - name: model_name
        type: string
        column: model_name
        hidden: true

      - name: product_description
        type: string
        column: product_description

      - name: product_color
        type: string
        column: product_color

      - name: product_size
        type: string
        column: product_size

      - name: product_style
        type: string
        column: product_style

      - name: product_cost
        type: number
        column: product_cost

      - name: product_price
        type: number
        column: product_price

      - name: profit
        type: sum
        sql_snippet: round(${product.product_price}-${product.product_cost},2)
        description: profit from each product

      - type: 1:N
        field: product_key
          name: sales
          field: product_key 

  - name: return
      query: >
        SELECT * , cast(return_date as timestamp) as date_of_return FROM icebase.sports.sample_return
        - name: return_date
        - name: territory_key
        - name: product_key
        - name: return_quantity
        - name: date_of_return

      - name: return_date
        type: date
        column: return_date
        hidden: true

      - name: date_of_return
        type: date
        column: date_of_return
        primary: true

      - name: territory_key 
        type: number
        sql_snippet: territory_key

      - name: product_key 
        type: number
        sql_snippet: product_key

      - name: return_quantity 
        type: number
        sql_snippet: return_quantity

      - type: N:1
        field: product_key
            name: product
            field: product_key

      - type: N:1
        field: territory_key
          name: territory
          field: sales_territory_key

  - name: territory
      query: >
        SELECT *  FROM icebase.sports.sample_territory
        - name: sales_territory_key
        - name: region
        - name: country
        - name: continent

      - name: sales_territory_key
        type: number
        column: sales_territory_key
        primary: true

      - name: region 
        type: string
        sql_snippet: region

      - name: country
        type: string
        column: country

      - name: continent
        type: string
        column: continent

Deploying Lens

After defining the Lens, the next step is to deploy it into the DataOS environment.


For the deployment process, the Lens YAML code is copied into the body section and the headers are selected in Postman. Finally, "Send" button is clicked to initiate the deployment.


Accessing Lens

Lens is created in DataOS environment, you can use it to gain insights from your data, run queries, generate visualizations, and perform various analyses.

Lens Created

Click on the Lens to see its schema, various entities and relationships which you defined in YAML.

Schema Relation

Below is a graphical diagram illustrating the relationships between different entities:


Next, let's dive into the analysis of date-wise orders.

  1. Open Lens Explorer, where you will find a list of entities along with their fields, dimensions, and measures.
  2. Start by selecting the entities and the specific fields, dimensions, or measures you want to analyze.
  3. Run your query, and if necessary, provide any parameter values required for your analysis.
  4. You will see the results and charts displayed on the screen. Behind the scenes, Lens will automatically generate a Lens query for your selection and also generate the corresponding SQL query.

Date Wise Order Param

Running Queries

As we have fields, dimensions, and measures in place, it is very easy to use Lens to answer data questions by just selecting data elements on the Lens Explorer UI. You will also get the charts that can be exported to create dashboards.

Purchased Items Return by Country Analysis

Select the number of returns (Returns) and execute the query. You can also visualize the data using a chart. This analysis is valuable for identifying customer dissatisfaction and assessing product performance. It enables proactive measures to address any issues.

Return by Country

Automatically Generated Lens Query:

Automatically Generated Lens Query

The corresponding SQL query was generated for the Lens query.

Generated SQL Query

Most Frequent Order Analysis

Select customer_key(Customer) and number of orders (Sales) for the running query. You can choose the sorting order and limit the number of records in the user interface.

Frequency Order

Customer with Maximum Lifespan in Months

Select the customer key, customer lifespan in months, and email address from the Customer entity. This query helps run email campaigns targeting loyal customers.


Product Category Share Order by Year

Select the product category share order and year from Sales entity. Set the new value for the product category.

Product Category Share

Date-Wise Orders Analysis

Select date-wise order (Sales) and the number of orders (Sales). Specify a specific date as input and execute the query.

Date Wise Orders

Compare Two Months' Revenue by Sub-Category

Select month1 revenue and month2 revenue (Sales) along with Product sub-category (Product). View the query results for default values, or input your desired months and run the query.

Compare 2 Months