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Single Value Range

We will now introduce the Single value configuration option, which is exclusive to the Numerical Range filter. This option is utilized to set up a single value type for minimum, maximum, and exact values.

Filter Configuration Options

The following configuration options are available for these filter types:

Value Numerical Range Time Range Time Column Time Grain
Pre-filter available values
Sort-filter value
Single value

Single Value Range

Option available for this Filter Type: Numerical Range

The Single value option is exclusive to numerical ranges, serving to restrict the number or range that can be specified in a numerical range filter. To employ this feature, ensure that you are operating with a Numerical Range filter.

Within the Filter Configuration panel, opt for Single Value.

Then, select a single value type:

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Minimum: In the numerical range filter, there exists only one anchor point, which is employed to designate a minimum (i.e., starting point) for a range. For instance, if "26" is chosen, then all values greater than or equal to 26 will be encompassed by the filter. It's worth noting the presence of a blue highlight, indicating the filtered range.

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Exact: The numerical range filter consists of a single anchor point, employed to specify an exact value. Only chart data corresponding to the selected value will be incorporated.

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Maximum: In the numerical range filter, there exists only one anchor point, utilized to designate a maximum (i.e., ending point) for a range. For instance, if "63" is selected, then all values less than or equal to 63 will be encompassed by the filter. It's worth noting the presence of a blue highlight, indicating the filtered range.

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