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Implementing Data Masking Policy

The subsequent section guides you through the process of crafting a data masking policy tailored to your specific needs.

Create a Data Policy YAML Configuration

The first step entails creating a data policy. This policy is designed to mask the content in the email_id column of a sample dataset. It achieves this by utilizing a hashing technique, specifically targeting users who possess the custom tag roles:id:test:user.

version: v1
name: test-policy-pii-hash
type: policy
layer: user
description: "data policy to hash pii column - email_id"
    type: mask
    priority: 90
    depot: icebase
    collection: sample
    dataset: test_dataset
        match: any
          - "roles:id:test:user"
          - "email_id"
      operator: hash
        algo: sha256
Data Masking Policy YAML configuration

Apply the Policy

Following policy creation, you'll need to apply the policy using the DataOS CLI. This can be achieved using the following command:

dataos-ctl apply -f email_id_mask_hash.yml
# Expected Output
INFO[0000] 🛠 apply...
INFO[0000] 🔧 applying test-policy-pii-hash:v1:policy...
INFO[0001] 🔧 applying test-policy-pii-hash:v1:policy...created
INFO[0001] 🛠 apply...complete

Verify the Policy Application

Once the policy has been applied, run a query on the DataOS Workbench and check the column in the output data. This will confirm whether the email_id column values have been successfully hashed.

Column values hashed after the data policy implemented

Column values hashed after the data policy implemented

This image shows how the email_id column values appear after the data policy has been implemented, indicating a successful hash operation.

Upon querying a dataset, the interface displays all the policies applied to it. If a governance policy has been implemented on the queried table, a cautionary triangle symbol will appear in the result bar of the result pane, signaling the presence of such a policy.

Red cautionary triangle indicates you have limited permission to query this table

Red cautionary triangle indicates you have limited permission to query this table