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Local to Cloud using Standalone 2.0

Let’s take a case scenario, where we read data from the Local system and write it to the environment Pulsar.

To know more about the details of other supported input and output data sources navigate to the following link

But before diving right into the programming stuff, let’s make sure that we have the required prerequisites.


Install/Update DataOS CLI with the latest version

DataOS CLI should be installed on your system with the latest version. To get the details of the CLI version run the command, after logging into DataOS

dataos-ctl version

Note: Make sure you are logged into DataOS before executing the above command. In case you haven’t logged in, execute dataos-ctl login in the terminal

If CLI is not updated to the latest version, navigate to the below page


Get the Pulsar-admin tag

Since we would be dealing with Pulsar format, you will need the pulsar-admin tag to write the data to the environment pulsar. To check the available tags that you have, execute the command:

dataos-ctl user get
# Output
            NAME     |     ID      |  TYPE  |        EMAIL         |              TAGS               
      IamGroot   |   iamgroot  | person |    | roles:direct:collated,                                          
               |             |        |                      | roles:id:data-dev,              
               |             |        |                      | roles:id:depot-manager,         
               |             |        |                      | roles:id:depot-reader,          
               |             |        |                      | **roles:id:pulsar-admin**,    # this is the required Pulsar-admin tag     
               |             |        |                      | roles:id:system-dev,            
               |             |        |                      | roles:id:user,                  
               |             |        |                      | users:id:iamgroot

Operationalize Docker, if you wanna Read/Write IO Locally

Docker should be installed and running on the system. If Docker is installed on your system, move to the next step in case it's not installed, visit the official Docker installation page for the same by clicking the link

Basics of Scala Programming

Flare Standalone uses Scala Programming Language. In case you don’t have any idea about Scala, no worries we have got you covered with some basic commands that will help you make the most of Standalone.

Getting started

Download and Unzip Sample Data

  1. Download the folder provided below

  1. Extract the downloaded file. It contains only one folder by the name standalone. Open the code editor inside the flare-standalone-2 folder.
  2. Now the scenario looks like the image below, where you have opened the code-editor inside the flare-standalone-2 folder which contains the standalone folder which further contains one folder by the name default directory having the transactions data and another file by the name pulsar-write.yaml

Adding details to the Flare Standalone Workflow YAML

  1. Open pulsar-write.yaml file using the code editor. The YAML looks like the one given below
version: v1
name: standalone-write-pulsar
type: workflow
  - standalone
  - writeJob
  - pulsar
title: Write to pulsar in standalone mode
description: |
  The purpose of this workflow is to verify if we are able to read different
  file formats & write by exploring standalone mode. 

    - name: standalone-pulsar-write
      title: Write to pulsar using standalone mode
      description: |
        The purpose of this job is to verify if we are able to read different
        file formats & write by exploring standalone mode.
          - standalone
          - writeJob
          - pulsar
          PULSAR_SSL: true
          ENABLE_PULSAR_AUTH: true
          DATAOS_RUN_AS_APIKEY: <dataos-api-key>
        stack: flare:3.0
        compute: runnable-default
            explain: true
            logLevel: INFO
              - name: oms_transactions_data
                inputType: file
                  path: /data/examples/default/transactions/
                  format: json
              - name: finalDf
                outputType: pulsar
                  serviceUrl: pulsar+ssl://<protocol>.<dataos-context>:<port>
                  adminUrl: https://tcp.<dataos-context>:<port>
                  topic: transactions12
              - sequence:
                  - name: finalDf
                    sql: SELECT * FROM oms_transactions_data LIMIT 10
  1. Naming convention for local read/write IO The paths given in the sample pulsar-write.yaml for local read/write are the docker container paths where the data will be mounted. If your data is located at the path let’s say standalone/default/transactions/, your data is present inside the transactions and you have opened the terminal inside the standalone folder the input file path in YAML will be /data/examples/data/transactions/ But if you have opened the terminal outside the standalone folder, the path will be /data/examples/standalone/data/transactions/ You can store the data directory and the pulsar-write.yaml anywhere you want you just have to configure the paths accordingly.
  2. You also require the DataOS prime apikey which you can get by executing the below command
dataos-ctl user apikey get

If you don’t have it you can also create a new one

  1. Now the last and final aspect that’s missing is the serviceUrl and the adminUrl, for which you require two things

    1. <dataos-context> - This is provided by the system administrator in your organization
    2. <port> - The serviceUrl and AdminUrl ports are available in the Operations App. To know more, navigate to the below page

    Getting the Port of Service and AdminUrl

Running the Flare Workflow YAML

  1. Use the below command to run the pulsar-write.yaml.
dataos-ctl develop start -s <flare-version> -i <custom-image> -f <path-of-config.yaml> -d <path-of-data-directory> -P <port-number>


dataos-ctl develop start -s flare:3.0 -i rubiklabs/flare3:6.0.93 -f standalone/pulsar/pulsar-write.yaml -d standalone -P 14044

Note: The path of pulsar-write.yaml and standalone directory could either be absolute or relative path. The port number by default is set at 14040, but if you have a job already running on 14040 you can configure it to a different port e.g. 14044.

  1. Since we have exposed the Spark Web UI on port 14044, we can type localhost:14042 in any web browser to check the status of the Job
Flare standalone

To know more about the various sections of the Spark UI and what each one of them signifies navigate to the link

  1. On successful execution, the Scala command line shell will open as below:
2022-12-05 05:28:10,854 INFO  [main] i.d.f.c.ProcessingContext: **run complete.
# When you see this run complete message then only your job has successfully executed**
2022-12-05 05:28:10,865 INFO  [dispatcher-BlockManagerMaster] o.a.s.s.BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on a1a833f1a4b1:38377 in memory (size: 38.9 KiB, free: 366.3 MiB)
Flare session is available as flare.
    Welcome to
         ______   _                       
        |  ____| | |                      
        | |__    | |   __ _   _ __    ___ 
        |  __|   | |  / _` | | '__|  / _ \
        | |      | | | (_| | | |    |  __/
        |_|      |_|  \__,_| |_|     \___|  version 1.2.0

    Powered by Apache Spark 3.3.0
Using Scala version 2.12.15 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_262)
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
  1. You can check the written topic on the environment Pulsar using the following command
dataos-ctl fastbase topic -n public/default list
# Expected Output
INFO[0000] 🔍 list...                                    
INFO[0002] 🔍 list...complete                            

                         TOPIC                        | PARTITIONED  
  persistent://public/default/sampleTopic             | Y            
  persistent://public/default/city_pulsar_01          | N            
  persistent://public/default/random_users001         | N            
  persistent://public/default/sampleTopic-partition-0 | N            
  persistent://public/default/sampleTopic-partition-1 | N            
  persistent://public/default/sampleTopic-partition-2 | N            
  persistent://public/default/sampleTopic-partition-3 | N            
  persistent://public/default/sample_topic01          | N            
  persistent://public/default/sample_topic02          | N            
  persistent://public/default/sample_topic03          | N            
  persistent://public/default/sample_topic04          | N            
  persistent://public/default/sampletopic01           | N            
  **persistent://public/default/transactions123         | N   # Written Pulsar Topic**             
  persistent://public/default/transactionsdatatopic   | N