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Elements of Lens


A table is a logical construct used to define an entity. It contains information about joins (relationships), dimensions, measures, and segments. Each table is defined in a separate YAML file.

To draw a parallel with common data modelling concepts, ‘Table’ is equivalent to the concept of ‘Entity’.

Iris board
Tables and Views


In the example below the account table is defined for a sales analytics lens

  - name: account
    sql: {{ load_sql('account') }}
    description: Table containing information about the account
    data_source: icebase
    public: true

      - name: customer_id
        column: customer_id
        type: string
        description: Concatenation for customer and product.
        primary_key: true

      - name: city
        column: city
        type: string
        description: City of the customer.        

      - name: total_accounts
        type: number
        description: Total customers.
        sql: count(distinct {TABLE.customer_id})       

Parameters Supported

The table declaration involves the following parameters:

Property Description Possible Value Best Practice
name Specify the name of the table:
- Should start with a letter only
- Can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores
^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ Use snake_case. For example: sales_insight
sql Add a reference to the SQL file to map data to the table. SQL mapping is maintained in a separate file NA Keep SQL clearly named for easy maintenance.
description Description of the table's purpose NA Provide a concise yet informative description to aid understanding
public Controls visibility of the table, i.e., whether the table is visible to all users or hidden True, False Use True for tables that should be widely accessible and False for those that are sensitive or irrelevant to most users​
joins Define the relationship with other tables. Left joins are created. The table within which the join is defined is on the left. NA Use joins judiciously to avoid transitive join issues
dimensions Dimensions associated with the table for slicing and dicing data NA Define dimensions that are frequently used in filtering and grouping data​
measures Aggregation over a dimension NA Focus on measures that provide key business insights.
segments An array of segments can be defined. Segments are to filter data based on specific criteria NA Create segments that represent filter groups used in common business queries to enhance usability​


The join parameter can be used to define the relationship between two tables. Lens employs left join for all joins it generates. It's important to note that the table (referred to as the base table) in which the join is specified will always be positioned on the left side of the join.

Three types of joins are supported:

  • one-to-one
  • one-to-many
  • many-to-one

Supported Parameters

Property Description
name Candidate target table for joining with the base table
relationship Type of join relationship with other tables - one-to-one, one-to-many,many-to-one
sql Join clause Syntax: base_table.key = target_table.key


In this example, we define the base table and outline its relationship with another table. Specifically, multiple transactions can reference the same product, establishing a many-to-one relationship between the transactions table and the products table. In this context, the placeholder {TABLE} refers to the base table, which is the transactions table.

  - name: transactions
    sql: {{ load_sql('transactions') }}
    description: Table containing information about customer records.
      - name: products
        relationship: many_to_one
        sql: "{TABLE.skuid}= {products.skuid}"   


The dimension declaration involves the following properties:

Property Description Possible Value Best Practice
name Unique identifier of the dimension ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ Use snake_case.
For example: order_date
title Human-readable title of the dimension. Use ‘title’ to change the display name String Provide a clear and concise title for better readability and user understanding
description Description of the dimension's purpose String Provide a detailed description to explain the dimension's business value
column Add a reference to the column defined in the table’s SQL You can define custom SQL in a table’s dimension but as a best practice, we recommend defining it in a table’s SQL.
public Controls visibility of dimension, i.e. whether the dimension is visible to all users or hidden. If not mentioned explicitly, by default this property is true True, False Set to True for key dimensions that should be visible by default
primary_key The key on which the join relationship will be defined Column name Ensure each dimension has a unique primary key to maintain data integrity
type The data type of the dimension string, number, time, boolean Choose the appropriate data type to ensure proper sorting and filtering​
meta Key-value pairs Use metadata to provide additional context about the dimension, such as tags, or custom attributes
case Defines dimension based on SQL conditions

- when parameters declare a series of SQL conditions and labels that are returned if the condition is true
- else parameter declares the default label that would be returned
SQL conditions and labels Use for creating conditional dimensions
format Specifies the format of the dimension, particularly useful for time
sub_query Sub-query for the dimension. Set the flag to reference a measure in dimension Use to define complex dimensions using sub-queries
propagate_filters_to_sub_query Determines if filters should propagate to sub-queries True, False Use this property to control the behavior of filters in complex queries


The measure declaration involves the following properties:

Property Description Possible Value Best Practice Usage
name Unique identifier of the measure ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ Use snake_case. For example: total_revenue
sql SQL expression to define the measure In SQL, custom SQL expressions can be defined.
- Useful for specifying formulas.
- Helps calculate other measures in SQL.
title Human-readable title of the measure String Provide a clear and concise title for better readability and user understanding
type The data type of the measure time, string, number, boolean, count, sum, count_distinct, count_distinct_approx, avg, min, max Choose the appropriate type to match the measure's calculation method
description Description of the measure's purpose String Highlight Purpose and Usage
public Controls visibility of the measure True, False Set to True for key measures that should be visible by default
filters Filters applied to the measure SQL conditions To aggregate a measure for a specific category, apply a filter.
For example, apply a filter for product category.
Syntax: {table}.{dimension_name} = 'dimension_value'
e.g. sales.product_category = 'Electronics'
rollingWindow Defines a rolling window for time-based measures { trailing: time period } Use for calculating measures over a specific time window, such as trailing 7 days or trailing 1 month. Example:

  name: count_month
  SQL: id
  type: count
    trailing: 1 month
    offset: end

- trailing and leading parameters define window size.
- offset can be start or end of the date range
drillMembers Define drill-down fields on a measure Array of dimensions Define drill members to enable detailed exploration of a measure across dimensions specified on the dashboard
format Format the output of measures
meta Custom metadata


Segments are pre-defined groups of filters.

The segment declaration involves the following properties

Property Description Possible Value
name Specify the name of the dimension NA
public Controls visibility of dimension, i.e. whether the dimension is visible to all users or hidden True, False
sql Add filter criteria: table.{dimension} = “dimension_values” NA
meta Custom metadata. This is also used to define secure sub property NA

To know more about segments click here